Red Pill Christianity

I've been absorbing content from traditional alt-right sources for some time now and that's been all fine and well, but not many of them don't really go into depth about how the JQ pertains to Christianity. Pretty much all of the Christian sources I've listened to over the years are of the Meek and Mild ChristCuck variety as that's what seems to be insanely popular in America right now. However, that's such a disservice as we know that virtues such as Honesty, Morality, Loyalty, Respect, and Family are fundamental pillars to NatSoc and Christianity heavily emphasizes such teachings but is often glossed over for more feminine, "safe" teachings in order to appeal to larger audiences.

I'm tired of the Cucks that unemotionally beat around the bush, clergy that are clearly extorting their crowd for profit and care only for numbers, and pastors that try to sound profound pulling messages and sermons out of passages just because. All of the required reading and prominent traditional Alt-Right material has been fine up until this point and probably still will be for some time, but I wonder if there's anyone, or even an entire church, that fills this specific niché yet? Are there any good Red Pill Christian sources and content out there right now?

One pastor I really like to listen to throughout the years was Mark Driscoll, but I haven't kept any recent tabs on him and I never recall if he went far enough. Are there anymore? Or any required reading on this subject in particular?

Other urls found in this thread:

I understand where you're coming from, but most of Christianity isn't quite as bad as it's somehow made out to be. There is still plenty of traditionalism among the laity and the clergy, though I will admit the leadership is pretty Lefty.

I will say that the vast majority of the "Red Pill" stuff isn't really compatible with Christianity though, so you'll have to eventually make a sacrifice to one or the other. I would suggest you sacrifice the RP stuff, but that's just me.


Go there now

I don't believe Christianity and far right-wing politics are mutually exclusively. Look at the Romans and Pope Urban II with the Crusades; also how the Bible instructs women to live their lives and how the family should be structured. Christianity was the original Red-Pill. I want that version of Christianity back

I have known this since starting; really was a good bridge between the dissonance I've been naturally picked since breaking the conditioning. Other passages I really like is Luke 22:36 and Psalm 144:1


This, find a good, conservative Baptist church and if they get pozzy, confront him with the Bible passage and ask him to repent in front of the congregation

When one is willing to be redpilled they must be willing to have their ideas and beliefs altered. This is, after all, what it means to be "redpilled" -- to have your thinking altered so the information you possess is the truth.

Are you really prepared for the responsibility of having the Truth, or would you trample pearls in mud?


Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-- I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.

Wasn't he an ardent atheist? I know his perspective on Nihilism is highly regarded, especially how to defeat it; but from what perspective he comes from has really turned me off from delving further in

Why would I be on Sup Forums if I wasn't? I'm not a shill or a goddamn commie

40 “The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

Look at Reformed Theology (also called Calvanism). Driscoll is (was?) an adherant. He screwed up big-time with his former church's finances and his books. Now he's hanging out with Pentecostals in Arizona.

Look at John McArthur, RC Sproul, and James White.

>how the JQ pertains to Christianity

The blue pill is that Jews first started worshiping a single deity during a time when everyone else were polytheistic and Pagan. The Truth is, roughly 500 years before Jews stopped worshiping clay and bronze bulls, the Aryan people in ancient Iran (translates to "Land of Aryans") we're already worshiping a single God. A prophet came at this time, Zoroaster, who taught the following to his people:

>There is only one God and all others are false
>The one God is all: good, loving, compassionate, wise, knowing, present and like a father figure
>The one God lives in Heaven with angels
>The one God created the Aryan race to spread civilization and be the caretakers of the entire world
>There is also an all evil spirit who fights against the will of God and his Chosen People (Aryans)
>The evil deity is worshiped by it's evil people
>The evil deity copies or mirrors everything the God and his people do, only the Evil One does it for wickedness
>One day the God will send a Messiah and save the Aryan people by destroying the Evil One and his children

Sound familiar? It should. I'd also like to note that Zoroaster coined these ideas:

>a single God
>dualism (idea that an all-evil being who fights God)
>A "Holy Language"
>A "Holy Book" (divinely inspired by God)

I'm eating a sammich so I'll continue in just a moment. The body is getting long anyway.

Oh for sure, I don't think they are totally exclusive to each-other, but I definitely think a lot of the "Red Pill" culture is antithetical to real Christianity. No hating other races, no condemning sluts but not cads, no extreme anti-Antisemitism, etc.

