Brit/pol/ - Scones Edition

>May urges Scots to 'Fuck Off'

>UKIP leader Nuttall to stand in pro-Brexit stronghold in election

>Merkel lays down the gauntlet: EU leaders take just FOUR MINUTES to agree anti-Brexit tactics and demands on migrants, border controls and Gibraltar

>Exclusive Telegraph ORB poll reveals Conservatives annihilate Labour in Scotland and London

>Why all Tories are thrilled about the certainty of a May landslide

>FT: EU summit approves Brexit negotiation stance

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First for interracial.

those are biscuits

Get out


Reminder that voting Tory is reddit-tier

So is voting UKIP.


Looking forward to a fun summer lads.
Sit back, relax, and watch the Labour Party die.

If she took them of would it hurt ?

Who you voting for?

No, these are biscuits silly

Na i think it's real .she won't the laughing when he leaves her tho . Burn the coal pay the toll and all


What's the white stuff on the biscuit on the right?

Might not bother. This election is depressing.


it moves some electrical bits about on and off

This sums up the campaign for Scottish independence quite nicely to be desu


Are biscuits the American version of scones?

>tfw there are people in this thread that support unrestricted free trade and drug legalisation


Why was this deleted?

Cameron buys a luxury cuck shed

>British cuisine

What does clotted cream taste like?

>unrestricted free trade and drug legalisation

well how else are we going to get hong kong back?

Mug. Your 'biscuits' are savoury for a start.


that's not a fuckin biscuit, what the hell is wrong with you people?

Has he just nicked that bike? Those are clipless pedals.

The fuck is he going to write about

What the fuck do you call biscuits then? Cookies? Then what do you call cookies if cookies are already biscuits?

And yes scones are biscuits to you I think

Tasty as fuck mate

I sooner police spent time sorting out real violent crime, rather than people who call others mean words on the internet and take drugs that's no where near as harmful as tabacco.

i come for your advice. i am Romanian meme creator, usual focus is Romanian meme. i have been hired to make meme for your election general by labor party. woman named phyllis hire me on upwork.
i have 2 meme needed monday.
please review. i need good meme or phyllis leave bad review.

Property is theft lad

pic related is the first Google Image result for "biscuit."
you are wrong, bong.

It's your mums custom vibrator software

second meme. i no know british mem culture. is hard

It's just bland, slightly hardened cream.

I asked you what it tasted like, not whether you like it or not. Is it like a lighter butter?


Lmao Upwork is fucking full of Romanians. Decent Meme

Not in bong land it's not. God tier digestive is number 1.

Yeah it's like a light butter mate

>implying the police enforce drug laws

Yes, biscuits are called cookies in America. I always have biscuits and coffee with my South African business associates. But the biscuits are actually what my mind believes to be chocalate chip cookies.

Those off brand jammy dodgers are the best tbqh

>muh mob rule
Just because you have hundreds of millions of mutts and spics calling things the wrong name doesn't make them right
They call biscuits cookies (a fucking rich tea is called a COOKIE)
I think they just call cookies cookies. What a set of cunts.

What is my dog looking at?

Lads I need convincing Corbyn isn't controlled opposition

What's your favourite food to make at home, lads?

Getting sick of eating mince and pasta all the time desu.

I'm going to vote for a party that will lock you up, you stupid druggie cunt

>cover up child rape by muslim gangs for decades
>pissing about on twitter
Police sure have their priorities straight.

Someone gets paid with tax payers' money to sit on Twitter all day digging through so-called "hate speech"

Meanwhile, innocent people get stabbed and get acid thrown in their face and police can't find out who did it.

Sorry, I had my nob out

If only such a party existed.

I've never seen a flattering picture of May.

She always looks like a creepy woman who hangs around the co op gossiping


Some good meat.

that requires actual effort while they can just get paid 40k to do nothing

I'll have to disagree with you there. I'd fuck the shit out of her if i had the chance

What's that food in the picture? It reminds me of this:

Oi, gotta have my tummy crumbles...

I don't take drugs. I'm not a loser. I sooner the authorites got their priorities in order.

That looks like a biscuit, lad.

Yes, and they should execute druggies because chances are they're going to do something stupid later in life, and probably don't do anything good now anyway

Looks tasty.

Start buying guns.


Why the fuck would you put cheese and bacon in a scone? Its a dessert


When are we going to get organised?

Hope not hate are suing Farage
Jack Monroe sued KT Hopkins

Basically any Conservative figure who stands out and gains a following gets targeted by a wave of virtue signalling leftists. This serves to stop other people coming up with similar views in public.

Completely different, scones actually taste nice


who was your favourite ever tripfag?

hard mode: no shego

What the fuck is this? Hideous

>He hasn't has savory cheese and ham scones

>It's an OP posted a boring picture depicting British cuisine and/or cultural activity so we get a million yank posters flooding the thread episode

She's beautiful m8. what co op do you go to haha

It's called breakfast, lad. Try some if you ever visit the South.

I'nm horny as fuck with a big knob and need Rimmers arsehole

designated leftist

fajitas, lad.

Fry some chicken, red onion, mushrooms, red peppers together. stick in a tortilla. Add guacamole if you want (i'm not a fan) and whatever else, apparently they're quite good with sour cream.

He isn't wrong. Sovereignty and independence has no price.

>t. designated Nonce


at least he attempted to discuss stuff while prube and meme merchant just shitpost all day

only other ones I can tolerate is designated leftist and rightly so

number sequence recognised

Rightly so must have been banned for posting that flaming wreck of a tinder conversation

Is that jelly and butter or what? It looks heavenly

Also they're called biscuits if they're larger and with gravy or honey, and scones if they're smaller and with a preservative or butter. Biscuits are never cookies you retards

seriously OP never do this again, this is like the 4th amerifat to burst into this thread and say this

Like cream but thicker.

If the south woulda won id have had it made lad


Omelettes, you can throw ham, cheese, tomato, whatever the fuck you want in em. I eat a ridiculous amount of eggs.

Dogs have senses like us, but even more acute. Some say they can see ghosts. We too can sense things and have what is known as a sixth sense, but sometimes this sixth sense can be a lot fatter and older than you remembered it.