Lolbertarians believe this

lolbertarians believe this.

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t. the monkey neocon

Socialism is the mark of my enemy.

I don't trust "National Socialists", but I don't mind ethnic-nationalists who also hate Commie scum.

it's true though, how do you think NatSoc's and AnCaps get along so well here?

Actually that's no longer the case I feel believe.

I'm a white male but as an AnCap every time I say I don't have a problem with a black or some other minority living in America as long as they uphold western values and assimilate I get a natsoc telling me

>Go back to Le donald fag
>muh civic nationalist
>kike shill

I think it's because nu/pol/ has come in such large numbers a lot of the old natsocs on this board are becoming more resistant as to what they tolerate. Personally I like both ideologies and believe they can both work if implemented correctly. However I naturally lean more towards ancap

culture comes from the people, if you replace the people the culture ceases to exist.

Libertarian values cannot exist in a dumb brown society, get it through your skull

Are you against neocons or for them?

This, a million times this.

No socialism

To be more specific I do argue that countries should predominantly be ruled and dominated by those who come from there.

My idea for america would be a predominantly white society (Above 90%), I'm just not in favor of not having ANYONE from a different race come and assimilate as long as like I stated they uphold western values.

So will they be castrated or allowed to slowly dillute the genepool to turn the nation into Africa over time?

just make miscegenation illegal, no need to castrate them

Pinochet meet with a lot of people.

Illegalizing it won't stop it from happening and just makes it more and more likely every day that it will be decriminalized and then mainstreamed. You need full seperation by country.

What happens to rape babies and people that commit race mixing?

Also doesnt this violate every libertarian core belief?

>being this mindfucked by ideology

I highly doubt that would happen if we go by the number I just gave you.

>it's another divide and conquer thread

I'm libertarian, I don't like NatSoc's because they are too far left for me, besides I don't want to be living under any authoritarian regime they might put me in a blender.

Yeah no one would dare break the law

why don't we ban breaking the law?

I refuse to not be ideological. It only benefits those in power.

>by ideology

I think it's more due to a lack of reading than anything else. Lolbertarians can't into political theory.

Replace the eagle with a fasces and it's good


Nazbol is the true synthesis of Sup Forums's ideology.

>uncucked by Porky
>uncucked by globalists
>uncucked by Jewry

Come to the nazbol side Sup Forums

if nazi germany was socialist under any metric then so was mussolinis italy

national socialism is not the same as marxist socialism

>then so was mussolinis italy

Yes, that's sort of the point of fascism actually.

well the eagle looks far cooler, so if they are both socialist why replace it?

2 communists (66%) and a libertarian (33%) are in a room.

One libertarian convinces one communist to remove the other communist.

There are now 50% communists and 50% libertarians.

Do you get it now?

Because not every fascist is a national socialist, but every national socialist is a fascist.





Holy shit, it's almost like I hate all forms of socialism.

I'd prefer to have authoritarianism without the burden of ethnostate-socialism. But of course, I'll take anything I can get that results in dead commies.

I view libertarians as just as big off an enemy as commies.
any ideology that puts materialism and money over the interest of the nation is an enemy.
Capitalism has been even more destructive to our traditions then communism ever was

The hierarchy of evils in this world in my view are...

Liberals are becoming a combination of the 2 highest tiers of evil. Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

because libertarians are retarded children.

I'd work with a natsoc to kill a commie, but the natsoc would thereafter jew themselves with national (((socialism)))

2 gayest ideologies ever to walk the earth
i pray for teh day when libtards and stormfags are lined up to the wall and shot

Reminder that lolbertarianism (aka classical liberalism) is as big of an enemy to national socialists as communism.

You have no nation left to defend you fucking buffoon

>national socialism
>not communism
choose one

I'd like you to actually explain your reasoning.

NatSoc isnt the same as marxist socialism

Don't talk about thinks you have no clue about you apolitical cretin


somalia is a nation though
close enough

>not wanting to be assraped by the orwellian state = being apolitical
nice try, now go back to jacking off to uncle adolf

>not putting Jews
you're not even trying. And some dictators have allowed for FAR more freedom than many forms of democracy, especially considering all forms of communism are democracy.

