Cucksizing of products

Everyone tries to claim that the constant reduction of product sizes exists because companies would rather do this than raise prices.

I'm calling bullshit. All of this cucksizing is more likely a kike psyops ploy to normalize cuckoldery.

Just try to prove THAT wrong.

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if you're eating the crap that gets hit by this (for me, ben and jerry's and creme eggs are the only things that come to mind) you're eating shit anyway, so be prepared to be treated like someone who eats shit

>I'm calling bullshit.
So do I. In aluminium cans, packaging costs more than the product. So they ought to introduce bigger sizes to save money.

>There are Sup Forums users who are still drinking the carbonated jew

Absolutely disgusting.

Is Diet Coke bad for you? I drink two a day.

I was in the grocery store yesterday an noticed a section of the isle that has potato chips and things like that was advertising "thin packs" I think it was called -- the idea is that it's good that there is less in each one so you don't get fat. So it's a good thing, you dumb goyim!

wew lad

Yes, it's bad for you, but the jury's out on exactly how bad.

Just try to prove that RIGHT.

How is the jury out? Are you incapable of assessing the situation on your own? The jury already said it's good for the goyim and no further jury or questioning is permitted.

That's like saying the jury is out on the 6 gorillion. oy vey.

>Buying (((their))) product.
If you drink anything other than water and milk, kys

Looks like kek has spoken on this.

Worse than regular coke.

Enjoy your aspartame.


they recycle them.

Still costs a significant amount due to transportation.

>Everyone tries to claim that the constant reduction of product sizes exists because companies would rather do this than raise prices.
>I'm calling bullshit. All of this cucksizing is more likely a kike psyops ploy to normalize cuckoldery.

I would appreciate it to just buy 0.2ml canned carbonated drinks. I am typically throwing half away.

P.S. whoever drinks the coca cola jew is a true idiot. It is fucking liquid sugar, you are essentially poisoning your body.

>Is Diet Coke bad for you? I drink two a day.

Do not trust the Coca Cola company. They have killed millions of people worldwide and will continue to do so, as long as it makes them profits.

Sodium cyclamate, a relatively inexpensive artificial sweetener banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since 1969 and once believed to be a carcinogen, has been used in the Coca-Cola Zero versions produced in Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Venezuela, Chile, and some Central American countries. It was used for a time in Mexico, before a consumer campaign led to its removal from the drink in 2008. In June 2009 Venezuela ordered Coca-Cola to withdraw its Coca-Cola Zero product, as it contained more than the legal levels of sodium cyclamate.

saw something on tv saying as much as 1 diet soda a day makes you 30 times more likely to have a stroke. haven't bothered to look it up and see if it's true since I don't drink that shit.

menwail in eu

It's to combat obese yanks u lard arse

Meanwhile in Greece pay debts an sheeit

>go to 'murica
>order a "normal-sized" Mc Set
>it is exactly like extra-large in Poland

You are what you eat , fast food retailers have killed more people on the planet than war , disease etc

pepsi for life

I don't mind it.

It's smaller, so I drink less of something that is bad for me.

It's cheaper, so I am more likely to buy it.

Just good marketing tbqh.

>go to a restraunt
>they only have coke

Idk about coke but Pepsi doesn't use aspartame anymore. Also, consuming almost anything else is better than sugar.

Stick with sugar , artificial sweeteners are cancerous

>drinking the corn syrup jew

Portion control. The minis are nothing new, they have been out for a long time.

>Is Diet Coke bad for you? I drink two a day.

Yes it is bad for you. I am type 1 diabetic (diagnosed in 1990) i drank the stuff for many years because it did not contain sugar. I was blue pilled on the health effects of artificial sweetener. I used to get really bad headaches and had mind fogginess a lot. When i took the red pill a few years after 9/11 i started questioning everything and quit drinking diet soda. I no longer get headaches and my mind is clearer. Aspartame will give to brain lesions stop drinking it.

The opposite is true tho. Jews made shitty food and started selling things in giant portions to keep you fat, slow, and unhealthy. If you want to stop being a cuck kill and eat your own food like a man and lift something.


Any other country in the world, I would say this sort of shit is from the Medieval Jewish Caricature School of Business, but portion sizes here are literally the biggest in history.

Well if it's on TV it must be true.

>Go to a restaurant where a self respecting person would order coke
Murrrica right here, folks.

Wait until we cut your foreign aid, kike

I'll just move back to America.


And a version for regular sodas.

>Be me, 18.
>Lactose intolerant and love milk.

Why is this world so cruel user.

it's called ripping off the consumer and seeing if they'll notice. same reason crackers come in boxes. if you're not looking at the ounces you're getting ripped off. that discount cereal in the big box has half the cereal inside it should. the only ones you're safe with are bags that you can actually feel.

