Let's talk about rape and consent

Let's talk about rape and consent.

>pedophilia illegal because children cannot consent
>children cannot consent
>there's a power differential

Let's look at feminist teachings

> the patriarchy
> men more powerful than women
> a drinking woman can never consent

The pattern is that the weaker party can never consent. Women can't consent even when sober.

What are some more implications of this?

>inb4 pedophilia isn't child molestation

Saying pedophilia is the same thing as child molesting is equivalent as saying heterosexuality is the same thing as rape.
One's an attraction, the other's an action.
I don't know why I'm wasting my time explaining this to an obvious troll

Well the prior rule was established far longer ago and by logical moral people, while the latter is made by audacious tarts.

So basically the prior is very much necessary while the latter is silly and mostly factually incorrect.

You literally don't have the right to not be photographed in public, though

If they monetize your image you can sue but, dude

I agree. I'd still like to see what kind of preposterous conclusions feminist rhetoric leads to.

> consent is required before sexual intercourse
> nothing, not even saying "yes please fuck me right now," can be considered consent
> why aren't young people having sex any more?

There's no such thing as female consent.

Rape is a social construct

SJWs believe you

>"fuck me in the ass"
>not consent

They can consent to other women.

>women are just as strong as men and just as intelligent
>drunk women cant consent
>drunk men can

???? The SJW ideology just makes 0 sense.

Who is that animu cat girl

it's actually just that SJWs don't think women need to consent to ther women, even if they're 4 and your own sibling

Age of consent is weird honestly. Obviously a 40 year old man banging an 16 year old is a problem, but does 2 years really make that much of a difference? And if were going by the only adults have the right to consent, and people are adults at 18. Why 18? The brain doesn't finish development until early 20s. This issue is treated so black and white that it causes problems. Like an 18 year old guy and a 17 year old girl are dating, if they have sex, even if she consents, the dude is raping her. They are 1 year apart. I think consent laws need to be more complex because it's not a simple issue.

I want to rape people that complain about rape culture.... which is really weird because I've never thought about raping people until they made a huge issue about it.

>Obviously a 40 year old man banging an 16 year old is a problem
No, it isn't. Just because it hurts your feelings it doesn't mean it's bad.

Yeah but if I'm gonna take a huge risk and rape someone, I would want to make it worth it. I would go for a 10/10, not a subhuman.

Calm down Muhammad, now is not the time to make sex, your balls will be fine. They won't explode I promise.

>And if were going by the only adults have the right to consent, and people are adults at 18. Why 18? The brain doesn't finish development until early 20s.

This is either an argument that kidfucking is ok (it isn't, it's demonstrably harmful) or that adequately-developed brains, and therefore ability to understand what is going on, isn't a standard that should be necessary for sex

Both are shitty arguments

>16 year olds should be able to fuck without holding the parents responsible
>adult men shouldn't be able to fuck 16 year olds

You can't have this both ways

Whining about rape culture is not a complaint, it's wishful thinking. They wanna be taken over.
>Your rights end where my feelings begin.
Typical Ameridumb.

I declare that all men from now till the end of time do not give consent

Anyone who has sex with a man is a rapist

more a race of who can call rape first at that point

the implication is that women where forced to accept the advances of men often throughout history, and only the artificial system of modern society allows us the luxury of having the right to refuse to marry and provide children to the more dominant sex.

the implication is that a regression of female rights would eventually cause this to happen again, while an inflation of female rights would give females the artifical power to enforce compliance on the husband to provide sex if desired.

The bare facts:
You cannot excise power dynamics from relationships. Even the best attempts by society have tried and failed, you can only moderate excessively one sided relationships, like ones where female and males lack social and political power to free themselves from abuse, and child/animal molestation.

The same stupidity right wing rhetoric leads to.

the problem is not that feminists aren't smart. it's that people as a whole are not very smart, and even the "smart" ones often think they are too "smart" to be fooled and therefore act just like the idiots.

Adopt the teachings of our Lord and Savior.

I've started seeing these posters everywhere at anime conventions. Really fucking annoying.

For who should I report?

Annoying and also degrading for men. Those posters assume every guy is a fucking creep. The good thing is that the harder they push this bullshit the emptier such events will be.

But pedophelia literally isn't child molestation. It is an attraction to children, it doesn't mean you touched them.

All the same, they should be shot anyway.

Yeah, it would be the same as saying "I love watching people die, but I'll never kill anyone" Although you should be able to like whatever you want, it's safe to admit that it's most likely unhealthy and constantly degenerate to your mental state. Like a 14yo who loves anime too much, after enough exposition, his behavior will always be modified to fulfill the expectations of his own imagination.