What happens here?

What happens here?

I googled some photos of Tbilisi, Yerevan and Baku and looks comfy af.

Is it safe to travel there considering ISIS and all the ethnic issues?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's basically the balkans but slightly more asian.


Doesn't sound bad at all.

Armenia seem to be the most based country around these parts

Georgia is really nice.

B-but do they have oil? Are they brown people?


check out Georgian nature

looks very nice

Georgians are the good guys. Azeris are a lapdog of T*rkey and Iran and Armenians suck Russia's dick.

This. Armenians are basically Caucasian jews and Azeris are mudshits.

Azer is Iranian not T*rkish. End T*rk control and let us unite with our brothers and sisters.

thanks. pic related my hometown.
>Georgians are the good guys
thanks LithuanianBro. we appreciate your support
btw do you know story about Bachkovo Monastery?

what isis mate they want nothing from us

Armenians and Azeris are brown.

Georgians aren't as brown but they're still genetically different from Europeans

why is it so white, its depressing

> Sweden
All are white but there are lots like the oil Greeks especially in Armenia

As a turk I'm pretty biased about Armenishit (g e n o c i d e n o t r e a l) and I like Azeris because of the shared language and culture.

Those two aside I like Georgia. Really nice nature and their language is basically elvish.

You're not white if you don't cluster with Europeans. Azeris are closer to Afghans than to Europeans

have you ever seen snowflakes irl?
Georgia is one of the safest country in the world tho
>Georgians are genetically different from Europeans
Georgians mostly belong to Western Asian haplogroups or pre-Indo-european. most common haplos there are: G2a* and J2a*

>What happens here?

amurica won.


>have you ever seen snowflakes irl?
yes, in my fridge

> Iranians, Tunisians, Lebanese are not white
Lol what even then, the Caucasian is the border of Europe and Asia

>Georgia is one of the safest country in the world

(russians left. georgigangs shimp out.
(rusians take over half of the country. georgians post about saviest country.

i dont know even how hard i just kekd.


Can attest to this. I have a few based Georgian friends.

Just got done drinking a bottle of Georgian wine too.

Georgians generally dislike Russians because of all the invasions and shit, but they hate mudshits, make good food and wine, and are pretty nationalistic orthodox catholics.

it is. youtube.com/watch?v=R5Ku4C7dwpg

>Armenians are basically Caucasian jews
>Armenian Apostolic Church 92.7%
>Other Christianity 2.1%
>Other 0.4%

is your city where the golden fleece was?

>Georgians generally dislike Russians

>Russians literally saved georgians being genozided and welcomened them inbetween own royals.

dear god.. next time russians should just do the same with germany. we dont even need to fight for lebensraum ever again.


Azeris are shit tier though. Most of them immigrate to Russia and cause a lot of problems. Also, that one dude from that video from Sweden wasn't Arab, he was actually Azeri.

How come there aren't a lot of Armenian or azerbaijen posters on Sup Forums

You forgot to mention that Russia invaded Georgia as recently as 2008 so they could protect their nigger tier enclaves they are occupying in Georgia.

>Russia invaded Georgia

lol are you retarded? shall i smear my dick on your face with facts from 2008?

gtfo Ivan
nah, Golden fleece was located near Kutaisi


AYY ganzwhale! why so serious?

How are other caucasian people seen in general?
It seems like all the muslims see each other as brothers

very pretty

>How are other caucasian people seen in general?

incest and savages. armenians are mostly incest. everyone else is mostly savages.

Russian "facts"


for some reasons Georgians consider most of northern-caucasians as rivals.
>It seems like all the muslims see each other as brothers
idk relationship between muslims desu

>Russian "facts"

AYYYYYYYYY!! heul doch.

That is simplifying it a little bit. Georgians are white and mostly look like southern-Europeans. Armenians and Azeris is pretty mixed, but on average Armenians are more white then brown, and the other way around for Azeris. But they are both mixed as fuck.

>AYY ganzwhale! why so serious?

boyarishnik awaits. go for the next shot!

ayyy lmmaaaooo.. and i am not even russian..

Azeris are pretty common

stereotypical caricature based on Kintos
>Kinto - was a trader or an unemployed person mostly occupied in entertaining others. was largely Armenian in origin.

auyyyyyyyy.. rolf..

>Georgians are white

picture related

Looks like any Russian

>Armenia seem to be the most based country around these parts

i dunno. for some reason, most armenians posting here post with foreign country's flags. far more armenians live outside of their country than in armenia itself.
they might be based and might love being armenian, but sure as hell they don't look like loving armenia itself ;))

>stereotypical caricature



I remember doing an elementary school project about this when I was 8 years old. I... really didn't know anything about Georgia, and was confused that there was country that shared the same name as the State of Georgia.

Orthodox catholics??? hahahah what a fucking idiot.

please keep it up.

>Kinto - was a trader or an unemployed person mostly occupied in entertaining others. was largely Armenian in origin

you forgot to mention how widespread sodomy was among the armenian kinto subculture in the 18th and 19th century Tbilisi.

don't care if any russian doesn't count me as white. my skin's pale enough for me and i don't have the slanted eyes russians are famous for.

