anyone wanna recommend any red pilled books to read?
Be careful what you pick off this list, though. You need to avoid the long-form op-eds by pundits and focus on older, more philosophical books.
Atlas Shrugged
Animal Farm
Brave New World
thanks lads i'll give them a look
Start with Animal Farm, shows simply why communist cannot work
I'll make sure to keep that book in mind, I just order'd the decline of the west of amazon. it should be here in a week
A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell
That's the face I made after reading The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan.
turner diaries
People keep suggesting this; what's the big deal
Yup this is all you really need. What a tragedy
48 laws of power.
>A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell
Great recommendation, seconding this.
Adding a good discussion of the book.
Goonan shills his book on this site, there's a good chance that's Goonan.
Always heard this was nigger tier
After reading the excerpts on his website it looks like pretty entry level Sup Forums thought. It's only $8 so I'll probably still buy it though
beginner tier
second second
also: Capitalism and Freedom and Road to Serfdom
Are you in highschool?
No, it's not entry level. Section 3 reads like a typical pol post on women and sex, but he actually takes it further and points out some ideas I've never heard before. The rest of the book, especially the philosophy, is eye-opening and not entry-level. You should really know what Nietzsche is about before reading it.
>Atlas Shrugged
this is excellent, i met wiesel in highschool... shit was baw-inspiring
A History of Fascism 1914-1945 by Stanley Payne
Objective look at the far right and fascism and its history as well as how it came to power. It's like 500 pages though so its not for booklets.
How to Lie with Statistics by Darrel Huff is also a fun redpilling read.
Are you guys just content to read a book and intellectually understand why world has gone to shit or do you actually do something about it? Is reading a redpilled book just another form of entertainment / diversion from real world?
Culture of critique
>(((Atlas Shrugged)))
It's always a leaf
It's not always about finding solutions, it's sometimes about understanding the mechanics of the equation or giving new perspectives on old assumptions
Albert Camus - The stranger
Anything warhammer is cool
Julius Evola: Revolt Against the Modern World, Metaphysics of War, Ride the Tiger.
Prussianism and Socialism by Oswald Spengler
This Time The World by Lincoln Rockwell
Both downloadable on
***ACHTUNG ACHTUNG ANONS!!!, We are being raided as part of a project by a University of California campus in conjunction with several EU universities, their stated objective is to massively disrupt and ultimately prohibit discussion.***
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**Please look out for the following:
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Posting books Ive read in my lifetime
>20,000 leagues under the ocean
>And then there were none
>Animal farm
>Atlas shrugged
>Beyond good and evil
>Brave new world
>Catch 22
>Crime and Punishment
>Das Kapital
>Don Quixote
>Doña Barbara
>Dream of the red chamber
>Eomance of the three kingdoms
>Fahrenheit 451
>Gravity's Rainbow
>I am a cat
>Infinite jest
>Intellectuals and Society
>Journey to the west
>Libido dominandi
>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>Pride and Prejudice
>Rules for Radicals
>Slaughterhouse 5
>Starship Troopers
>The art of war
>The Genealogy of Morals
>The Great Gatsby
>The Illiad & the Odyssey
>The Karamazov Brothers
>The Prince
>The Sound and the Fury
>The Stranger
>The Way of Men
>The count of mounte Cristo
>The divine comedy
>The fountainhead
>The handmaid's tale
>The mismeasure of man
>The old man and the sea
>The republic
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Water margin
R8 my taste
read the bible
and no, im not baiting
the book is very good and has influenced many others, its a good thing to start with too
plus bonus if you're christian
Try this. It's easy reading, and a smart view on Trump's base from someone who is both a part of it and apart from it.
2666, Crime and Punishment, War and Peace.
the chapter with the loafers is pure comedy.
also the end where they lock jim in a shed full of spiders. holy fuck my sides
>Infinite jest
try posting this on /lit/
Is it me or is there something inherently scary about that wolf
probably too advanced for your short attention span
The Dumbest Generation
Abolutly required reading.
