Hey Sup Forums, I'm a reporter with BuzzFeed News and I want to hold a little unofficial survey. How are you doing financially? Are you a NEET? Are you economically anxious? How much did your last significant purchase cost? Do you own a car, a home, or guns?
Hey Sup Forums, I'm a reporter with BuzzFeed News and I want to hold a little unofficial survey...
I'm Donald Trump
You're a failing piece of garbage
Eat shit
i'm gay
LARPing faggot
I would answer but thing is you guys have openly stated you want to kill all the white people.
Now what sort of equality for all driven liberal would I be if I supported a fascist organization such as yours by answering questions for a reporter?
You can fuck right off. And no Bernie should have been the nominee Fuck you people for troll shielding for Hillary you are the reason trump won. If you had any grace at all you would shut down your company.
I'm Bill Gates
You're a failing piece of garbage
Eat shit
Buzzfeed? you're not a reporter m8
Obvious larps get saged friendo
>not posting a timestamp
Get your shit outta here larper
give us your name
I'm Rodrigo Duterte
You're a failing piece of garbage
Eat shit
I'm an apple farmer.
Buy more apple juice.
Apple juice is good for you.
Invest in apples.
I have enough money saved up to buy a house for cash in my area. But I'm saving it to buy as much Zyklon B as possible instead.
I jerk off to traps and troll the left because the left annoys the fucking shit out of me.
Give us ur credit card numbr
>I'm a reporter with BuzzFeed News
you are many things, but a reporter you are not.
Give us ur credit card number. oh wait, we allready know it
I identify myself sexually as a faggot
Here's my response to your survey you stupid fuck.
Doing well financially. Dual income 2 kid household. Net worth about 500k.
Last significant purchase? I bought a new pair of skis last year, ~500 or so, but we own our car and rarely make any big purchases.
We rent our home, we have 1 Remington bolt action rifle, not often used.
I'm Theresa May
You're a failing piece of garbage
Eat shit
>How much did your last significant purchase cost?
Yer mum 40$ for a half n half
>Doing financially
Broke as fuck. I somehow blew through 30k last year and I'm planning to change careers soon.
>Are you a NEET
No, I "own" an expensive apartment in one of the most expensive parts of one of the most expensive cities on the planet. And I own a large amount of land in a coastal tourist area.
>Economically anxious
I probably should be, but I don't get anxious.
>How much did your last significant purchase cost
>Do you own a car
>a home
"own" lol.
No, but eventually when I can be bothered, I will.
I'm wondering if I should by that Nikon P900 or a new 700$ lens for my t5i. How's that? How about you, faggot?
I take shit on a street btw
>own multiple cars
>own many guns
>live in a gated community
>avoid dindus like the plague - welfare war now!
>OP is a faggot
>How are you doing financially?
Extremely well off. Tremendous, really. Probably doing far better than you, Joe Bernstein.
>Are you a NEET?
I own my own company.
>Are you economically anxious?
Not in the slightest.
>How much did your last significant purchase cost?
>Do you own a car, a home, or guns?
All three.
Trailer park?
Nice bait goyim
Fake news
I actually have to ask do YOU have a job? I didn't know they paid for people to shitpost on Sup Forums these days as a job.
mcmansion park
I'm Spartacus
a lot of us here at Sup Forums make a really good living. We're not poor neets who can't accomplish anything. Be afraid
Go on a shooting spree in the buzzfeed office and then turn the gun on yourself, faggot.
How do you not kill yourself knowing you work for a shit website meant for kiddie retards?
i am ex-buzzffeed reporter and i quit buzzfeed to make youtube videos about buying handbags because i was kicked out the video team because i wasn't ugly, black or lesbian. can you guess who i am? i have an NDA which says i can't talk about my settlement for my victimization case. but i now live in a paid off apartment in LA. too bad you'll never guess wh0 i am.
I'm poor as fuck. I'm just out of school. I worked hard and don't have any debt. I own my truck outright. I have several firearms. My last significant purchase was groceries. I paid $80 for this month's food.
Buzzfeed, you are the degenerate leftist elites that are profiting off the ruination of this nation. Fuck you.
I have crippling depression.
Retired at 36
Financially independent
Does NEET include retired people?
Not anxious at all
$2500, 1975 jeep CJ 5
No car, 2 trucks, i jeep, 2 motorcycles, 2 snowmobiles, ATV, boat
Own house and a cabin
Around a dozen and a half guns, i don't really count them anymore
I am a 24 year old male prostitute that makes 200k a year.
I own a apartment in New York and drive a moped.
As for weapons I own a licensed airsoft rifle.
How long has Buzzfeed been an Operation Mockingbird - C.I.A. run outlet ?
still trying arts but people don't seems to like it, maybe politic could work out better for me,
Buzzfeed is the definition of fake news
I'm Malcolm Turnbull
You're a failing piece of garbage
Eat shit wanker
I'm a manager at an internet company that helps push the right message online. I do alright and get to work from home but I could really use a raise.