I've been what you could call a Reformed Calvinist for some time and am very familiar with all those you've mentioned. When I framed the question; I guess I was trying to come from a perspective of if any known Christians have given a take on the 14 and 88 aspects

1 Tim. 5:8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

pastor anderson or if you want more chilled out then chuck baldwin

Life verse

When the Jews were in Babylonian captivity they met with the Zoroastrian people and learned their traditions. The more intelligent Jews spent time with the Zoroastrian "Magi" (wise men and "magicians"). There the Jews learned the key to monotheism. The Jews stole or co-opting the Zoroastrian religion and changed the foundation so it would always benefit the Jew. One of the differences is:

God is a God of love and peace
God is a God of war (Exodus 15:3)

We see that "Judaism" is merely the perversion of the ancient Aryan religion of Zoroastrianism. Jews became the Chosen People. Jews became the speakers of a "Holy language." Jews were the ones now with their own "Holy Book" the Torah. Jews are the children of Ahriman, the Devil, who copies or mirrors everything the God and his People produce.

So where does Jesus fit in? Stay tuned.


I'm still working my way through the "question", but Rabbinic Judaism bears little similarity to the Levitical Judaism based on the Mosaic law. Rabbinic Judaism was concocted around the 2nd century AD, since the Temple was destroyed and they couldn't carry out the Law that was given at Mt. Sinai.

A political party

Look into GK Chesterton
GOAT writer, hardcore traditionalist /our/guy
>What's wrong with the world?
>The man who was Thursday

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had."

Did you have to sell all your belongings? I didn't.

And they did it of the Holy Spirit's volition. No state enforcement.

A religion.

Jesus was the son of a Magi (Zoroastrian priest) and a Jewish woman, Miriam. Miriam stood against the Jews of her day and agreed to the Plot. She would bear a child with the wisest Aryan in Iran and the child would begin training at age 9 to be the second Messiah of the Jewish people, whom the Jews were all waiting for while under Roman rule. There is proof for this claim, of course. The first people to recognize Jesus as the Messiah were three "wise men" from Persia, which of course is Iran and the wise men were Zoroastrian priests. Why would they know about Jesus? There's also the fact that when Jesus was on the cross he said to one of the thieves next to him:

>Today you will be with me in Paradise (Luke 23:43)

What's interesting here is that the Jews do not view the afterlife or even Heaven as a "paradise." This view, at least in Scripture, is unique to Jesus. What's even more interesting is that the word Paradise originates in the Avestan language. Avestan is the language which Zoroaster used to record his teachings in the very first actual "holy book" called the Avestan -- named after the first actual "holy language."

So, in Jesus' last moment, he used an Iranian word to describe an Aryan afterlife.

Jesus Christ was a Jew by tradition (Miriam, his mother, was Jewish and therefore Jesus is considered Jewish according to tradition). But he was also half Aryan. Jesus lived among Jews, but he lived in a way benefiting an Aryan, not a Jew.

So what is Jesus' role in YOUR life? That's something you need to think about.

Wake up, Neo.

5 But a man named Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property. 2 However, he kept back part of the proceeds with his wife’s knowledge, and brought a portion of it and laid it at the apostles’ feet.

3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the proceeds from the field? 4 Wasn’t it yours while you possessed it? And after it was sold, wasn’t it at your disposal? Why is it that you planned this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God!” 5 When he heard these words, Ananias dropped dead, and a great fear came on all who heard. 6 The young men got up, wrapped his body, carried him out, and buried him.

>Hating other races
I don't hate other races: love for ones own face/people is not equivocal with hating others. Frankly I think the Bible encourages this; charity and compassion as a member of God's new chosen people (the "socialism" part of NatSoc)

>No condemning sluts
Proverbs and Ecclesiasties still very much condemns sluts and cads and a hedonistic lifestyle: you have to remember that Jesus was confronting the Pharisees (Jews) and in order to subvert their monopoly on the world, he had to use tactics which pertained to their sins

>No Anti-Semitism
As far as I know, after the Jews killed Jesus, they were no longer /Godspeople/; that's why God turned to the Gentiles: Greeks and Romans (aka, modern people) in order to see his grand plan to fruition; Martin Luther was also an extreme Anti-Semite by the end of his life after spending a good portion of it trying to convert Jews and went to on to conclude that they are worse than Pagans

Not all religions are cultic. It's easy to think about Abrahamic religions in a general way since they dominate the world today, but they share that formula because of their common ancestry, so to speak. There exist religions not based on that system.