>estonian incestoid whose state relligion is a fucking swedish lutheran


btfo diasporafag

Most pure brown genes in Eurasia right here. Feel free to look around more if you think I'm cherry picking.

its very nice country with nice stupid people.

sadly its leaders are mafia, who decided to lick american shoes because they believe russian bread is worse than american dick.

>it's basically the Balkans but without the charm and kebab removing.


Georgie football team sucks ass, for sure, but sports teams are usually good indicator of local phenotype (unless you're a cucked country like France that is represented only by africans)

Georgies do have west asian genes, but i don't think we look less white than Greeks or south italians

Nah most Armenians look like this

Balkans got only few muslim nations while Caucasus is filled by mudslims. even though they are still anti-turk. Chechens would never allow race mixing between Turks and Chechens

dear caucasus sheep fucking nigger.

France is north fucking Africa now. get your facts correct.

დააიგნორე ის ყლე. ჩააყლევებს თემას

Those are actually Armenians. I was being sarcastic by showing some super pale folks. I know good and well how white some Georgians can get. My ex was Georgian, and two of her friends were lighter than me. One of em I would have taken for a Dutchie or something.

>France is north fucking Africa now
north africa = africa, you retard. niggers and maghrebis

>>France is north fucking Africa now
>north africa = africa, you retard. niggers and maghrebis

as i said. Georgians are stupid..

Nice. Yea you're right, more so than Armenians desu

>Feel free to look around more

Ok. Pic related

sure, vanya. whatever you say

most of armenians are diaspora posting under pic related flags

dem butthurt ganzwale

Mountain Baltics always gets bullied by neighbors.
Based and Blessed 10/10
>What happens here?
Drifting and Wine.

Fuck off, shvilli. That's the diaspora made up of the descendants of refugees.

I just love Russian diaspora.
Fucking comment animals you hurt so many feelings.

>fresh farts from a country, 60% of whose populations are gastarbeiter somewhere else.

>armenians are mostly incest

Are you fucking stupid? We arent muslims.

That isn't doberman. That image is 2 years old, doberman gave an interview 6months(ish) ago.

Your rat, givi, however, turned to a shashlik.

>Are you fucking stupid?

relax. i just state the fact. beside that anglosaxons love incest.


Depends on what you mean by mixed, armenians are naturally white and a little brown. The founding of the nation goes back to the unification of the different tribes of the Armenian Highland by Armen, for mutual protection and revenge against the akkadians.

Oh fuck, how will I recover from this?
I'm literally crying.

KEKED so hard.

>That isn't doberman

rolf. it is. Motorola exchanged him for one of theirs and the chechen guy, who was in his unit cut tendoms on his hands so Doberman was forced to quit the war and ran for his life into Kiev. Chechens are still keeping the head money on him.

Dude look at that map, incest is fucking disgusting.

>ukrainian disapora sheering the dead of heroes..

rolf i always had fun beating the shut of your diaspora when i was younger. as well ukies and latvians are scum on this planet.

>unification of the different tribes of the Armenian Highland by Armen

Armenia is Persian name for Urartu (pre-Armenian kingdom)

it was Hayk tribe who went from Balkans to those area and assimilated remnants of Urartian tribes who were itself destroyed by Medes

>without the kebab removing
Check the picrelated polakbro. It flared up in 2016 again but died after four days.

>exchanging your man for an enemy.

Congratulations, you do not know how armed conflicts work.

>21 posts by this id

I'd provide some extra arguments or even proof, but it isn't worth a Russian that defends his country from outside of it. You're no better than some retards here glorifying Armenia and not a single one of them under Armenian flag.

But you're a shitskin so go back.

>Death of heroes
Russian education should have some banter lessons, you are so insecure.

>Let me tell you about your country

The akkadians recorded battles with the Armeni tribes in the north (called after their unifier) over 4000 years ago. Armen brought us on the political scene as revenge for his father Hayk, who was chased out by Bel of Babylon, whom he later defeated with an arrow. Hence the term armenians was born.

The legend of hayk is even in the old testament.. Urartu is the assyrian name for Ararat.


კაი ხარ

>You're no better than some retards here glorifying Armenia and not a single one of them under Armenian flag.

Why the hostility? I swear, it's like there is an inferiority complex here that this. Is it because we liberated our lands from the more numerous and wealthier azeris, while you cant even keep a few mountain niggers under control? The abkhazians should honestly have lampshaded more of you.


legen about biblical hayk is just legend.

modern Armenians speak IE language, while Urartians were local non Semetic and non-IE people

explain this

Doesn't matter, our history fits with the akkadians descriptions.

A 7000 year old fossil found in Artsakh in 2016 fit with armenian DNA, dont come here and tell me what I am, elf. Besides, The present-day Armenians are an amalgam of the Indo-European groups with the Hurrians and Urartians.

what i don't get is why are you defending armenia from norway. what are you doing there. why aren't you in your country. most of you shitty russians and armenians in this thread don't even fly your countries flags. very niggery if you ask me.

>what i don't get is why are you defending armenia from norway
>why are you defending

And what I dont get is the hostility you show through this language. I honestly have nothing against georgians. Im just here for the reads and information.