How do we solve the pitbull problem?
How do we solve the pitbull problem?
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Carry a gun at all times.
Breed them with non-violent dogs until the pit bull as we know it is extinct
Thats not a pitbull.
sounds jewish to me, but if it work why not.
only give them to people who can handle them correctly
Perfect, now how about another 1.5 million refugees for Germany? Same concept
Zoologist here. When I did a work experience thing with my local zoo, I was talking to one of the keepers. And they said that if you get attacked by a dog, or a wolf, you grab them by their two front legs, force them over, push your weight on them, and tear their legs apart. For canines, this will instantly break their legs.
I have absolutely no idea if it works in reality, or how you're even supposed to do it, or if you'll even be functioning properly when you're attacked. But, that's apparently the best way to fight off a vicious dog. And apparently, this is taught to some police and even military.
>*How do we stop dogs from being poorly trained?
Looks like the pitbull is solving our other problems
Kill them all.
Should also make dog fighting a capital offense since it creates violent animals who only exist to kill.
I've also heard shove your whole fist and arm down their throat as well.
What he describes is very hard to do as if a dog actually gets you it will typically be by an arm or leg, ideally not the neck but if it does get you by the neck you are fucked.
it then shakes it's head back and forth as hard as it can keeping you off of your balance.
So it's possible but very hard to do. I recommend stabbing it
Women can be so shrilling and obnoxious.
>having to train a dog not to kill people
>9/10 people don't know how to train a dog
Not a very compelling argument to not gas all these beasts.
I'm the best dog lover there is, maybe the best of all time.
But I wouldnt mind seeing pitbulls getting eradicated. Only idiots have them.
kill all nigger dogs.
looks like more pitbulls would solve Detroit problems
>this many white people
At least there's that
This desu. Pit bull ownership is a self-limiting genetic branch, just have a gun ready in case they try to Darwin you first.
change the station.
We bred dogs from wolves, we cant breed aggression out of pit bulls?
this also works on bears
>fat fucking wigger piece of shit highschool drop out who lives in my neighborhood wants to get a dog
>his parents whom for whatever reason or another still support him won't spring for anything expensive
>he wants a mean motherfucker because he thinks he's hardcore and it'll make people intimidated of him
>gets a 3 year old rottweiler from the local pound
>big, mean doggo that has no business being in a suburban backyard
>the dude is super fat and lazy, so he never walks it
>dog ends up getting fat and lazy too
>hear one morning it ran out from his yard when the gate was unlocked and started going apeshit at some guy walking his black lab
>the lab, despite being nearly half its size wasn't having a bar of it and fucking killed the rotty
>guy doesn't get his dog destroyed because self defense and the wigger faggot had to pay a bunch of fines
they're banned everywhere, so owning them is more of a nigger thing t
the living ones should be muzzled while in public, males castrated and kept between fences in private property
genetically modify them would be a good idea too. The dog remains as it is but less irrationally violent, like a german shepherd
mirstir wo waide
Never underestimate the Labia Retriever.
>all those niggers hollering
Also are pitbulls the niggers of dog breeds?
>How do we solve the pitbull problem?
Don't allow niggers, spics and white trash fuckers to own them.
Stop being a FAGGOT
the first clip that woman shouting "don't kick the do!" while the human is getting ripped to pieces by it....fuck me I'd kill it in a heartbeat, nevermind just kicking it
>have had pit bulls all my life (3, now)
>were either from shelters or bred by acquaintances
>be white and raise them properly, not like a nig
>all lived to a healthy old age and were sweet dogs who never showed aggression to any people or any other animals
>train 'em to kill niggers
Labradors are the doggo master race confirmed.
Doesn't matter the breed of dog, the dog is a direct representation of the owner.
let them be raised by people who aren't retarded
based pitbulls removing shitskins faggots and women I dont see a problem
Theys good dogs! They din du nuffin!
It was the owners fault!
They din du nuffin!
Is the dog's eye ok?
I've been in tears laughing at that gif
>don't kick the dog!
>as it's killing a human being
You know what, white people are fucking stupid.
The problem is not a nigger dog, is the nigger owner.