>all forms of communism are democracy.
what autism is this

I'm baiting!

communism is becoming a classless society through violence
socialism is same, but through peaceful, more diplomatic means

national SOCIALISM means that they want to do the same, but with retaining national differences

same shit, different package

>orwellian state

literal non-argument, try again

he also once said he liked christianity

maybe its not an argument to you because you like the state being your mommy but some of us are actually grown up past taht

The difference is that fascism relies on hierarchy rather than the so-called social classes. It kills class war, therefore killing communism.


it was not about evening out the social classes into the same material level, but uniting them spiritually as one people, regardless of class

i never talked about fascism
fascims is cancer too, but WAY more tolerable than the eternal german

Another non-argument. It seems to me that libertarians rely on nothing but ad hominem, strawmen, and appeals to emotion.

>i never talked about fascism

NatSoc is a form of fascism.

>WAY more tolerable

What differences do you see in fascism that make you say this?

literally kys stupid uneducated faggot I will not even care to explain you your idiocy

i think you might want to relisten the history class

if you dont know the difference between fascism and national socialism that means you are 12 year old larper and im sorry i even spoke a word to you

I'm asking you what aspects you prefer in fascism over natsoc you absolute spacker.

>that fucking flag


its true, welfare was voluntary donations with only social disapproval for not giving when you could afford

>t. mr less then 60%

This is so badly done that at first I thought it was an edit.

Hitler did nothing wrong, but if he did. that shouldn't leave a black mark on National Socialism.

True National Socialism have been tried.

>t. mr less than .01% by 2020


>Hitler did nothing wrong

Hitler lost his legitimacy when he stopped being a nationalist and became an imperialist with the annexation of Czechoslovakia.



>current year + 5
>There are still lolbertarians on Sup Forums

>not being an apostle

The free market WILL fix it.
Why think otherwise?
Commies get helicopter rides, fascists are capitalists without morals, in many ways, but capitalism gives me a chance against ANY state. I love it.

Lets make a pact with hyper authoritarian nazis while our entire philosophy is based on disdain for the authoritarian state XD

Lmao le based nazis!!!!!! an d fuck commies :DD

I laughs a lot, /lrg/ bro

>tfw I'm top two, despise bottom two
Bring it on Sup Forumscucks

lolberts are closet fascists

Should've known all that LARPing would've attracted the real thing.

all libertarians become natsoc eventually. libertarianism is for edgy teenagers who like to stay up late and stick it to the man

You sound confused af.

m8 nazi germany actually had a lot of freedom. You could be whatever the fuck you wanted as long as you served the state and didn't act like a nuisance

What do ancaps/lolbergs think of National Populism?

m8 fascism and national socialism are just different branches of the same tree. There is no need to seperate the two when talking about one

Nazi Germany isn't very Orwellian though when u think about it and there's a reason why George Orwell didn't base 1984 on Nazi Germany(or Soviet Russia). The NatSocs for example were a self-admitted authoritarian state, their propaganda was straight up called propaganda by the nazis themselves and when they wanted to get rid of some people, as in jews, Hitler and others made that quite clear for everyone. They didn't sugar coat or hide anything.

Orwellianism is mainly about political double-speak and can be applied more to western democracies, take America for example. Your propaganda is disguised as a free and unbiased media that coincidently spouts the same message 90% of the time with the other 10% being heavily supressed, a shit ton of American laws have names completely contradictory to their meaning, Free Trade Agreements actively supress free trade through thousands of pages of regulation to favor big corporations, the Freedom Act is about spying on your own citizens and the Civil Rights Act basically nullified Americans' freedom of association and property rights. America's political system is almost entirely in control of the media, big corporations and justice departments(most of whom collude with each other) instead of the actual people. That's Orwellian

Mate, expansionism is a core tenet of fascism...

>massive regulation of business and rejection of individual interest for the greater good

>minimization of the state and the maximization of individual liberties.

the only thing you guys believe in is killing communists but you guys have absolutely nothing in common after that.

1984 is literally based off of Stalin's Soviet Union, you moron.


>we are anti-property
>we are pro-individualism as long as your individualist tendencies happen to serve the greater good

why do right libertarians on this board put up with this shit?

where did he say he was anti-property?

No it isn't, do you even have a citation for that claim?

whoops my bad. second point still holds

>>massive regulation of business and rejection of individual interest for the greater good
more like allowing some capitalism but not beyond the point that it is harmful for the people or the country

NatSoc's are not against private property

nobody believes in shaking with your left hand. fuck off queer.

>stopping people from harming the nation and their fellow citizens is bad

This is why the West is such a shithole

if you are going to be a kike you belong in the oven