Not quite seeing the point your driving at. The passage just seems to tell me that if God calls you to give, do it. And if he gives you agency in the matter, don't lie about your intentions.

why is the cuck used so much. they're a sexual fetish that gets off on being degraded. Using cuck as derogatory term just feels like you're trying to them get off or you're getting yourself off thinking about them.

>Wasn't he an ardent atheist?
More akin to deist or even gnostic.

haha, oh I am laffin. It's funny how when theists respect an atheist, he becomes less and less atheist in every retelling.

It's good that you don't hate other races. The same cannot be said for a lot of Red Pillers though.

Condemning promiscuity is fine, and even calling out people who push it and engage in it is fine. It's not fine to engage in the behavior as a man and then shit all over the women though. Which is what a lot of Red Pillers do.

Martin Luther was a fool in very many ways. I wouldn't follow him too closely.

Why would I believe in a religion that asks nothing of me?

I dunno, that's your business. I don't think behavioral restrictions equal credibility though.

"And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican."

"But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

I think you may have been confusing my question's premise: I was more asking from a political Red-Pill perspective (1488, Heil Hitler, etc) than a the sexual one. The more I study NatIonal Socialism, the more is we it coincides with a lot of Biblical teaching: discouraging drugs and alcohol, encouraging better, proper environmental awareness, building a foundation on the nuclear family, abstenence and discouragement of hedonism unless it is with a loving wife in the context of marriage, etc

This is what has ultimately lead me down this road

Everything is pushing an agenda but it saddens me that as humans we've cultivated a society that openly deceives our brothers and sisters. How do you get the average person to care that they're being enslaved? Let alone develop the tools and capability to think for themselves instead of mindlessly parroting back others talking points. Even lots of people here who claim to be red pilled, which is a meaningless platitude akin to all those Harry Potter faggots. The ability to reason has been stolen from them in the greatest deception ever perpetuated on the people of Earth. As saddening, insignificant and ineffectual our works and progress seem to be. Take heart in the resolve & courage of your forefathers, as their fathers did before them since the dawn of man. The barbarians are at the gates, our decadence entices them, our corrupt weak willed leaders invited them, we are told to accept and submit and this is the way life is. I REJECT them, as Jesus did the pharisees! Their wickedness knows no bounds, their souls corrupted by this world, their degeneracy and perversions know no limits, and no price to much for the people to suffer as long as they line their pockets. They shall have no place at my Father's table.

I'll have to go through your posts after I get to work; was busy replying to everyone else in the thread. I will read them, I can guarantee, so even if I don't reply; thanks regardless

There is a lot to recommend about the behavioral philosophies of Christ. Probably we owe most of the movement towards universal human rights in recent history to Christianity.

So it sucks that when you try to broach the topic of its origins and structure with Christians they assume every time that you're simply trying to be hurtful.

Christians are by and large humble, decent people. I sincerely do not wish to be hurtful to them. I would like to provoke in them a new perspective on their faith however.

>literally the shit tier of christianity

There is no agency in calvinism

Consider that
>three Zoroastrian mages visited Christ near His birth
>Christ praised a Roman centurion for his faith
>Christ spent the first 12 years of His life in Egypt - jews accuse Him of being a magician in the Talmud
God has it all planned out.

This is actually also my sentiment. I do not believe modern Christianity is very indicative of I do not believe modern Christianity is very indicative or representative of Christ's original teachings. The feminization of the church has been very well-documented since the turn of the 1800s and distinctly lax many of its core masculine properties that used to make it a complete religio and distinctly lax many of its core masculine properties that used to make it a complete belief system. There's a reason women are more drawn to the church than men are: almost by a complete 2:1 ratio

The modern church has lost Men, and the society and civilization has as well

Text to speak posting everyone

>ry indicative of I do not believe modern Christianity is very indicative or representative of Christ's original teachings. The feminization of the church has been very well-documented since the turn of the 1800s and distinctly lax many of its core masculine properties that used to make it a complete religio and distinctly lax many of its core masculine properties that used to make it a complete belief system. There's a reason women are more drawn to the church than men are: almost by a complete 2:1 ratio
>The modern church has lost Men, and the society and civilization has as well

>You're God is a lie and you are all in a cult.
>Why do you think I'm being "hurtful"?

Look, I get it, you're not a Christian and you really, really don't like that the rest of us aren't that weak and we actually follow our God. But that's a you problem.