>the only ones you're safe with are bags


Its terrible. It turns you into a gayer and fatter version of anderson cooper.



>drinking the fizzy jew
I only drink water, fruit juice and tea.
Fuck off with your Jew drinks. Over 6 million spoons of sugar in every can.
Aye, right.

It's a carcinogen

>It is fucking liquid sugar, you are essentially poisoning your body.
It's fine as an occasional treat, especially in a small serving size.

>the constant reduction of product sizes
>rather do this than raise prices
What? Not only has the trend up to now generally been toward larger and larger sizes, but I mostly see these small versions of things coming with a higher price tag.

Here's how it went down:
>>Hey, this is too much to have at once, we want smaller servings!
>It costs us very nearly as much to make a smaller serving as a large one. Most customers will see the larger serving as a better deal.
>>So give us both!
>But that costs shelf space, factory complexity, and logistic complexity, which are even more expensive.
>>We want it anyway!
>If you insist. But to stay cost-competitive on the large servings, we'll need to charge a higher price for the small servings than large ones.
>>That's stupid!
>That's the best we can do.
>>Okay, some of us will buy it anyway...

>Everyone tries to claim that the constant reduction of product sizes exists because companies would rather do this than raise prices.
Its got more to do with the fact that people are lobbying for smaller pack sizes/ taxing food products to "help" tackle childhood obesity rather than attributing it to bad parenting they use it as a front so they have an excuse to increase profits without the consumer thinking they have been fucked over.

I can prove it wrong with basic economics. People don't like inflation costs. So, companies reduce the serving to maintain the same cost. In 1999 a 20oz bottle of any name brand soft drink was roughly 99cents. In 2006 they were roughly $1.25, by 2010 they were $1.75
Now by my experince as a groceir (being someone who had to order, stock, commincate with vendors) I became aware of what corperate was attempting to acheive which is lower overhead while providing same quailty product. They had to redesign packaging that allowed the same price of a product, but also allow then to increase the cost of their original product. This process led to two brackets, one of increased price and one of familiar price.
Another method being used to acheive this offset is by offering 20 cans of soda insted of 24 cans. This method allows the cans to be the same size, but also remove the volume of drink from the total sum if the original (roughly 1/6) allowing the price of the package not to inflate.
You can keep on believing the Jews are behind it, but I only ask one thing in return.
>Where's da proof?

When I was a kid, bars of soap were generally five ounces.

Then it was 4.5-ounce bars, then 4-ounce ones. Now, recently, I accidentally bought these miniature Dial bars that were fucking 3.2 ounces.

>Oh, but the price of bars of soap have been consistent!

>Where's da proof?
The Jews caused the economic conditions necessary for companies to need to play these games to stay afloat.

For the most part people react in predictable ways to get by, like those you describe. The Jews know this, and so what they do is to adjust the outside conditions that influence how people react in predictable ways. Then the dumb goyim don't know who's minding the flock.

if you are under 25 you should have absolutely no (as in 0) problem with drinking a soda 5 out of the 7 days of the week with 1 meal, at the least.

im 21 and can drink soda every day of the week and not feel tired, not get fat, and not get sick.

if you are really having these issues at such a young age its you, not the drink

If you're 25 and drinking soda every day, you were raised poorly.

That is not proof.
>To assert is not to prove.

I really wish I could get a 12oz can of coke at a convenience store, here we only have 8oz / 16 oz cans and varying sizes of plastic bottles but it just isn't the same as the classic can.

I don't care for your jewish marxist relativism.

Kike shill detected

they're doing the same with cigarettes. Removing one or two cigarettes instead of raising prizes. Anyways, most of you could benefit from some cucksizing by the looks of it.

So the mini-coke is actually a genius marketing strategy. You're hitting 2-3x more consumers. This is for the market who normally doesn't drink soda, or who wants soda but if they get a whole can, they'll drink the whole can. Or even those who are on diets and want 100 calories or less.

You sell these little bad boys at the same price and suddenly your sugar-water profits are going up 20% while your expenses have stayed relatively the same.

tl;dr they made tiny cans that cost more than regular cans and people buy it.

You've also got higher packaging prices per volume content, so I'd guess the can manufacturers aren't complaining about running more volume of can materials.

Yea, but if the forecasted income of the niche market justified the creation of the cuckcan, then of course Coca-Cola would do it. Plus they probably got some sort of subsidy to create a "healthier" beverage. One thing is for sure: it's not because they care about the consumer.

Cuck can is for children and women, both underrepresented consumers of soft drinks.

The problem hasn't been the cost as much as the perceived waste of someone who literally can't finish a small can or doesn't want the extra calories.

Now you can market these as "fridge mates" and "small rewards", getting people used to feeling like constant cracking of cans is alright because they're so tiny.

Creating a habit is the way you get customers addicted.