God is not real. Everyone on this board pretending to be a Christian is just being reactionary to the growth of Islam and self-righteous neckbeard atheism. Stop pretending to be retarded.
>inb4 tips fedora That's just a meme for people who don't have real arguments.
I'm a fedora but I recognize Christianity's role as a safeguard against cultural Marxism, feminism and other forms of degeneracy and so should you
Anthony White
Revelation 2:9 (KJV)
"And I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
Zachary Ramirez
>slave embraces the religion that is brought by the people that enslaved his ancestors.
You're living up to your racial name as you're arguing exactly like a literal nigger. Atheism is the only safeguard against every form of cultural slavery. You've just admitted you're just a literal niggerslavecuck.
Elijah Rodriguez
I believe in no gods, but how I wish I could, to know there was some method to this madness. Christian pol is all new fags anyway, probably unironically listen to Rush Limbaugh while they spoon their security book.
popular atheism is cancer. I can't wait for the rise of traditionalist atheism.
Evan Gray
Don't worry young'un, you'll get a girlfriend some day.
Joseph Ortiz
You can never know man, maybe organized religion is bullshit, at least partially. But knowing if our reality is product of some outside volition is a non-falsifiable matter. Denying such thing would require a similar amount of faith as acknowledging it
Justin Sanchez
Asher King
Apatheism is the way. You have to not care about god and do everything in your power to make this world better. A truly just god will recognize your good deeds. and if there is no god you can die knowing that there was nothing more that you could have done.
It is better to not believe and do good than to believe and do nothing. Even the pope says so.
Brody Cooper
r/atheism needs to go.
Catholic General here for those who want it. >meme for people who don't have real arguments
(((Christianity))) is the original bluepill. Keep sucking that jew dick.
Lucas White
God isn't real, but the boons he brings to civilizations are.
Brandon Ortiz
rebuttal >Catcha: Christian Giovanni
Ryder Mitchell
Bentley Gray
pretty much. Jesus was a jew. He knew that they were losing control of the goyim and needed a way to keep them blind. If you are christian you are controlled by the jews.
Jacob Myers
Kek wills it.
David Stewart
wasted digits.
Jace Jenkins
Keep drinking Odin's sperm
Landon Long
Christians invented calculus and quantum physics. Name one scientific contribution that atheists have made that is even close to what Christians have done.
Cooper Robinson
Sounds like a repeatable way of life. I myself have embraced Christian principles out of pure pragmatism. Just like rome and every western civilization.
Sebastian Harris
Kek acknowledges that atheism is a joke.
Mason Brown
>Kek Blasphemy. GOD wills it.
Joseph Lee
Why did he whip the (((merchant pharisees))) in the temple? Why did he call them the synagogue of satan? Why was there mass expulsion of jews in Christian Europe?
Jack Perez
it was all an act. Never underestimate the level of deception the jews are capable of.
Andrew Lewis
>Atheists and exoteric religious plebs are too lazy, scared or skeptical to learn how to astral project (simply concentrating while your body goes to sleep) and get direct experience and knowledge from the higher planes
Chase Nelson
>safeguard against cultural Marxism but it obviously isn't, it's rapidly going out of fashion in europe
Gabriel Walker
Have fun in hell then
Andrew Miller
>it's all an act goys We need another inquisition.
Jack Jones
Fuck all religions, but prove God is not real
Blake Rodriguez
Religion is stupid but it controls the masses. Would you rather have a bunch of niggers and sandniggers thinking for themselves?
James Ramirez
This. But people are too ignorant and busy with everyday struggles to take the time.
Camden Peterson
4 u
Joshua King
>>humans are spiritual >>have connection with divine oneness >>write words down about experience >>future generations worship words rather than experience >>atheists say words cannot be proven >>atheists win?
Cooper Flores
Good goyim. Remember not to worship that kike on a stick. Do what thou wilt.
Jaxson Morris
>popular atheism is cancer. I can't wait for the rise of traditionalist atheism.
>I can't wait for the rise of communism
Someday all of your subhumans will be gone
Owen Howard
>traditionalist atheism oxymoron
Charles Scott
Evan Myers
You can't have anti-modernism in Europe again without the rise of Catholicism.
Brayden Gray
Kayden Cook
> doesn't believe in God > browses Sup Forums (witnessed Kek)
Eli Lee
God is an integral part of human existence.