The occasional white child dies or gets severely injured from mauling by a pit bull. But it does seem to have a selection effect against the people in our society enough stupid to keep aggressive breeds as companions for families and also stupid and sadistic enough to make a dog behave dangerously.
This. I've worked with dogs for a few years and it all comes down to the owner. You raise a pitbull correctly and you'll never have a problem. The problem is most people that want to get pitbulls are fucking Puerto Ricans that want to pretend they're in some rap video (at least around here anyway) so they get one but don't put in the time to train them properly because they would cut into their smoking weed and beating their girlfriend/wife time.
Pitbulls are some of the smartest, friendliest doggos around.
i almost had to shank a nigbull with my mora knife the other day.
>Pitbull rips someone's esophagus out
>"He a good boy. He dindu nuffin. He just wanted to say hello. You scared him. It's your fault."
Can't we just breed these abominations to extinction?
>muh good doggo dindu nuffin
>it be da owners keepin him down!
>look at this doggo who didnt even kill any little girls! what a good boy
No, there is a very good reason some animals should not be kept as pets that has nothing to do with ownership.
Dog domestication is the result of hundreds of years of careful breeding. The traits and characteristics man has been able to isolate is really one of our first great accomplishments
in the field of genetics.
No such care was taken with the pitbull, it was strictly bred for aggression, size and the lock jaw(which is a genetic defect more than a trait).
It is the result of sloppy inbreeding and they should all be culled.
fuck that first video..i could watch someone be tortured and it wouldnt bother me as much as that
women make my blood boil
The first video
>women is getting ripped apart
>dumb bitch: "omg don't kick the dog!!!"
What a nasty virtue signaling bitch.
>Kicking the dog makes it more pissed
Maybe think before speaking
thats why we need to gas nigbulls and their owners.
The ones that do kill people are almost always owned by wannabe gangbangers that like to pretend they run a dog fighting circuit, so they threat them accordingly. And guess what? The dog then acts violent. This isn't just a pitbull thing either, other breads as well. However these guys specifically pick pitbulls for the whatever street cred, like how every one of these faggots has Scarface playing on loop.
pibbles are the niggers of the dog world
the german has a good solution in either case
>dat pitbull dindu nuffin
>wat chu talkin bout it dindu nuffin
>it be da owners dey don't gibs enuf
>dey wuz kangz before da ebil human oppressed dem not sheeeeit
>First video
>Don't kick the dog wtf?!
Man can we publicly execute these retards? I mean kicking a dog is a shitty thing but you BETTER stop that fucking dog before things get really bad.
>people are defending a nigger dog that should be genetically removed from the dog pool.
The statistics don't lie. This is in the United States alone, and for some reason, each year you go down, guess whose staggeringly the number 1 over all dogs?
It's the pitbull. Those are just in victims who actually died.
From 2005 to 2016, pit bulls killed 254 Americans, about one citizen every 17 days. Of these deaths, 52% involved a family member and a household pit bull
By 2020, pit bulls are projected to maul 385 Americans to death since 1998, the year the CDC stopped tracking fatal dog attacks by breed, and over 460 Americans since 1980.15 Major news agencies are absent on these important issues.
Despite pro-pit bull claims that pit bulls are not unpredictable, the breed frequently attacks without provocation or warning. It is well documented by humane groups that to excel in dogfighting, pit bulls were selectively bred to conceal warning signals prior to an attack.
You can read more about it on
But the facts are there, this dog should be culled. It is a nuisance to society and was genetically bred to kill without notice.
I have a pit bull from a shelter. There's nothing wrong with them if you raise them properly.
>How do we solve the pitbull problem?
The same way you tried to solve the jewish problem: Genocide them all.
It will work sincwe they are dogs instead of humans, no one will fight wars for them.
better not make any loud noises
Melanin actually causes aggression. Why are dogs with darker coats scarier? Because they're more aggressive. This holds true within and across species of vertebrates.
The Russian foxes co-evolved lighter coats along with agreeability, docility, lack of aggression, etc., the traits it needed to be a better pet. Hence the pic.
Some pit bulls are white and violent, yeah. Some labs are dark and peaceful, yeah. But on average, I don't know how strong, dogs with dark coats are going to be more vicious because of how it affects their monoamine processing.
