If the polls were WRONG AS FUCK about trump before the election

Why are we trusting the approval ratings now? I bet trumps real approval rating is 70 percent.

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The polls were never wrong, though. Hillary had more votes. She won the election, fair and square.

We don't care. Our guy won. Now forward for Le pen

HOL UP, people actually trust the polls?

By reading and understanding what we read.

The polls weren't wrong--they were polling the wrong thing, is all. They polled likely voters. And then those people didn't vote and unlikely voters did.

The approval rating polls are polling Americans in general. No one is trying to separate them by groups--it's a general sample.

Trump is a kike

Polls were right, he lost about 3mln votes. One term.

Do you actually approve of what he is doing?

Or are you still on the high of fuck political correctness that you really have no idea about the policies he is implementing?

The polls were right for the most part. He lost by 3 million votes.

Trump supporters cherry pick polls that happen to be convenient for them

Your mommy would give your college fund to trump just to have him grab her by the pussy.

Uh... hes going to lower taxes and get rid of the estate tax.
If you think the estate tax is a good thing you probably have an 85 iq

Trumpflakes are no better than berntards

Atleast his mom is classy to have trump do it. Your mom just gets grabbed by the pussy by your broke ass dad and all garbage men she used to fuck.

Please mr doland! Lower the taxes for the rich so the wealth will trickle down!

Oh I didn't vote for this fucker but I am going to make out like a bandit.

Tax breaks only help 100k+. Estate tax actually helps people with estates to give. (Your shitty apartment you rent or your 200k house isn't an "estate")

15% business tax. Start a small business and get tax breaks.

All of this while his core "Mexicans are stealing our jobs" don't benefit at all and all their government assisted services get cut.

Oh and mr. high IQ trickle down economics doesn't work in places where the wealthy don't live. Sorry Boonville, Kentucky and McDowell County!

Please mrs clinton! Raise taxes so the rich do what they did to france and move their wealth to another country!

You do understand that people have a choice where they want to stash their money, dont you?
Do you know why singapore, hong kong, and monaco have more money than they know what to do with?
Maybe you should grow a brain before you post here fag.


The polls during the campaign season were wrong because they adjusted the polls to over represent Democrats. They made a number of faulty assumptions, that Democrats (especially blacks) would vote in similar numbers as they did for Obama, that voters would be so outraged over Trump they'd be driven to go to the polls, and believed the cuckservatives when they suggested Republicans didn't really support Trump.

A relatively low number of people actually watched what was going on at Trump's versus Hillary's rallies, so it's not that weird that they'd have this warped perception of who was more popular than the other (they hated panning the camera to show the crowds as we all remember).

Trump did do a bit poorly on a national level, but we don't do elections based on total voters and instead use an electoral college. Trump, as shown in unskewed polls, was continuously doing fantastic in places like Minnesota and Michigan in comparison to Hillary. This should have been something Hillary and the Democrats were worried about, but they thought it'd work out better to appeal to the nation as a whole via celebrities due to being functionally retarded.

The approval ratings are suffering from a somewhat similar problem. Because Democrats almost always despise a Republican candidate, whereas Republicans will try judging whether the person is competent and are more willing to say they're doing a decent job. So you get lopsided polls where some Republicans will say the Republican candidate isn't doing too hot while all Democrats say he's Hitler. Whereas if it was a Democrat candidate then you'd still get some Republicans saying he was doing OK whereas all Democrats would say the person can walk on water.

So the current polls are still bullshit and that should be taken into account when reading them.

There's a basic problem of pollsters simply not wanting to address the problem that they have their assumptions about demographics wrong.

who cares what his approval rating is he won and has power






You know Hong Kong is going through a financial downturn?

Also, it's illegal to have a secret bank accounts that you don't pay taxes on. This is Sup Forums everyone needs to follow the law!!

Countries compete for your money you idiot.
Just like a hardware store, if home depot starts adding "faggot tax" to everything you buy there, then everybody will go to lowes or true value and home depot will go out of business.
Do you know what economics is you chincy limp wristed homosexual?

I'll grab your pussy.


96% of his voters would still vote for him if the election was held today. Considering he did not win the popular vote, the polls make still be "accurate" in the sense that they're likely polling liberal shithole city folk instead of the rest of the country.

My pussy is for the dolan only.

You stupid fuck that has never left the fucking country! As a US citizen you legally have to pay taxes on all your wealth no matter it is in the world.

