Mosque on fire near Stockholm:
Mosque on fire near Stockholm:
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Maybe they burned it down itself.
>tfw you blew urself up too early
Whatcha doin there imam?
I doubt Sweden has any balls left. It was most likely a fellow mudshit trying to gain sympathy like the Jews.
My bet is on insurance fraud
Probably this
More sympathy for mudslimes
Alt-right terrorism at it again. When will it end
Have we started the fire?
>mosque on fire
Let a fool keep hope, until the very end
Bacon grease?
Last time this happened it turned out to have been caused by a malfunctioning kitchen appliance.
Of course, this did not stop mudslimes from garnering sympathy and the journos from blaming the racist whites.
No way that's Swedes.
The article says it was some kind of "party" before the fire started, obviously one of the goatfuckers left a candle lit or something...
Hopefully it's in a no go zone, so the fire dept can't get there.
Sunni has burned Shia prayer places before. Confirmed one last year in grenade throwing Olympics champion city Malmö.
Hold up with your "Sweden NO".
A party was held there and when people was outside and on their way home it started to burn.
One down, 16 to go
>(Burn baby burn) disco inferno
>(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down
>(Burn baby burn) disco inferno
>(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down
wtf I love disco now
So more likely a halal electrician from the university of Baghdad bypassing the fusebox to plug in 5 1000W speakers in every socket to get the best sounding goat scream beatz.
They will rebuild two mosques or more for one burned one
More mosque burnings please.
>goat scream beatz