Mexican Special Forces Corps
(Aeromovil Spec Ops)
Show me your country's best weapon/corp
That's all you got ?
Also : why do they look like inbred retards ?
Shut up and show what you got to not surrender like every other time Napoleon
>mexican """""""""special forces"""""""""
>That's all you got ?
I don't know, you trained these guys.
Yes they do exist, they are tough and good, you dont have to understimate other nation´s army
just a sample :
Légion Étrangère Française
Commandos de Marine
2e régiment étranger de parachutistes
during the 19th century yeah...before they started their weekly revolution/constitution change
If they're so effective then why do the cartels still exist?
Good one pedro, now go mop the floor
Until they betray you and make their own drug cartel.
Okay this shit is fucking funny and painful
Let's be honest here. At least 50% of them gets paid by the cartel to be insiders.
God you sound like a total fucking ignorant I bet you are 12 years old
What do you do to get in? swim across the Rio Grande and go a week without tacos?. That shit is rugged.
Because they hide and hide like every other scum, why do you still have mosquitoes or cockroaches in your house? Not like they are not trying at all
>Mexican intellectual answering without any argument
>I N T E L L E C T U A L
>during the 19th century yeah...before they started their weekly revolution/constitution change
Yeah, I wonder from who learnt that too.
>17 fucking constitutions, without counting the actual minor changes that happens in the middle.
>Looking down on others.
what the fuck is that?
Is it our problem if your colons are too retarded to think by themselves ?
Why do niggers still live on the same country as you?
his countries best weapon. Ours a nuke
Actually this guy is right, in the late ninety century Porfirio Diaz take Mexican politics and military issues all the way as France was doing, he copied every single step they take, though there were some nice things
Nice non-answer
How long did it take them to apply their makeup?
Notice how mexicans can't answer a simple question without insulting like uncivilized children
We need this wall fast
A couple minutes but its to make enemies to fear, like the cougar and eagle uniforms of the Aztec warriors
>ifunny watermark
Why nobody is posting their country's best weapons or army corps!!1
Truly special forces...
Prepare to be swept away.
gtfo this is not your third grade classroom.
Stop embarassing us.
Here's our weapon. It's defeated world powers for thousands of years.
no fucking way
More like Broomdeswehr right guys
sayeret matkal
Noice :^)
Looks like they are ready to deepthroat criminal cock
Holy shit Carlos, get the fuck back.
I cringed.
OwO what's this?
i will get your gold :3 rawr
Why do they have flesh-colored lines painted on their faces? Shouldn't their skin color be camouflage enough?
This is able to kill 1000 people with only 1 drop of it toxin, get fuck
Is not for camo, is for fear, and skin color don´t have to see nothing with it
>ñotice mio, señor pai
Pic related is ours without a doubt.
>go from prussian army
>to German Empire atmy
>to 3rd Reich army
>to this
Just depressing.
A lot of that was a gift from some people who never came back for it :^)
Well he is bangin whats her name.
what's up with gas mask all of the time? How much bean-based meals do you people eat?
What has the negro on his hand?
Well you couldn't beat us at your apex so why bother even trying?
pic related, our most elite
>What has the negro on his hand?
Unbinned cutlery.
>mexican butthurt
Our special forces.
Best Finnish unit according to Americans:
No, you're just the usual mountain jew. Get out.
>Well you couldn't beat us at your apex
burger education if you unironically think June 1944 was their apex. And "we" didn't even beat them you retarded faggot, every time someone tries to hooah dickswing about the Western Front (the best of the white race killing eachother on behalf of communism) its embarassing and shits on the Pacific Theatre which was a much more personal and enduring affair.
Sorry hans, did i upset you?
how can you live like this
Don't think you have the right to tell me to get out Ahmed of Tunisia
>Sorry hans
Cuckpology accepted.
Dude , peace and love dude lmao.
Nothing can compare to Merkel's acceptance of a million refugees. You have no place to speak. She chose third worlders over Germans and the damage is irrevocable
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Reddit please.
Is that France? what happened?
>Cuckpology accepted
>From a Goyman
Jesus christ hans puff out your chest anymore and you might blow up.
Seriously though , the Crips can probably successfully invade my country.
A bit of an overstatement , but still.
Burgertard, please. You're the most cucked western nation by far, closely followed by UK.
Your vagina has no power here.
The UK chose to be on the wrong side of every war in Europes history. They're a paki colony. Both countries are shit, make no mistake, but Anglos are responsbile for Germany being hyper cucked faggots
that blonde has the worst ass i have ever seen
Alright Hans. Tell me how you feel when Ahmed rapes your daughter and the police refuse to investigate it
You're all fucked.
Burgertard, please. You have way more rapes than any other western country.
You should totally, like, get some sort of 2nd amendment rights to keep them safe.
We might be if you start shit with the gooks.
In the UK you would be arrested for racism for even reporting it.
>A girl's mother copied the names, numbers and text messages of 177 Asian men, including a police officer, from her daughter's mobile phone after the 13-year-old went missing for five days. Police said that using the information would infringe the girl's and the men's human rights.
We're also the largest western countries and most of these are between blacks. It's almost as if you don't want to believe what is happening to your country. But it doesn't concern me. Nothing that's happening the Germans don't deserve. You made your bed, now lie in it
Probably because we are the most populous western country. Don't shitskins account for like 70% of your prison population. And only like 5% of your overall population.
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