Today is Israeli remembrance day...

Today is Israeli remembrance day. We pay homage to more then 23 thousand soldiers who died since the inception of the country. They died so that we could live. How can one deal with the feels knowing that they committed the ultimate sacrifice and that you can never repay them?


>23 thousand soldiers
Not nearly enough. 6 million more, kike.




woa, i'd love to have something like that too.

I think you mean 8.38 million more m90

RIP in pieces. Remember the 60 bazillion.


thank you german bro, just vote AFD and one day you also will. Are there really no days to remember the fallen soldiers in Germany?

they died doing what they loved.
mindlessly killing palestinian children to satisfy your race's messiah complex.
brings a tear to they eye.

this is now a Mark Walhberg in Vietnam thread


Is that a fucking pisstain? Rank...


5,973,000 short of the usual, kike.


Pic of based emperor Bibi, whos brother died saving Israelis from terrorists. He truly deserves to rule the country.

Make Palestine a state already. Most of the worlds animosity towards Israel would dissapear

If you need to ask permission to be a state you dont deserve to be a state desu

Took you 5000 years and British permission for your state to appear

they are heroes, and their sacrifice should be honored


Bibi is my bb

Brits didn't have enough money to keep occupying the land, they didn't give Israel to the Jews, they just left the land. they actually were opposed to Jews having the land

>Tel Aviv will be a smouldering crater in your lifetime

Do your women actually respect these soldiers or do they pretend to?

The women are also the soldiers.

can't wait

>you can never repay them?
you can, convert to the catholic faith