Please tell me no one actually buys this crap?

user this is must read

Read all the parts

>Red Pill Christianit
gormless goy starter pack:


calvinism is not redpill

OP, this site is seriously all you need.

Also a lot of the audio is hosted on YouTube at this channel

You will not be disappointed


Most professing Christians don't even follow what Jesus told them to do. But the true ones do, because we believe He is the Word of God, and therefore would only lead us to good. Anyone would consider trusting God in every aspect of live as crazy if they didn't trust Him, or they hate Him.

he was a fedora shill

This. Christianity is no better than islam, sandnigger religion. If Christians are better than muslims it's despite religion, it is because of their european culture which melded with the desert kike sect and made it somehow better or less niggery at least. Proof is european muslims like bosniaks or albanians don't veil women, drink and don't explode themselves. Ive been in the balkans, catholics orthodoxes and muslims have quite the same customs and are decent people. Our culture always was superior and different kike religions only parasitesd this culture. Nietzche knew that.

>God is dead
This is deism.

So does communism. Wanting an ideal non degenerate functioning society is a common theme in politics and mass control. Kikstianity didnt invent it.

Oh and this series on Two-Seedline theory from Christogenea is like 30 hours long in total, but definitely worth every minute and fascinating.

>the basis of Redpilled Christianity is realizing that Christianity was basically a futurism cult led by the political Tesla of the time, Jesus Horacio Christ. Who essentially rebelled against the establishment which he viewed as having no future on the planet, no future among the stars (aka the kingdom of heaven), aka evil. He did this by essentially by codifying a system of behavior that was the antithesis to the the stereotypical Jewish behaviour (do not lie, do not steal, do not envy, etc EVEN to people outside your group) (a hallmark of the divide and conquer behaviour that most of the anti-semites on this board have a problem with is created by the inherent betrayal of the outgroup for the benefit of the ingroup aka tribe)

In short, Jesus (whatever his ethnicity) was the anti-thesis of the antichrist (not one person but a culture, see pic)

Steven Anderson is thoroughly uncucked and red pilled.

You sound confused. You seem to believe (key word here) that genes are worth more than memes. I say memes, but I mean them in the broad sense, ideas, values, virtues etc.
However, how do you explain the current situation? If our genes are truly the reason for our greatness, how is the current situation possible? Shouldn't there be a genetic triumph by default, since the memes and beliefs are irrelevant? If they are relevant, you are wrong by default, and memes have won the genes.

I remember seeing a screencap of a Sup Forums post, anyone have it?
Explanation of 'Turn the Other Cheek,' in the context of the times.
It doesn't mean "take a beating," turning the cheek was actually an insult. Showing the other cheek wasn't asking to be hit again, it was a power move.

Here you go

beat me to it.

see also.

Going to dump what I have




Wow fuck me. Sorry m8, I hadn't seen it in so long I didn't even check the thread first.




>Please tell me no one actually buys this crap?
debate or get out?


also worth a watch regarding muslims and the crusades

forgot link

***ACHTUNG ACHTUNG ANONS!!!, We are being raided as part of a project by a University of California campus in conjunction with several EU universities, their stated objective is to massively disrupt and ultimately prohibit discussion.***
Pic related.

**Please look out for the following:

*Lack of commonly made grammatical errors such as then/than, their/there, your/you're.
*Improper use of goy/goyim.
*Unwillingness to use "slurs" such as kike/shill/nigger/gook.
*Conversely there is very high usage of terms like "white power" as well as heavy use of swastikas.
*Lack of images of sexy women, gore or even just interesting photos in most suspect threads and replies.
*Lack of webms.
*No Shut it down/Get the Luger type memes.
*Complete lack of common board vocabulary coupled with uncommon behaviors/memes (Inb4/muh/le/reeee!!/Bong/Burger/Hans/Sven/We Wuz/newfagging/namefagging, etc)


*Use pictures of girls which they'd deem as objectifying, trigger them with gore, and disgusting, NSFW images and webms.


*When seeing new threads, ask yourself as a regular non shill user whether you'd be likely to post something like whatever thread you're replying to, and whether the topic is gay af, before you actually do reply.


*Group will include Burgers, Svens, Hands and Frogs

When pointing this out last night I was asked whether I was perhaps in fact with UC myself, trying to derail a thread. To answer that question all one has to do is read the project outline to see that that's not a tactic they're using




> warning: this was written during a mental state of extreme tiredness, so the text might be repetitve and badly structured (I mean I could think clearly but formulating it into text was a pain)

If some people believe in Jesus and happen to be "right" minded and on our side, then fun for them, let them believe, but just going around pointing people TO "Christianity" will just result in the opposite of our desired effects (due what Christianity nowadays is to people, and due to how the leaders of christianity are now acting).