They are always perfectly fine until they maul a little childs face. Every nigbul owner says how his dog would never do this until someday you accidentaly step on his tail and he brutally kill you and your family.
>The Russian foxes co-evolved lighter coats along with agreeability, docility, lack of aggression, etc., the traits it needed to be a better pet. Hence the pic.
factually incorrect
They used to be pure silver/white, but when domesticated, they developed mottling/calico
>A single dog happens to not kill anyone.
Also related, Tilikum the whale was extremely well behaved for a very long time.
>getting a pitbull from a shelter
I can't imagine making a more retarded choice.
Make a state license to own any dog on the list of dangerous dogs.
To adopt a pit bull you must present this license.
You're gonna wake up one night getting ready to feed him, and all the sudden you're gonna awaken his killer instinct. Then you'll probably die, and so will that dog. Props user, long term planned suicide.
>killed a nigger
Give him a nice steak.
>associating man's best friend with niggers just because this breed is often owned by them
absolutely non-white tier. Dogs deserve your empathy and love.
To come to the defence of the based Whale, he wasn't bred to be violent he was just treated very badly.
Pitbulls are fucking atrocious regardless of their upbringing.
he looks pretty full and satisfied already desu
in the uk we have an issue with staffordshire terriors, which look a lot like pitbulls (i think pits are banned here) every fucking housing estate wigger rapper wannabe has a fucking staff and the dogs homes are overrun with staff puppies i fucking hate those dogs.
but they are no where near as bad as small dogs which have an issue with everyone. one time this little cunt of a chicuawa or however its spelt ran up out of nowhere and starting barking, the little fucking shit had a crown and pink dress on. its owner, in match attire who was too fucking busy on her phone ran up and said"oh dont worry, hes not agressive" i swear had she come a second sooner she would have seen her dog doing a superman impression right into a duel carriageway.
Ohhh, you're on tonight, I know your trips don't lie, so I already know it's right.
>the nigger of a dogs
>deserving sympathy
you really think it's restraining itself in that video? the dog isn't going to convert pain it's experiencing into energy it can use to cause even more suffering. if you aren't some fairy faggot, you can deliver a few crippling blows in a minute or less
Or...don't breed them at all.
Yeah, but I'd rather have a chihuahua run up on me than some dog designed to kill me. What's a chihuahua gonna do, nibble my feet?
I've noticed with small dogs is that they bark fucking constantly, but rarely have I seen them bite someone. I still don't know why someone would want such an annoying fucking dog, though.
those are fatal dog bites, in one year of the US. doesn't mention where any of these happen, and its only source are news reports.
see pic related, this is from 10 years in toronto...a much more accurate study than yours. your example literally proves nothing by the most glaring flaw -- no details about any of the attacks.
A 70 year old nigger in Africa killed a leopard by grabbing it's tongue and ripping it out.
Hitler didn't kill 6 million Jews until he was almost 50 years old
>a minute or less
So you only need to let it feed on human flesh for a minute or so ? Totally worth.
Nope, a 40+ year study of wild dogs whose fur is used to make clothing in Siberia, which bears out what user was saying, were black furred. Several docs about this are on Youtube.
Penis, vagina.
Choking them works too, if they are clamped down on your leg or something.
>no details of any of the attacks
>except the detail that they're all committed by Pitbulls and fatal in America.
Where's your source coming from?
>no references
>reverse image source shows nothing
Why bother? We got plenty of other "safe" breeds already. Just ban them.
I think you mean hitler didn't kill 6 million jews even when he was 50 years old
>dey dindu nuffin
>you be stereotyping n sheeit das raycis
>all race..I mean doggos deserve love and gibs
>it be yo fault fo discriminating man dey wuz kangz
"Don't kick the dog"
Fuck, I've never wanted to beat someone so bad in my life
Some poor woman is being mauled to death and all she's thinking is "don't kick the innocent dog!"
Fuck this gay earth
some leaf professor of psychology sourced it for a tabloid-level psychology today article about feelings and dog bites.
Getting Shrekt by small mammals. You humans are pathetic
Pitbulls have been banned in Ontario since 2005, tard. No shit there have been less attacks.
Wtf ?
Why would you spend time breeding a line of dogs just to get it to behave the way others already do ?
slugs copulate by stabbing each other with penis knives