In one week the people of France will go to vote for their next president. We nee to start gathering meme magic and promoting her so that she can win.
Also what does Sup Forums think about Dupon-Aignan? He will be France's prime minister if she wins.
Marine Le Pen General
> Find out most French people won't vote for her because they want to stay in the eurozone
>" Lol Guise I never said I wanted to leave the eurozone XD"
I made some OC but i need a frenchanon to help me with the text under the picture.
"Lorem ipsum..." etc is just a placeholder.
Help pls.
Don't know where you are getting that "quote" from but she is still saying that she will get France out of the EU if elected
If true, still better than Macron
Sure, but I don't speak latin
As i said...
"Lorem ipsum..." is just a (nonsense) placeholder.
it's dummy text.
Ah... as am I then
1. You can't even read most of it without creating an account with Le Figaro
2. This isn't new. She has said from the beginning that she would want to negotiate with the European Union on the sovereignty of France. If they refuse to let France be a free county and not a puppet of the EU then she will hold a referendum on leaving the EU.
our queen
She won't win by "meme magic". If she wins, she wins because her opponent is a spaz. If she can't win against a spaz like Macron, she's never going to win against anyone.
A daily reminder the reason France is full of Africans and Muhammadans has nothing to do with EU anyway. It's because of their colonial past just like the Anglos, and the situation cannot be reversed no matter how much people fantasize about it. France's future is sealed and it is not a return to some past with no Africans and Arabs. That ship sailed decades ago. The new France and its culture is built around Francophony and a hopeful tradition of secularism, not around some historical white France that is dead history by now. France is among the main culprits for the rest of Europe being enriched.
Just saw a news story claiming MLP doesn't have real French support because most of it is online US Trump supporter trolls.
Will France prove this to be incorrect? I don't think it was us who got her past the first round, and I don't think we were the media kikes kvetching about her for the past several weeks.
Going to be an extra happy happening month coming up my anons. Watch this space. ;)
Ignoring the open doors/borders argument for the EU, I would still like to see France either get out of it or destroy its current state. The EU needs to go back to being an economic agreement between the countries of Europe instead of the highly corrupt political entity that it is.
Also I prefer the Africans to the Muhammadans as they have some French culture with them and will hopefully be better to integrate.
>A daily reminder the reason France is full of Africans and Muhammadans has nothing to do with EU anyway.
The European Court of Human Rights places an extreme degree of restrictions on the freedom of countries to handle their own affairs. The EU has already intervened to punish countries they consider "right wing", as in the case of Jorg Haider in Austria.
It is incorrect that the situation cannot be reversed. The country could choose to make hostility to Islam a public policy and encourage self-deportation of Muslims. To do that it would also have to break with the EU.
There's also the case of Poland and Hungary where members of the EU are threatening expulsion from the bloc and/or sanctions for not taking in their quota of "refugees"
Sounds like all those grexit threats. Greece is still part of the EU and it still hasn't paid its denbts.
How did the twitter raid go today, any maps ?