The wall can't be built, prove me wrong... protip: its not going to happen

t. former construction worker here to educate you

>The wall is almost 2000 miles long and this will be like building 100+ sky scrapers stacked horizontally and it takes 5+ years to build one

>contractors need public support and almost always rely on public opinion to win contracts, building the wall would be employment suicide (NO POLITICIAN WILL SUPPORT A WAYCISS COMPANY TO BUILD FOR THEM ANYMORE)

>it takes years to do something as routine as building an overpass/underpass and thats with generic plans ready to roll

>this is a custom project and it needs hundreds of hours of work just to draw and agree upon architectural blueprints, I've met plenty of architects and they are like ultra-autists on steroids that need every singe detail on point or they wont play ball

>sub-contractors are scum of the earth and in Murica' they are mostly MEXICAN and CENTRAL AMERICAN and IRISH and they WILL sabotage the project that hurts them and people they know, and trust me sub-contractors can fuck shit up horribly and then drag their feet for years

>this project requires exponentially more land than even a big pipeline would and those get protested constantly and sued just as much, to pretend that would not happen here is willingly ignorant

This wall wont happen, it literally can't happen. No one but T_D shills are going to say otherwise. This is another flop for orange hitler and smart people will know that this fact is obvious.



Can't be done


Are you the same leaf that started the budget thread? You need a hobby.

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Hardmode: no fucking LARPing cartoons of shit that does not even exist. Even if this did exist it can be broken down with a shitty mexican ford f-150.....

No I didn't do that, but it's true that his budget did not allow for the wall this year, which makes this retarded pipe dream even less feasible

the planned wall will be stronger than the current anti-vehicle sections of the border fence. these sections effectively stop the vehicles, just not the foot crossings

oh look this thread again
>great wall of china
fuck off retard

theres already a wall you cock. Trump just wants to make a bigger one.

This is a fucking fence dude this is NOT a fucking wall, this wont stop billionaire cartels from doing anything

This is fucking covered in the first reply because i knew you literal retards would mention something that took 200 years to make and somehow relate that to this 2.5 year MAX project

i really like this guy

>great wall of china
fuck off retard

You complain that we dont have the budget then you complain that its a "fence". What are you trying to get at?

Waste of Quads. Burj Khalifa, tallest building in the world, was built in 5 years. No normal skyscraper takes more than 4.China has pre-fab skyscrapers that are built in weeks, average 3 floors per day.

Also this is a wall, not a skyscraper. You also do not need 2000 miles of wall. You only need a literal wall in the places people can cross. You know what is a great deterrent? The Rio Grande. It drowns hundreds per year.

They've even said in some places it may just be a fence because that's all you need.

People are like "Oh man you have this crazy geography" well crazy geography is a great deterrent too. You will never get illegal border crossings to zero, but if you wall of the easiest areas and do whatever else to the harder areas, you're going to stop most of it.

Anyone who thinks this will literally be one long uninterrupted physical wall is an idiot. The purpose is not to build a wall, the purpose is to keep people out.

You don't have the budget because the republican owned congress wont allow it, not because its not possible to build something somewhere.

EVEN IF they allow this to happen and get funding from stupid shit that isn't Ratto virtue signalling to retards in needs to be something to stop "those bad hombres" that Trump thinks are sneaking in the night

But Trump might be impeached before he starts the wall

Look, it's the leaf posting the same thread every day

It's literally a solid metal retaining wall. Much like what they'd use for coffee dams you retard.

>When the day of the rake can't come soon enough

After the wall is built, you niggers will move on to something else. Read "Rules for Radicals".


Oh yeah you can build sky scrapers in hours now huh? What happens when there is a subtle wind and the insect-built shit hole falls over on itself?