When one casts off the the Father, they merely replace him with another entity.
For Atheists it's the idea of Nihilism as s commanding doctrine, where the instance if the inexistence of purpose becomes the commanding doctrine.
However one cannot exist without purpose and thus many Atheists replace their God void with the state.
As far back as the Renaissance Atheists have replaced their need for God with manmade Utopian idolatry. Which of course was the blueprint for Socialism.
God doesn't ask much. Just be a good person.
Jason Hall
You might want to tell him that yourself. Good luck :)
Julian Thompson
General relativity, though Einstein was hardly an atheist. Still, at least it's a significant non-Christian contribution.
Nicholas Scott
Kek is God
Caleb Nguyen
>General relativity, though Einstein was hardly an atheist. Still, at least it's a significant non-Christian contribution.
Caleb Hall
you are a moron op. the same force that drives self righteous neckbeard athiesm is the very one that birthed religion. we need religion. religion is the hell man chose. it is not a tool of opression, rather, we use tools of salvation so that they become oppression, because as a species we are broken.
Ironically evolution, the thing fought hardest against by christfags and still has 40% non believers over 40 years straight, was an idea rejected by marxism. so during the time of mcarthy and the great christfaggotrying of america, we also invested the most money in research of evolution to be as anti communist as possible. Chrisftaggotry provides no safe gaurd against marxism, it is its own kind of marxism. the only safe gaurd is that the elite require us to be intelligent and productive for their paycheck.
Liam Sanders
So much for that thread.
Carson Thompson
not so much about the existence of god its faith, just a belief that helps people get by, day by day in this shitty world.
John Harris
How can it be a safeguard when people who are Christians are typically just as degenerate but simply hide it
Hunter Cook
This is starting to feel like old pol, just a little bit. It's been so long.
interesting, so your saying if I do a bit of homework I can call creationists commies and have the ammunition to back it up. I had no idea that there was a way to nettle christfags so well.
Cooper Ward
>people who are Christians are typically just as degenerate but simply hide it
If they hide it how do you know?
Noah Johnson
it's always funny to see the fedora tippers like OP pretend christians and christianity in general are blind followers
you should listen to a sermon once and a while. You are supposed to doubt and question, and having faith is a choice you must make, whether you choose to believe or not is up to you. The deacon I saw two days ago and the priest I saw yesterday both spoke about having personal doubts. but also a hope that the universe is just and the word of god is true.
Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
Brody Turner
Everything that you wrote here is correct. Unfortunately, dumbasses on Sup Forums cant distinguish between a communism and a lack of belief in magic. These morons only give leftists a free shot by associating themselves with that faggotry.
Dominic Reed
But everyone one knows God exists user Why do you supress his grace
Kevin Phillips
Why do you lack belief in the super natural Is that a philosophical view because it is impossible to scientifically disprove the supernatural
Ryder Perry
People like believing in religion. Reasoned arguments wont change that.
People like believing in socialism for the same reason, and similarly, those people won't be changed.
Wyatt Jackson
Everyone believes in something user
Noah Barnes
Yet the punishment for not believing is eternal suffering? sounds like a cult if anything...
James Parker
It's the nicest thing a Loving God can do
Ryder Howard
>what is justice Oy, vey, you're right goy, how could a merciful God judge sinners for their crimes? Why should anyone have to believe in Him to receive mercy?
Thomas Ward
A loving god would not punish those who didn't believe in them. He'd simply prove his existence to us, to the point where it is unable to be disproved. This leads me to believe that even if your god existed at one point- he's long abandoned us..perhaps for good reason. Or I could be right, and it never existed in the first place. Religion is a means to control the mobs of people like Sup Forums who are too fucking stupid to think things through on their own, and instead provide an easy answer to their sad, short lives.
Bentley Green
god is merciful, and just. Non-belief isn't a guaranteed ticket to hell because you can still live a good and holy life. Shitting on christians because they do believe however sure as heck is
Joseph Powell
Puhh. Nope, Catholicism is deaaaad. Orthodoxy is where it's at.
Bentley Garcia
>what is faith That's right, goy. Do as thou wilt. If God was so good he would have sent his Son. I didn't live back then, so I'm sure He never existed. Nihilism is the best, ain't that right goy?
