Anyone noticed the amount of antlfa cancer being posted today?
Antifa fail FAIL
Antifa is cancer
Tortology no doubt
what I mean is, is there some sort of half-assed raid going on? there are a lot of weak attempts to divert the conversation......
user, did you mean tautology instead of tortology? One is a belief of contradiction and the other from an armchair search looks like the research of building cakes.
Absolutely. They're very shifty too. They're good at speaking WP language then calling Richard Spencer a Jew. Stuff like that.
The former, although the latter sounds tasty....
Cakes are very tasty. But a bigger point, fuck Antifa and fuck cultural Marxism. Anyone that subscribes has to be dumb. And I don't even mean that derogatory. Like literally dumb. I'm sorry Antifa but subscribing to your philosophy is weak minded. I'd like to have a civil minded discussion but you just keep bringing these bike locks... makes me wonder.
Amen to that. I can't help feeling that kekistan will win this battle. The antifa and thier ilk only have patronising screaming and violence as thier tools, the rest of us have intellengence, ability to debate and a very healthy sense of humor. I think it is the lack of any sense of irony that will be the downfall of these privaledged hippy c*nts.....
Although against me, I lack the ability to spell.....
Who really cares? You brought awareness to a delicious distinction
Let us eat cake!!!!!
IF you are a EAST COAST FAG then get in here for battle of boston:
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Damn, wish I could be there. Britfag here.
I've seen a few antifa lurking around but not in any great numbers. I wish they would just raid us in great numbers. be more fun.
Yes that would be more fun. We should pose as antifa posing as user on Sup Forums just to get things going. A bit like the FBI when they get bored of a terror group not actually planning anything.
>Anyone noticed the amount of antlfa cancer being posted tod
No. It's no different from any other day on Sup Forums
Have you noticed that on Sup Forums anyone and everyone is allowed, and welcome, to post. On the antifa boards, eveyone who slightly disagrees gets banned......
Who's "we"? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? Gtfoh
You can help us organize. If this issue becomes a national one then it'll find it's way to the UK no doubt about that. Then it'll be your turn.
Ah yes, I meant it in the royal sense. NYPA etc.....