How the world has changed, as seem by autism Pt. 2

Hello Sup Forums

Take a moment to sit down and read the rambling thoughts of an actual Autismo.

Previous Thread not as active as I would have liked, but all is well.
Lets continue on Anderson Cooper for a little bit, specifically the last reply in the previous thread. A basic synopsis is that he has literally changed the paradigm of our society with his position on CNN.

Lets analyze a quote from 2003

"I think the notion of traditional anchor is fading away, the all-knowing, all-seeing person who speaks from on high ........ I tend to relate more to people on television who are just themselves, for good or for bad, than I do to someone who I believe is putting on some sort of persona."[1]

Here he pretty much states how he does not want to be a "normal" fitting in news reporter he wants to be "himself." Which on the surface doesn't sound bad at all in fact it sounds appealing to almost everyone. The problem here is that he is literally influencing the state of the entire world with a position like his. He stretches past the veil of a news anchor and wants to be himself and give his own opinions and beliefs on any matter. Breaking the actual reason we have news reporters, to get the news; nowdays its the exact opposite. Any news anchor from any source will no longer just "tell you the news" they will give their opinion which even if you don't know it will sub-consiously prime your thoughts[2]. Influencing your behavior based off of which news network you are watching; TV's effect on both Conscious thought and Sub-conscious thought are well documented[3].

Will continue later...


Other urls found in this thread:


Really made me think

We have arrived on the right.

Are you sure? I feel like the Orwellian is more of what we are going to.

You could say its "Orwellian" however I would argue its a visage of Orwell covering up the real Huxleyan.

The world news we get is controlled by those who report it. In reality the world hasn't gotten any worse or any better. What we think is bad in the end really isn't that bad, because if it was we would all be dead already.

So basically.

We are in a sense coerced into fear of the world as a way to control us?

Wew that's a hell of a red pill.

Thats one way to put it.

So why the focus on Anderson Cooper?

He is just one of the few key people that have inadvertantly changed society as a whole, I have other people I will talk about in the future.\

Some of them are good some of them are bad.

Can't argue with these digits God speed tismo.

Kek is with me I guess.

Maybe I am onto something


Thanks user, but I don't think the majority of the shitposters on here can read a paragraph.

None the less I will continue in the future

>tfw it's just literal autists like us that will read it

I'm with you user. Lets looks at this story.

>Jeffery Lord says Trump will be the MLK of healthcare.
>Black community is highly offended
>Fucking white people yada yada

Martin tells them that the whole thing was scripted. CNN wants the controversy because CNN wants people to talk about CNN. Nobody at CNN was offended, they put him on knowing that he would say something offensive. We have to consider everything we hear out of the media is meant to illicit the same response.

>tfw I read it all


At least with Anderson Cooper you know what you are getting: news with an agenda and a spin. It is (in my opinion) universally accepted that news is partisan whether intentional or not. When viewers know they are getting a spin they can brace themselves with scepticism.

I think that a lot of people are more keen than they come off. The real idiots that fall for the news stand out because they lack the introspection to keep their shitty inevitably uninformed opinions to themselves.

get the fuck out of here with this shit you literally screen capped your own thread didn't you

Hey dipshits, understanding the motives of the big news orgs isn't hard. They are a for-profit enterprise, fear, anger, sex, and controversy drive people's attention and make them more likely to want to share it with other people

News organizations want your attention, different ones appear to feed on different instincts and push different mental buttons. The biggest change happening is that market forces are working against you in the war of ideas. If you want to do something work on tha problem, not a bunch of convoluted nonsense

>Hey dipshits
Well, you're a poopy butthole.


Rump with a side of bump.

>They are a for-profit enterprise

wrong, if they actually turned a profit there would be news corps literally everywhere and not just off shoots of the same 5 branches, they need (((funding))) to survive and are not state funded propaganda but rich funded propaganda

Jump for the bump.
