Why do Scandinavian countries do western democracy better than EVERYONE?
>inb4 "muh ancestors"
Why do Scandinavian countries do western democracy better than EVERYONE?
>inb4 "muh ancestors"
Sweden sure does seem like a paradise
Political stability. It means they've been able to move forward from political footballs our politicians kick around onto actual important issues.
Personally, I'm more pissed that the UK didn't drop about 20 fucking places on the 2017 freedom index.
Who's dick did they suck to stay around the 40 mark?
>Freedom of the press
High social trust, high genetic quality on average, and relative homogeneity.
>the black and brown countries are the least free
>the whitest countries are the most free
hmm...really percolates my pecans
>Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia
german free press means that everyone writes the same shit and it doesent ven matter from wich ,,zeitschrift,, u read it all the same...
free jewish press would be fine
>You are punish for deny the "muh 6 gorillions" in the mayority of the "free" countries.
>relative homogeneity
I thought these places had the highest rape statistics because of all the immigints?
Get your story straight America.
This 100%
>Freedom of press
I wish I had the news site/proxy webm.
No, the point is that rapes have skyrocketed in some of these countries in recent years as a result of third world immigration (i.e. a loss of national homogeneity). In what way does that contradict the fact that these countries have been successful in the past in part due to their relative homogeneity?
>No, the point is that rapes have skyrocketed in some of these countries in recent years as a result of third world immigration (i.e. a loss of national homogeneity). In what way does that contradict the fact that these countries have been successful in the past in part due to their relative homogeneity?
I thought it was just that Sweden has some of the broadest rape-laws on the planet - and makes it very welcoming for victims (so they are more likely to report).
I wouldn't classify the U.S. and the U.K. as equally "satisfactory" for journalists. The U.K. illegalizes all kinds of speech. You can get a knock on your door from the police if you speak out against the rapefugees.
You mean like selling a bunch of land to Syrians for 1 kroner in order to get their votes?
Culture and attitudes developed since WW2
fewer niggers. and it probably helps that you are viewed as degenerate if you are liberal in Norway. I and all my classmates were bullying a feminist for being a feminist. if a girl comes and says "I'm a feminist" everyone laugh at her. feminism is dying and right wing views are rising.
There is no such thing as democracy anymore.
germany where you get literally arrested for tweeting "mean things" ?
yeah right
The "best" countries in the world also have the most intelligent people per capita... and the least shit tier races as well.
>can get years in prison for denying the holocaust
and I'm not talking about germany, I'm talking about Lithuania
This. At least when niggers commit crimes here they're allowed to say who they are and where they're from.
>us black
>Russia red
>cuckistan white
Must be the good goyim index desu.
lol, america
What a crock of shit this map is
>freedom index
more like kike index
globalist bankers make up all these indexes, if you do what they say you are "good"
No, Scandinavians are terrible for democracy. Or, not. They are perfect showcase of why basic democracy IS terrible. Especially Finland and it's pop-center Helsinki which practices tyranny over the other country (especially mistreated Lapland)
American democracy literally fixed the basic faults in democracy. And it needs to be fixed again since kikes managed to game it (but kikes game the basic version way more easily)
Almost all of these countries are best goys.
Estonian government is corrupt af.