If you work in Hong Kong and have your money in a bank there you still have to pay federal taxes to the US.

People who have secret accounts in different countries do it to not pay taxes back to the US. This is illegal no matter what you fucking want to say about taxes and how high they are.

>most butthurt country ever.


>the polls make still be "accurate" in the sense that they're likely polling liberal shithole city folk instead of the rest of the country

They probably are polling much of the country, but they're making mistakes like suggesting 45%-55% of the country identifies as Democrats when it's closer to 33%-37%. It's a decent rule of thumb to think of it as about a third of the country as identifying with each group, the Republicans, independents, and the Democrats.



As far as we know the national polls were accurate, trump did lose the popular vote. However, states that were within the margin of error were clearly way wrong. Of course we don't know how many fraudulent votes were cast, especially in Califagña and Jew York, so who knows.

I'm pretty sure trumps real approval rating is at 50-60% max. Many people still get all their information from Facebook and Twitter so it's not unrealistic to believe that a lot of people don't like him because of the dozens of retarded headlines they see

James Dolan?


To add if you have such a high IQ and you have been avoiding paying taxes on your wealth for the past 20+ years you are telling me you are going to bring that money back into the country?

Knowing of course it is illegal to not pay taxes.

Can you be my financial advisor? Your IQ in banking, personal wealth and "economics" is off the charts!!! Comparing retail taxes to banking, genius!

I have friends whos parents have hong kong, monaco citizenship. In that case they dont have to pay us taxes.
Ya fucking shit-eater. Go tend to your pig mommies vagina ;)

If they are a US citizen even with dual citizenship you have to pay US taxes!!

Get educated.


Companies defer payment.

It seem like your friend parents are tax evading piece of shit, great for you I suppose?

I know companies defer. Just like all the tech companies have offices in Ireland for that reason alone.

In this case we were discussing personal wealth/income

What is a daily approval rating supposed to be anyway. I like most of Trump actions so far but some I am less supportive of. Measuring approval on a day to day rather than issue to issue basis sounds like their just polling how many democrat voters their at at any given moment. Not sure that's very useful outside of election season.

>tfw you're in a representative republic and popular vote means dick shit.
shill harder sweetie, 2/10

They have a visa for the us but full citizenshep for the lower tax country.
Doesnt that make more sense if you want to save your money?
Go back to school faggot.
This is a free world to money. Nobody is going to scare you away if youve got pockets full of cash. Look at why switzerland is so full off banks bursting at the seams. They give heroin to addicts for free there and its still the most desirable place to live in the world.

Dumb shit a visa isn't a US citizens. Jesus Christ. They aren't Americans. They only pay taxes on income earned while in the US.

Yeah let me go back to school to figure out if a visa is a citizen.

I feel like you just might be shitposting because no one can be this stupid. Bravo if you are though

Dude nobody gives a fuck that your parents are pigs and they taught you to worship the law. The country you live in doesnt own you. You can renounce your citizenship and join another country if you want. Countries will always vie for more business. So shut the fuck up and go back to school you hillary shill faggot.

That's called immigration. Sup Forums isn't too fond of that

KKKremlim pooppet got BTFOd pretty ok

The polls showed Hillary winning, she won the popular vote by a few percent.

Unmotivated base and the fact democrats have to work twice as hard to do anything than republicans because of the electoral college and gerrymandered districts made Trump win, its moot, the polls were right, Trump did lose the popularity contest.

Does it really upset you so much that people don't think Trump is doing a good job?

Who cares. I think most of us voted for him because we knew he'd be a terrible president.

Ah yes, Troll the world using the US government.

America Fuck Ya!


100 Days Of Trump: A Nation Divided:

"Trump still enjoys seemingly unwavering support among the people that voted for him back in November. As our infographic shows, a recent survey revealed that 85 percent of Trump voters approve of the job he has done so far; it is also possible to find polls where this figure is as high as 97 percent.

On the flip side, Trump has so far failed to win around the majority of his detractors. 87 percent of Clinton voters are apparently watching on disapprovingly, while only five percent admit that they are in favor of what the president is doing..."

In a democracy, yes. But the US is a Constitutional Republic. Not a democracy. Learn the difference.

I would honestly say the approval rating is even lower. Those that still support orangey are just hoping he'll fulfill his promises. They're desperate and refuse to admit they've been duped.

Sadly, Trump isn't going to do anything worthwhile. Hasn't yet and won't. Beside Gorsuch, he has been a total failure and flip flopper. Sad.