Alex Jones BTFO?

Now that Alex Jones has lost custody of his children, do you think he deserved it? After subjecting parents of murdered children to claims about them being actors, pizza gate, psychic inter-dimensional vampires etc. I am glad he lost custody. Serves him right.

Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

He didn't lose custody.

his implication, and the implication of this video's title (note, not the video's actual contents, which actually contains actual science) is that
1. these chemicals turn male frogs gay.
2. it's likely that the same effect could carry over to humans

In reality, frogs have a genetic mechanic by which they are able to change their sex dependant on the breeding-pool, independant of human interference. The issue these scientists are studying is that one of the side-effects of a commonly used pesticide is it triggers this in frogs regardless of whether or not their breeding pool needs more females. As you can see, neither fucking point above is supported by the actual science.

>scientists: pesticides used by private companies are having a severe impact on the surrounding ecosystems, and governments should regulate more strictly in accordance with this!

Why do leftists claim to have empathy and understanding but always ridicule, mock, harass, threaten, and bully those that disagree with them?

whoops, meant for

Lel, he didn't lose custody faggot. Try again.

Pretty much a full blown conclusion at this point. Why deny the inevitable?

I get that this is bait but it's really weak.

But I am not a leftist though??? Didn't realize disliking a lunatic who cares about Alex Jones Inc (not telling you gullible fucks 'the truth') makes me a leftist. But OK.

>inter-dimensional vampires


I don't think they claim to have empathy and understanding.

If anything I really hope that he lets loose on the Jews now

Whats he got to lose now?

both he and his wife are really shitty people, and i feel bad for his kids.

low energy, man.

How do you know he's a shitty person?

Why do burgers always think people are leftists for disagreeing with them? I guess it's an uneducated way of avoiding the topic.

Day of the grill when?

What is a "leftist"? Are you a "rightist"?

Daily Dose:

>Self described online investigators say that

Lol. So just anybody online then??? Can I just make some shit up, self describe myself as an online investigator and claim whatever I want?

Holy shit you are gullible.

>Main stream media is lying

>I believe an anonymous source on the internet

>go against mainstream dogma
>no evidence of any neglect or mistreatment
>lose your kids
It's literally genocide of right-wing ideas. If you raise children to believe what you believe, they will take them and make them their own. I'd be a little surprised if they didn't give his kids "vitamin shots" that permanently sterilize them just like Israel gives to Ethiopian Jews who move there.
>where were you when the American Left started espousing Hitler's policies 100%, just changing "Jew" to "Caucasian"

Another typical burger I see.

You're be retarded. Sorry to be the one to tell you. Go ask your parents what it means

>no evidence of any neglect or mistreatment

If one parent has a history of mental illness, this may suggest to the court that the parent cannot provide a safe home environment and that it is not in the best interests of the child to live with that parent or to visit that parent regularly. To determine if this is the case, the court will assess what form the mental illness takes, and whether it interferes with the parent's ability to parent. If the mental illness makes it impossible for the parent to provide a reasonable level of care to the child, then the court may award either limited visitation, supervised visitation, or no visitation at all.

Believing in inter-dimensional vampires and thinking sandy hook was fake, and then accusing parents of murdered children that they are actors would certainly point to mental instability.

>go against mainstream dogma

There's a difference between saying 'I don't agree with why we are going to war' and saying that Obama and Hillary are fucking children... And that the global elite are actually psychic vampires that feed on children.

That's nuts talk mate. And if you don't think so, you are most likely delusional.

And yet there you are, half a world away, on an island whose refugee policy is "closer to Trump's Muslim Ban than you might think" (according to your surely-beloved Vice News), taking a break from your kiwi-fondling to come in here and tell us "Well, if he had just voted for Hillary, he could have kept his kids!" and pretend like it's okay. I hope Australia annexes you and shoots everyone so they can just take over, you Polynesian ape who wishes they were advanced as an Abbo.

Uhhh, wow? Considering your geography skills amount to knowing all 50 states, I can forgive you for coming across as stupid as this post makes you seem. What the fuck is closer to trumps muslim ban that you might think mean? We don't want muzzy refugees. Whats your point? What does any of this have to do with voting for Hillary? Why would our greatest ally annex us and shoot us? Fuck you are stupider than I thought. Stay in your lane, and by that I mean your extended walmart lane, in your motorized shopping cart.