Wow that's powerful

wow that's powerful

Other urls found in this thread:

Oyy veeeeyy

lets make it last 1000 years

Actually we wouldn't be silent for a single second

A tourist?

Never happen'd

Oy Vey you anti-semites, remember the 500 years!

19+ years of silence for this one Jew alone. Really makes you think.

>And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."

>Not 9 years and 11 months


>only eleven and half

Why did they all have shaved heads?

For better conductivity in the electrocution roller-coaster masturbation pools, of course.

itd be powerful if it were real, i know i was silent for my 0 seconds

I still remember when FDR rounded up all of those Japanese-American citizens and exterminated them in the camps shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack.

Where is their moment of silence?

shut up goyim

Congrats on being an accomplice to murder shitlord.

>He told the story of Holocaust survivor and political activist Elie Wiesel, who died last year, and slammed Holocaust deniers.

>"Those who deny the Holocaust are an accomplice to this horrible evil, and we will never be silent. We just won't. We will never, ever be silent in the face of evil again," Trump said.

>"Denying the Holocaust is only one of many forms of dangerous anti-Semitism that continues around the world," he said.

>Trump vows 'We will confront anti-Semitism' at Holocaust memorial ceremony

Yeah, but nobody cares about gypsies or fags, so we'd only be silent for like a month.


if we held 1 minute of silence for every time a jew felt any compassion or respect for a goy we would be silent for....

We all know it was you guys.



Why do these types of things only ever mention the Jewish number? What about all the other people?

Gets my noggin joggin.

...the Germans must have built a time distortion machine because it also means they killed and disposed of 1 Jew per minute during the same time frame.

Why do those tattoos never go past 300,000?

Man you poles must fucking hate hearing about the holocaust, when jews claim that every one of your people that died there were jewish. It's fucked how no one bats an eyelid that the narrative went from all the camps were death camps to only two death camps.

I had a polish girlfriend whose grandmother was in the camps and she defended the Nazi's saying they were just trying to fix shit, even though they didn't do it perfectly atleast they tried. Where as she said the jews were happy to fuck everyone over and even in the camps they were inhuman, she said it was common for them to eat dead people.



Here's my question. If the jews are so organized/powerful that they can falsify 6 million deaths, how can you fight back? And if they didn't, why has Sup Forums become so single-key in its shitposting?



>not infinity symbol

If we had 1 minute of silence for every typhoid victim I still wouldn't give a shit.


I unironically support this sentiment, at least we wont have to hear about it for 11.5 years, everyone would finally shut up about it

Ona masz fajne dupa?

reddit cant into maths