Was putting all of the Japanese in camps during WW2 justified by the United States; or was it unconstitutional.
Japanese Interment Camps
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It was both.
did you need to put germans and italians in camps? :^)
Not in the United States, the Constitution will not apply.
Japs were helping Japan, they even tried to have an uprising in Hawaii. Should have shot them all. More proof that non-whites can never be American.
Doesn't look all that bad
b-b-but muh traditional japanese waifu
Remember reading Farwell to Manzanar and getting pissed that the main character was acting like it was a complete shoah because they put canned peaches on white rice and the bathrooms didn't have stall doors.
Do you have a sauce, I want to do some research on this if its true.
Leaving them in the normal population only to be attacked, or attack others wasnt the best idea in american society.
Im currently reading an oral history of first person accounts of the camps. They seem to bitch and moan about shit that isn't even that bad. I don't think I'm going to finish reading the book; it's just nothing but white guilt.
>Be Finland
>Technically an Axis Power (Co-belligerent)
>Hold concentration camps for non-Finnic people in East-Karelia
>Don't get tried for attempted genocide
Feels good man
Japan was not far removed from their period of Samurai and honor. Many of the social constructs that had existed to create a national pride were strong to the point of every Japanese person being willing to die for their nation.
It was probably a tough choice, that couldn't be helped.
Seems sensible. As a sensible people, I'm sure the Japanese in America understood that.
It was mostly done to protect the Japs from their white California neighbors who were furious about being dragged into the war.
I think (((Night))) colored my views on this situation. I read that right before FtM and couldn't help but think that while this bitch is crying about being dusty some Jew is doing hard labor in a rock quarry and eating potato water.
>We are going to chimpout, so we need concentration camps.
I wonder what would have happened to them, if they had invaded.
when did filthy non whites ever have rights?
Crafty Fins at it again.
Just an FYI, the japs in internment camps were treated worse than Jews in prison camps.
>it was war, only jews like OP like to have spies roaming about
I had to read night back in school before I swallowed some redpills, even then most of the stuff in the book seemed extremely made up. I don't have the screencap of the part of the book where he talks about a railway car that flung Jews into ovens, complete made up bullshit.
It triggers liberals and the action itself was at its core anti-multicultural.
It was also incredibly beneficial to the country and the integrity of its people. Japanese were incredibly nationalistic back then, and without a doubt there were countless incidents prevents due to their internment.
This is no stretch of the imagination, either. In the very first conflict event between the two countries, at Pearl Harbor, there were Japanese trying to subvert and spy on the island and its military.
That wasn't Night. That was Inside the Concentration Camps by someone else.
>have an uprising in Hawaii
No sauce
Also, the ones that were spying for Japan were all white too
Finland best axis power
see: Simo hayha
Unconstitutional and only ruled otherwise because FDR stacked the court with his cronies.
He should've gotten the Booth treatment for Order 9066 alone.
>less than a dozen had actual connections to the Japanese gov.
>most were born in America
Nice meme
>was it unconstitutional.
It was done by the democrats so of course it was constitutional.
Probably massive deportation as a way to save face instead of letting them die on our soil.
Stop using semicolons, you fuck.
He's refering to some bullshit incident where a downed Jap pilot basically held a family of Japanese immigrants hostage and forced them try and guide him to the coast where he was supposed to be extracted by submarine and wound up getting killed in a shootout with U.S. soldiers.
Of course, the Communist-in-Chief FDR needed someone to redirect the public's anger at in case they started suspicious about how the Japanese fleet could sneak across the entire Pacific without being detected so he scapegoated Japanese-Americans instead.