Trying to redpill/improve Christianity itself as a whole, that's a hopeless effort wasted for no gain (you can accomplish more by spending your time and energy on something else). And if you simply care just about Jesus and not much for the religion itself, and believe if people "discover" Jesus then it will help them, well just buy them the Jefferson Bible, for example, that'll probably result in more of the desired effect and be more useful, than trying to "fix" Christianity as a whole which isn't gonna work.

Salvaging and redpilling Christianity as a movement... realistically, it's basically impossible and a fruitless effort.

Because Christianity has become beyond cucked.

For the last few years at least, the dominant position/opinion of the Christian Church in many European countries (and probably with some variation in the US and Canada, as well) is that all humans are 100% equal and this includes muslims and jews, and and they say crap like God/Jesus loves muslims too, and loves all LGBT people, and the Chruch says believers of any religion are equally right - zero attempt is made to claim they (muslims) are wrong and should convert etc, they never hint at Jesus/God being superior to Muhammed/Allah...

> to be coninued below

Man gtfo of here with that shit
I was alive during the Communist occupation of Eastern Europe. Communism, Marxist Socialism; they all mean well but fall completely flat in application. Literally the shit-tier of political ideologies
>inb4 real socialism has never been tried

Look into the SSPX, my friend.


In a way, it's a bit equivalent of if lets say Nazism had survived, and Hitler had grandchildren, but his current descendants would all be saying "yeah man we totally welcome jewish transexual faggots to our Party - nazism is for everyone, hugs and kisses for all"... I mean wtf? It's utterly retarded. If it goes that far, then wtf is left of Nazism? and likewise what's left Christianity? in some ways it's long ago dead; what made it be what it was - that is no more. And trusting in it now and using it as a tool, is like putting trust in a corpse and expecting it to do amazing things for you.

100 years ago; whatever strength Christianity posessed, and whatever protection (against islam and judaism and against degeneracy) it offered to white people, it now has been diluted many hundreds of times over and over again. There's just an absolutely tiny hint of original color or smell left.

They'll be one of us soon enough. There is a problem with putting controlled units in charge of ruining Sup Forums or the like. The controlled units (conscripts, JIDF, CIA, FBI, students) can be broken and subverted by this chaotic board culture.

Autists are far more dangerous.

>Are there any good Red Pill Christian sources and content out there right now?
Anton LaVey

What I don't get about christianity yet is the internal fight between evangelics and catholics. One says that the KJV is the one true version of the bible and that it never talks about churches or baptize or salvation through actions but only through faith and so on, and on the other hand you have catholics that claim that the church is the body of Christ (I dont really know the details about this so don't quote me on that) and that you should confess your sins to the priests and on and on.

Could anyone clarify me this confusing battle? This is makin it really hard for me to learn and study the Scripture.

For the record, I've seen Marching to Zion and New World Order Bible versions (both from S.Anderson I believe).

>(conscripts, JIDF, CIA, FBI, students)
Should have continued it with women.


Those are a few of my favorite Christians. Real ones. Id suggest following all of those men.

Not genes. Our culture was superior and it survived. Christmas is a pagan festivity to begin with. Just like there is syncrétism of christianity with ooga booga in Cuba or with amerindian shit in latin america there was syncrétism with our own set of morals. Marcus Aurelius said to live a good life regardless of gods, and he certainly wasnt the first european with that mindset.
I know nigger I wasn't saying communism is good. I am from an ex commie country. It was utter shit, but less degenerate. Because communism, natsoc, islam, christianity or any ideology aims for a degeneracy free, alcohol free etc society, and commies being authoritarian they managed to do just that. The rest was utter shit I agree. Just that christianity, or religion for that matter, doesn't have a monopoly on aiming for a viceless society. If you want good productive goys you wouldn't want them to hurt themselves and cost you money would you?

go catholic. christian wasn't around until 1550s.

Debate what? That you, Mr. Internet have found out the secret that all the world has been hiding for 2,000 years and I should just immediately drop my Faith because some guy with an agenda wants to reinterpret history to make himself the good guy?

It's a joke. I don't need to debate it, because it will never take root. It's an irrelevancy. You're one guy among 2 billion Christians.