Although using cheap shit from asia is usually in Trump's playbook

Do one thing, say another, Trump (tm)

If you think this is a fucking wall, then you are literally a fucking retard dude


>Ratto virtue signaling
Cruz is offering a solution to the wall funding dilemma because we already have the seized drug money from el chapo and there's no better use for it than the wall

>Look, it's the leaf posting the sam

Yep typical Sup Forums response right, post something like an MS paint smuggie and then just ignore reality

You can multitask with the wall. Hire more people to take care of multiple segments.
It doesn't have to be built from east to west, or west to east.

But I don't think there is going to be any wall anyway. Trump isn't trustworthy anymore.

OK, honest question:
Would folks here be OK with an electronic wall? I mean like a constant stream of drones sweeping over a mile-wide area with infrared, vibration sensors in suspected tunneling areas, geosynchronous satellites to peek in real time anywhere the drones send a warning signal, that kind of shit. Does it need to be a big concrete thing for burgers to accept it?

Building a huge ass wall in the middle of the desert is pretty retarded.
That money would be better spent on a fleet of fully automated drones patrolling the border instead.
You can have solar charging stations spread around the area and drones automatically moving from one to the other while searching for human heat signatures and such.
Everything automated unless a human is detected.

There is no fucking way that you could use drug money to fund a construction project that spans 2000 miles

That money is from ruining lives and cutting people's heads off with chainsaws

>I mean like a constant stream of drones sweeping over a mile-wide area
That can just co-exist with the wall. Doesn't have to exclude each other.

Fact is the guard patrols need the wall to assist them. And the wall needs to be there incase another Obama comes and cripples the border patrols.

Drones might work, but if you think Trump can build a 2000 mile wall when he can't get funding for it with 110% republican control of everything you are delusional

>smart people will know
Very clear shill talk. Pray to the east cuck faggot.

Physical barrier isn't retarded.

What's retarded is having no barrier.
They get caught by patrol, they are sent back same day, they try to cross again, same day, they get caught again, they try again.

Why? All because you have no wall.

It's the most crossed border in the world and these morbidly obese cocksuckers in the US can't even fund a project that they wont ever do

Why do you care muslim lover? These are mexicans we're talking about.

stopped reading that there. if anyone holding power refuses to enforce
>federal law
then that traitor will be imprisoned simple as that
>muh employment
a band of indepedents will form and take up the jon because they need money. millions of trump supporters will happily train. after that the group will simply change name and move on
>5 years
thats possible. not an argument

Is this fucking idiot really suggesting that if the wall needed funds gun-toting retards would rally and donate for a wall that more than half of them hate?

Do you think this is the american revolution?

You're projecting muzzie. EVery person I know would glad throw in a grand...there's 60+ million us of that voted for Trump. Do the math. Maybe you're a poor sorry if that offends you.

>literally just go around

Right, next thing you're gonna tell us that there can't be a moat either?

this thread is posted multiple times daily, saged and reported

>hurr durr horizontal skyscrapers
sick b8 you low energy nigger

it needs to be like 6 gorillion skyscrapers stacked on top of each other, or else the leaf bricklayer can't shitshill

Australia does okay with no physical wall. Oceans are easy to monitor though. Physical walls in areas that are hard to monitor like border towns and drones elsewhere/everywhere seems okay to me.

You're living in fantasy land retard. I can't wait to soak up your tears when trump tanks.

Also everyone knows you're full.

>1.) we build railrods and roadways 7x as long, shut the fuck up, its just a wall

>2.) the majority of america is NOT a liberal paradise. most comanies that deal with infrastructure are NOT ran by communists or deal with other communists

>3.) wrong wrong wrong again

the rest of your post is just retard shit not even worth replying to

Fuck off we're full doesn't stop all of them.
Border protection works.

the drop in boat arrivals was because of active immigration enforcement in the coastal waters.
The concrete border wall will stop illegal crossings by being an impassible physical barrier

OP is right, we need to invest the money on 20 Aegis drones and 10 rapid response reaper drones to patrol the border.

This would be better spent, prove me wrong

>Protip: You Can't!