Should Winston Churchill be considered a British hero?

Should Winston Churchill be considered a British hero?

Growing up I was fed the propaganda that he was a great man that lead us to victory against the Nazis but when ever he is mentioned here it is quite controversial which at first was shocking. I have done some research on the man and he is clearly a bloody racist. He wanted to keep England white. What does this mean for non white Brits? They should enjoy a racist looking at them when they use their £5 note?


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>What does this mean for non white Brits?
Who gives a fuck what they think? Britain is for the white man.

Yer boi

>He wanted to keep England white.
Then he shouldn't have sold us out to forward jewish interests.

He was at least a very solid guy in his youth.
This is the only book I've read about him, I recommend it.

no he was a jew shill.

Low energy b8.
even Yeb! Would've done better
2/10 at least you tried
Have a sage.

I REFUSE to have a racist imperialist on my £5.

The campaign to remove this white supremacist starts here. #NoRacistFiver

He was the ultimate shabbos goy


He is a hero because he helped save Britain from the Nazis.

By modern standards he was also a far, far, right bigot and Literally Hitler and even in his own lifetime he was hated by the left.

So I dunno. Personally I think Cromwell was the greatest Brit, but that's just me.


off with your fucking head cunt

didn't he fuck kids and admire Hitler for fucking kids?

But Cromwell Shoahed 6 trillion innocent Paddies.

Fucking brit bongs. Kek

>He is a hero because he helped save Britain from the Nazis.

he didn't ever shut down the offices of Brown Harriman though and that shit was plain as day, American government charged those guys for working with Hitler

Almost everybody back then would be considered racist by our standards, and by the same token you can slander any historical character in the same manner. For example, every Christian historical figure can be slandered based on what their views would have been regarding women or homosexuality

Can you blame a man for wanting to keep foreigners out of his country? Africa and Asia are home to very homogeneous nations and no one forces multiculturalism on them. He's not a racist, he's a man who wanted to protect his nation from outlanders.

How well has it gone letting millions of non-whites flood your borders? Not well? I can't say I'm surprised.

It is a strange state of affairs that we live in a time where the will to distance ourselves from racism is so strange, that the very idea of retaining any sense of identity, is equated with hating immigrants/minorities. this should answer your question


He is the sole responsible for UK losing it's whole empire.and he was nothing but a tool for them.

He wasn't responsible for the end of the empire. Having resisted a nazi invasion, and having fought for the freedom of many countries from fascism, it was a time when colonialism simply wasn't politically and morally possible anymore


He was a racist

And a Jewdogs bitch

He first decimated the Pound Sterling with "gold back standard" then, a joke loan of America the UK only finished paying in 2008?

Not to mention he was a degenerate alcoholic

Props to him for Dresden though


Fuck nazi larpers, they don't even understand their own ideology. Churchill was a patriot and he was able to talk no matter how dark the times were.

The empire was already falling apart after WW1, it was just a matter of time.

Racism aside he was still a cunt. But he stopped Hitler so he's seen as a hero.

>clearly a bloody racist.
Die in your sleep like a good cuck, Mohmed-wannabe

I've heard some revisionist history - that old Winston was great to help win the war, but he also helped cause the war.

I come to see that things aren't so black and white as we've been told -- Germany was not innocent, but they also weren't these cartoon bad guys we are presented with... really they were no worse than any of the other actors at that time

Hitler was warned not to take Poland and they disobeyed. This "Germany dindu nuffin" meme is really lame.


Hitler looks hot
>No homo

David irving went to jail for this opinion so just be careful

Churchill's a difficult one; the fact Hilter had offered him countless proposals, which he did not bring to the attention of the public as he knew we'd gladly accept them always pisses me off... just another guy fighting for our Jewish masters at the end of the day.

>warned not to defend your people from being raped and murdered by kike communists

He should be hero of Israel

Churchill and the bongs involved with taking the British Empire to the Great War should be considered as lunatic criminals.

The Eternal Anglo tried to divide the continent once too much, and made all of Europe and herself into a funeral pyre.

Yes and no.

Guy was pretty much a fucking retard looking for glory, hence why he sent all of those people to their deaths in the Dardinelles.

Also supported gas attacks, which is ghoulish.

>Hurr durr being a racist is duh wursed think evah

Everyone's racist you dumb fuck.

veryone was a racist back then. whites called blacks names, blacks called blacks names. it was normal.

as time went on, people grew out of it. of course it still exists, but nowhere near as it was in the 70s or prior

no way!
kike shill of the highest order


Cromwell let the Jews back into England

And coincidentally America profited massively from its destruction.

>He wanted to keep England white.

Stellar job he did with that.

>is clearly a bloody racist.

How about not using buzzwords and saying how he was a racist?

Churchill: "Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?" Socialite: "My goodness, Mr. Churchill... Well, I suppose... we would have to discuss terms, of course... "
Churchill: "Would you sleep with me for five pounds?"
Socialite: "Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!" Churchill: "Madam, we've already established that. Now we are haggling about the price


That makes him more of a hero, besides he saved those minorities that you care so deeply about from a far worse fate than at the hands of Hitler. Britain should be white, stick to what's good, you think we had niggers in our empire days? Fuck off Dr who cunt.

He was pro-eugenics and had 4 million indians starve to death just so britain wouldn't fall, his reasons for choosing india is bordering on genocide.

Churchill was great. Would that the cabinet had listened to him sooner we may've never went to war.

This isn't really true, or I should say it's a half-truth.
Cromwell permitted Jews to live in the country, but they had no rights and were essentially ghettoised and forbidden to fraternise with Christians, meaning that they were performing more or less the same functions they had in Amsterdam. In fact the lack of support for them from the Protectorate was what drove them into the arms of Charles II, who naturalised them and gave them full rights of citizenship when he returned to power.

>Should Winston Churchill be considered a British hero?
Yes. He was one of the greatest bongs to ever live though his single minded hatred of Germany ended up destroying the empire he spent all his life trying to defend. Pretty tragic actually. Too bad most of his best actions are considered politically incorrect today.

>wanted to keep Britain white
And how exactly is that a bad thing?
If you wanted to point out something negative about Winston, you could have focused on his support of eugenics. Although I doubt that Sup Forums has few qualms about sterilizing retards.

He was probably right not to trust Hitler, he proved to not be a man of his word.

That's a lot less poo for the loo. Not seeing the problem.

Yes, and this image is Churchill's fault. He bankrupted and bled the British Empire so dry that it couldn't recover, and fell apart.

yes yes russia we know the empire died


Really makes me wonder. If all the people who fought the Nazis knew that they themselves would be considered Nazis by future generations, would they still have fought the Nazis?

I don't care about Churchill but the five pound note is a disgrace to this country and it seems like more of our currency is following suit. Most people would rather be paid in cow shit than with a new pound coin. This country is in ruins.