The King James Bible especially was hugely influential to literature in the anglosphere, I'm not Christian but you should read it for that reason alone
Whats with the hate on Atlas Shrugged? Heard it was about trains and shit, but eh.
t. never read it.
It's jewish garbage.
Reactionary literature masterpiece against the growing trend of liberalism in Russia. If you've ever attended any political meetings at all, a lot of the conversations should be hilarious and not as grim as the title makes it out to be. There's also great moral themes as a plus if the political talk gets too dry
Behold a pale horse
Programmed to kill
The tigers way
The Franklin cover-up
Fingerprints of the gods
Turner Diaries
On War
Carlos Castaneda
Mostly good reading. There are a couple (((books))) I didn't like but to each his own.
Dostoevsky is always good
Give me a better answer, pal.
Did you read it or just repeat what ~80% of this board says?
I'd ask on /lit/, but who wants to post there.
Eyyyyyy my nigga. Peyote ain't for every one. Just saying.
that's what he wants dickhead. Fuck's sake I'm so tired of Sup Forums's collective superiority complex when it comes to everything
Clearly I'm not the only one who likes that wolf picture.
Why do you like it?
More importantly why do I like it?
Damn if this book didnt help explain a fucking shittonne of stuff. The way the same people fall into the same sides agaisnt each other no matter the topic. How you will see the same people on say the gun control side as the abortion side as the healthcare side despite all these topics being different.
Cant recommend this one enough. If you want the fundamental reason why different people argue for things try this book
In a literary sense its poorly written, dry, and repetitive, and just because you act out of self-interest instead of socialism does not mean you abandon all your other principles and become some sort of capitalist animal like a certain religion. Nietzsche in this case has a much better message of transcendence and self-improvement via the arts and morality instead of pure money-grubbing selfishness
thank you
To be honest, I wrote it in order to find out, if anyone else on Sup Forums has ever tried to follow a path with heart here, but yea, the paradigm would be too alien for most of polacks
Unintended consequences, CW2 by Thomas Chittum
I read 3 of his books in the days where I explored my own mind, and the universe with the assistance of a cactus. There were good things and bad things, true and untrue. I wouldn't be who I am without those books, but they aren't useful to my life at this point. Excellent taste kraut. The taste isn't for everyone.
This book reveals one of the best-kept secrets about America's greatest president.
This book series is pretty red pilled.
The Man Without Qualities
anything by Dostoevsky
Fag, or Reddit or both. Plebian tier rags that I would wipe my ass with if I ran out of vanity fair pages. Neck yourself.
Same here, though I read all of his books. Been a pretty large part of my life with shrooms years ago, definitely a positive experience.
Thanks, burger, may you avoid the Eagle's beak
then leave you stupid faggot
>asking /pol what to read
you're too stupid to live you fucking beta...kys
The rise and fall of the third reich by william shirer
Nazis weren't the hot shit that half the pol/acks think they were. but they were crafty, violent and determined in their cause and they lost for good reasons.
I can't think of it right now, but I remember reading a very good book on the history of manias and the markets up to about 2000. It was very informative.
This is a pretty good book if you want to understand middle eastern politics and history. It covers about the last 500 years.
Yeah... Read a book about the Reich written by a kike. I own a copy, have read it. Not the complete story. Not redpilled.
Not really red pill, but Radical Chic by Tom Wolfe shines some light,in a funny way, on rich WASPs and jews engaging in lefty Nigger loving politics
Anything by sowell, ayn rand, hayek, rothbard, orwell
Oh and mises
Exile and the Kingdom
Heart of Darkness
The Brothers Karamazov
Decline of the west
Meet next sunday at culver city @ 330
Industrial Society And Its Future
Louis-Ferdinand Céline : Journey to the End of the Night
Great list, the three musketeers is also extremely good.
The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald.
New order of barbarian
This text is so important, that if possible, I wished people were only allowed to visit this board after reading the text.
Maybe with captcha asking something that someone that read the text would easily know, but that can't be guessed, instead of asking our usual "pick the picture with X" question.