Camden Ward
Life is too vast and complicated to relegate yourself to believing in just one thing. The answers to life are long, and complicated. Offering a one way ticket to a perfect life? that's a myth. Another scam artist trying to trick you into believing something, so he can gain power over you.
John Adams
Nihilism is a stepping stone. Existential nihilism means realizing that there was never any purpose for us to exist, that we're all here for nothing, and none of this matters...though that doesn't necessarily mean it's the end. The next stage is to surpass this state and give ourselves our own purpose. Fighting and murdering and robbing one another over religion is pure stupidity and barbarism, but what else would i expect from human beings who haven't evolved in millenia?
Owen Long
Goy, you are my best friend. We should live according to how we feel. There is nothing greater in the world.
Wyatt Mitchell
God is giving the people who choose to reject him exactly what they think they want Eternal separation from his presence In my opinion a terrible fate, but for one who persist to reject Gods Grace, heaven might be hell for him
God has given people enough revelation for people to know he exists
Michael Torres
What happens if you FEEL like you should spread disinformation and hatred?
Jayden Torres
That's right, goy. God doesn't exist, so we should make ourselves into god.
Cameron Collins
Your god isn't even real, it's just a story that's been plagiarized and recopied/retranslated over and over through the centuries. Believing in some Sand god is about as idiotic as thinking the earth is flat.
Hudson Butler
everyone says their religion is THE religion
so that makes literally every religion wrong
wow that was so difficult
Robert Collins
Oy, gevalt, goy. Hatred is bad. Love is good. Morality is relative. Christians are evil. Good goy.
Aaron Kelly
I FULLY agree. The ability to bring a small chunk of the sun right here on earth is quite godly indeed
Colton Robinson
You know God exists, and you will be held without excuse on judgement day.
Jesus is the only way you can have your sins forgiven
You have the free will to accept or reject his grace
Nicholas Sanders
sounds like you should become a christian. god doesn't expect you to understand how it all works, you're a 3 dimensional creature living in a 25 dimensional universe
Julian Sanders
You must have failed every multiple choice test you have ever taken then
Jordan Cox
if God does not exist, where did you come from?
think about it for one fucking second and NWO is finished.
Ethan Foster
Blake Thomas
Jacob Morris
A sad realization has come upon me. There will likely be fedoras dumb enough to not understand me and think they are in good company. Intellect indeed.
Christ is Lord.
Cameron Hernandez
Just repeat the words you typed to yourself. Seriously. Aloud. You sound like a fucking drone. I'm ashamed to be human because of you.
Jack Baker
No one claimed to know everything.. That's why having a little shitty book full of contradictions and thinking you have the steel to claim it's the one and only answer? you're all fucking idiots.
Jace Barnes
Doesn't change the fact you know God exists Being ashamed won't change that fact What sin do you have that's worth going to hell for?
christianity is jewish controlled opposition. if whites were still pegan and followers of european religions instead of kike-made religions we wouldnt be in the mess we are in now
also to say god is not real indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of what god even is. people just love to take literally the metaphors and personification that are used to aid in the understanding and discussion of actual metaphysical phenomenons that clearly exist. you cant differentiate between what god is and what god does. just because someone speaks of god as if he were a man, that doesnt mean they need to go prove that an actual floating guy exists up in space who uses magic to control everything; the same way that if someone says "the wind whispered to me" or some shit to simplify their explanation that their intuition told them something based on their observation of their surrounding and the mood of the current climate, they dont need to then go prove that the literal air has vocal chords and was actually speaking to them.
Nathan Lopez
Hunter Anderson
Atheists are basically niggers. Why is every fedora such a pitiful fucking faggot?
Isaiah Bailey
Your god doesn't exist. Keep telling yourself that some murderous, genocidal maniac with the intellect of a 12 year old is a kind friend of yours, though.
Juan Green
back to /r/atheism
Colton Foster
Carson Sullivan
this was written by a jew
Ethan Cruz
Gods and communism are all the same - ideas meant to hold men captive to one side's ideals over another. Free yourself from both and you'll find you're better off than 90 percent of Sup Forumstards
Jose Ross
But you are a jew.
Aaron Campbell
Mighty fine argument you got there.
Josiah Hall
Grayson Kelly
does the creator of the universe have not the right to take and give life?
You opinion of God makes sense from the point of view of a rebel