Is there a gesture that lefties often use that we can turn into a symbol of white supremacy?

Is there a gesture that lefties often use that we can turn into a symbol of white supremacy?

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it is a used up card, but try the thumbs up if u want, call it anti feminist or something

Raised fist. They love that.

This might sound pretty stupid but we could signify 'one thumb' being the one dominant /superior gender, the thumb vaguely resembling the penis therefore indicating that men are superior

Push a Thumbs Up symbol into hate speech in the MSM and watch KikeBook go into crisis mode.

Raised fist - One nation / race / culture?


The middle finger could signify the superior race (white), another white supremacy gesture

that is what i thought, problem is how do we make it convincing and memeable

This. Associate it with supporting Trump.

I love it when Sup Forums squeezes out into meatworld trolling.

Could work, we could also turn it into another symbol of white power


peace sign stands for two genders

Ah yes, they'd hate that

This is a good idea desu...

Obama is a cracker confirmed

middle finger and dabbing

I was thinking somehow we could make the snapping fingers in place of applause that they do also have white supremacist connotations. As it's somehow belittling the minority activists they are trying to applaud or something.

The lowered fingers represent the other races bowing down to the raised middle finger which represents the white man

OP's idea or the fist, but we need to pick one

The fist means White power, knuckles for the W, thumb for the P

Im going with the fist personally, it fits pretty well

It works

That would be awesome if it could work, but considering that the only people who do that are overweight purple-haired feminists during their weekly slam poetry session, I don't think they'll bite.

All things considered, Trump has so many iconic yet common hand gestures that we could make libs go crazy over thinking all of them represent white supremacy.

He has the thumbs up, "ok" symbol, raised fist, sarcastic shrug, and does the Italian-esque talking with his hands. Let's meme it brothers

dabbing could be seen as ignoring the sight of other races and merely looking inward on the glorious white self.

This is great.



firing up photoshop rn
spread the meme boys

That's the point. White liberals are the most casually racist people you will ever meet. They wear their activism as a status symbol. But they can't deny nature and still generally congregate with their own kind. Black activists recognize this; that is why whites are told to take subordinate roles at their protests.

If we make this preexisting fact more pronounced it will be easy to sow division among their ranks.


"one race" doesn't work because that's the whole "human race" line.

I'm thinking dabbing could be taken more as "gross cultural appropriation"

How about this?

use this also

Hmm, im not too sure how to make this a white supremacist symbol, any ideas? Although i think we're going with the raised fist

The Dab. You know what to do Sup Forums.

This too.

Look at the outstretched arm, strongly resembles a nazi salute dont ya think?

we need to make some pics that are warning parents about what the dab really means and spread it around

should work

Lmfao saved and gonna spread it

Actually instead of using old tactics, we should come up with new ones.

Like keep saying clapping is "triggering feminist anxiety", this is something they invented, we literally just have to bump it up and make it memeable so they can't back track on it.

Don't remember the story behind it but it was on the news recently.

Clapping is Anti-feminist.

Are you trying to make us Americlaps invade you

It's not a gesture, but there's that donkey symbol the Democrats use...

double heil hitler

If we photoshop just the outstretched arm into a crowd of nazis saluting, then have the original image of the dab next to it with some stupid slogan like

'looks similar, dosent it? The dab is an altered symbol of white supremacy, dont let your kids be seen doing the wrong thing'

We could just co-opt the Black Power fist cause fuck them.

This, Democrats are working overtime to disown Jackson but the Democratic donkey came to be from his proudly owned "jackass" title.

I think we should just try to slowly make any gesture that white females commonly do become a self-glorifying ritual that disregards minorities.

Oh no your right user, parents need to be informed that the dab originates from an alternative version of the Nazi salute comply practiced by white supremacists and Neo Nazis. Kids need informed that the Dab is deeply cemented in bigotry and antisemitism.

We need to spread this all over social media, Nazism should never be trendy.

I've been trying to get some traction with this but it's instabumped off the front page. I'll try again tomorrow when the board slows a bit.

The kids are calling it "dabbing"

But what they are really doing is hiding their identity by covering their faces as they do the Nazi salute. This is common among millennials (and especially younger generations) to show their support of the white race.

>White kids doing this retarded negro shit

The fucking dab. Even the name is annoying. I hate America so much.

White fucking devil!

just whipped this up

As much as it would be fun to see this take off I don't think it will.

Democrats like their donkey. To them it's a symbol of determination and the working poor. They care as little for the donkey being associated with Jackson as they do for Margaret Sanger being associated with eugenics.

This piss me off

making "The Dab" a white power symbol would be epic


The insulting gesture indicates whites' opinion of anyone else


Perfect, now we spread it

make tumbr accounts and spread there

Just posted it on ifunny

no thanks jew.

we don't need to use your evil hand sign.


this needs to be redefined, i fucking hate when they baka

Stupid Muslims and Hebrews

It means World Peace

You fucking geniuses, you.

Fucking lit....the jews on fire

pointing at people while screaming and flailing their whales for arms around unless they are a stick figure ported to real life.

Crossing your arms confirmed as a symbol of white supremacy?

Try to find a link between the word "dab" and Nazism, fascism, or white supremacy. It can be something flimsy, just throw it in there for a bit more weight. It's not like normies have any insight


I fucking hate when they baka

lets redefine this

Stupid Muslims and Hebrews

One folk, one reich, one fuhrer


Can we just get two fingers two genders successfully memed into the media/ADL/mainstream then move on to the next?

Adolf Hitler

Seven Nation Army

Help spread awareness of the real meaning behind the so called "peace sign"

>The noun is from Middle English dabbe (“a strike, blow”)
maybe something to work with

holy fuck lol


I fuckin hate when they baka

Lets redefine this to say

Stupid Muslims and He brews

Why can I post when I spell out He Brews without a space, confirmation this board is linked to tavi

fucking americans and gang signs culture.
fuck off with your degeneracy

what if we made the peace sign a symbol of rape?

sort of like "the shocker" but unwanted.

I can't post here, I hate Sup Forums

Books and education are symbols of liberalism. By making this about middle class, upper class citizens, and conservatives, it would make the liberals want to avoid being educated and eventually get pushed out of the political spectrum entirely.

It's not a donkey, it's a mule and represents ownership of the antique farm equipment that is the black man. The two colors represent the division between the white brains at the top and the blacks doing their legwork at the bottom.

Wow, if I spell out

It just black holes my post

Not bad


Nice job user.


if we can make DAB an acronym or something
german language is our best friend here


I hate it when they baka

We need to redefine this
>Stupid Muslims and Hebrews


>s m h

I hate it when they s m h

We need to redefine this
>Stupid Muslims and Hebrews

>I'm such a new fag

not a gesture but can we them think water is a white supremacy/alt right symbol?

Mein neger

The "I love you" symbol in sign language could fit the bill. It looks the part and the meaning could carry a rapey connotation.

Deutsche Aryan Bruderschaft