>Be me
>Be me
>Be me
>Be me>Be me
>Be me>Be me
>Be me>Be me
>Be me>Be me>Be me>Be me
>Be me>Be me>Be me>Be me
>Be me>Be me>Be me>Be me
>Be me
Be me
>free palestine?
>ill take 3!
I'm coming for you, and so is Ham's F-16. Prepare yourself.
i have a D9 waiting for you
No one wants to be you.
Don't worry, i like jews.
You're one of the good ones then.
where do you live?
Also fuck hamas and islam
Woah be careful, you might get hunted by Hamas or Fatah.
how is it there?
coming to destroy your house soon
Welcome to our board of peace, newfag. Heres your first protip: click on the post number (the number farthest to the right) to reply to it. Enjoy your stay!
do you have a D9?
Dont worry I'll go to Ireland or the US cuz am citizen!
Reported to Hamas. Enjoy your last few hours on this planet. I hope the (you)s were worth it.
go to Ireland they love Palestinians there
Thanks master
Meh. Ramallah is the Tel Aviv of Palestine, it's liberal as fuck, they even have shady back alley porno theaters if you know where to look.
Hebron? Now THAT'S a shithole. Fundamentalist extremist Mudslimes out to kill you on every street corner.
Hebron is the Petah Tikva of the west bank
ما تقلق يا حج جماعتي تيجيلك و راح نعلم عليك
(Don't worry dude, me and my crew will fuck you up bro)
It's pretty fucked that "the Jews" are the most violently anti-semitic people on the planet and act so much like "the Nazis" they like to tell stories about.
Didnt some muslim in ramallah get killed last week for selling land to a jew?
I mean there are still a lot of islamic people
Also, where to get Palestinian gf? These Jewish women are way too westernized I need a pure virgin waifu
90% of people with Middle Eastern flags must be proxyfags, I'm sure of it.
>Believes jews are going to have compassion on him because of being a good beta goy.
Is like they never learn.
How do you guys handle all the people talking shit about jews
تخسي انت وجماعتك يا مصاص زب اليهود
Translation: (untranslatable) you kikecocksucker
you want lehava to kill you and her family to honer kill her?
Mine is not
Palis get hilariously asspained when this happens, the fucking patriarch of the Jerusalem church was deposed because of it
Muslim faggot. GET HIM!
i myself just refute the points
Palestinians are the ultimate beta race.
>Be me
Believe me, mudslimes get just as much shit as we do. Actually ever since nu-Sup Forums showed up the straw polls have showed that mudslimes are hated MORE than we are. Post a bit and you'll get used to it.
>mudshits and kikes
يا خال ليش انتا اصلن هون
تتخوث قاعد؟
(Nigga why are you even here, or are you just kidding?)
I love who this started cuz I posted a shit joke
now now you silly meshuggeneh you, i believe you meant to say was Judea & Samaria
Am athiest, calm down
that joke is for Sup Forums
Pali, can I ask a serious question for a minute?
Why do you guys think that land for peace works? We gave South Lebanon back, it turned into a Hezbollah shithole hell bent on destroying Israel. We gave Gaza back, it turned into a Hamas shithole hell bent on destroying Israel. Why would the West Bank be any different?
Hope you two bomb the shit out of each other :)