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Farm show complex in Harrisburg, PA. That's the worst stadium seating ever. If you're over 5'5 150lbs you're gonna have a bad time.
Have you considered that, since Trump is clearly not depicted on the stage, that the rally has not begun yet?
>Farm Show arena nose-bleed seats behind stage
Those are usually empty during a concert.
See people there?
Record crowd.
Yeah, all those people are filming the stage because it's just so pretty.
Yeah, they were filming for hours before he even took stage.
Fine, believe that Trump has no supporters just like in 2016. Then watch as you lose in 2020 in an even bigger landslide.
Good indicator of the average size of a Central Pa. farmer during the early and mid 20th century.
Under 6 feet and slim.
I remember those seats being rather cramped and uncomfortable even as a teen.
They aren't even pretending to be unbiased anymore lmao
When you're starving in the wilderness, a crust of bread looks like filet mignon.
sounds familiar, like inauguration day
Or cram as many people in as they can because tractor square dancing.
>Over 150lbs
So most Trump voters.
Long time trump supporter here. I left him and it's no surprise others are doing so as well.
antifa manlit twig detected
Half of 2017 has almost gone by already and you're still posting fake news from a proxy. Rethink your life.
hard to get any real jabs in at the blokes who won the election
Nice try, Shlomo.
Fucking a Sup Forums, call it out as the first
are you an under 18, skinnylet?
Stop giving HuffPo clicks, you dumb fuck. Archive.
He's losing his base from selling out to the kikes
Weakling detected
I actually did leave cause he's a sell out. I don't even think Brock gives a shit about this place anymore tbqh
nice try Goldbergstein
Whatever u say. Keep trusting trump. Good goy
You dont even have the same id you kike
you mean journalist tweets photoshopped fake news to make trump look bad.
Yeah cause I'm not the same person
>im a globalist and a nationalist
good. he is a traitor. someone should kill his daughter
>the huff
How is that still in publication?
This was before presidency though. I'm sure more people will attend rallies if he actually manages to do the stuff that we wanted him to do.
i.e.: 1)ban the fucking immigrants 2)build the fucking wall
don't you have a wall to build, paco?
People were still in line, waiting to get in during that time.
Fake news being fake news.
The fact that this is actually news to him, tells me all I need to know about the media
P.S: The election is over, journalists. Maybe report on what Trump has accomplished instead, which is a lot. But oh wait, you don't care, you just want to make him look bad because you're a bunch of dishonest people with a liberal agenda. Nevermind.
Enjoy jail.
>the cucked nation
Enjoy your immanent social jail
He's turning his back on a few things but idk he'll be destroyed if he turns back on those we all know it but faggots on the Donald and here will say its 4d chess or call u a shill if u point it out
fuck off, shill.
>half of 2017 has almost gone by
>you will enter your 30s next year
>you'll be a father next year
>you never finished playing skyrim, never even started fallout 4, and have yet to finish a paradox megacampaign
>your wife still can't take your cock in her ass without a Herculean effort
Heh, 4d chess! U fell right for my trap!!
Epic ownage xD
Implying pol cares about Drumpf
Did you make sure he didn't get his hands on the nuclear codes first?
how the FUCK do we take away the nuclear codes???
this my neger
>bread looking like meat
Man, get out of here with that shit analogy. I get what you mean, but it is stupid as fuck
I was sitting in that empty section and I'm not in this picture, but I was there when Pence came out.
DESU there were empty seats around me but it was probably worst seats in the place.
Literally larger than any rally hillary had.
150 is not a lot, at all
Based Hans.
Plompf is finished
You must be a weak fag if you're under 150lbs
Or a girl
Meanwhile no one even bothered watching the Poo in Loo comedian during the WHCA Dinner.
Everyone heard Trump tell the Snake poem again.
Proof I was in that section
>~20 empty seats
I'm 6' 210lbs
What the fuck
I'm 5'6" and over 150 pounds
Go eat a sandwich you walking skeletor
still the bilionaire what?
Damn looks like Hillary will win, he really has to get his shit together.
I'm still in a dream... SNAKE EATER!
That poem was glorious.
I'm watching it now, looks full to me
>as pence arrives
>the seats behind the stage aren't full
>im definitely not trying to set a narrative here
dishonest media.
Wtf I'm voting Hillary now.
Dishonest Media BTFO
they were still in line but i don't think anymore were allowed in due to standing floor spots pushing them to fire code limit.
>not even getting anal done
Pepe-cake eating, maga hat wearing fatty detected
Welll, yeah...and this.
Muh shekels.
Some libcucks are really dishonest though, they're still using the photo from Inauguration Day taken hours before the event to "prove" that Trump isn't popular.
Just makes them seem more and more dishonest over time.