You have ten seconds to give me one good reason why race mixing is wrong

You have ten seconds to give me one good reason why race mixing is wrong.

hell I'll give you ten minutes.

Other urls found in this thread: AAPI Fact Sheet.pdf,8599,1993074,00.html

because in Israel it is not allowed.

You have ten seconds to give me a reason to care about you or this thread.

i make the exception for thick latinas, as i have my entire life

Because Brazil.

based honorary black man

I dont want to set back my bloodlines evolutionary progress by 100,000 years.

race mixing is right

reduces diversity by creating a homogenized world

Check the oven Jehovah.

Because the mixed women are goddesses but the men are monsters.

Just watch this.

Times up
Your thread sucks and you suck, fag.


purple vagina


because it reduces the over IQ of the planet.

>but the men are monsters

Afraid of competition? Getting cucked?

>bleaching the colored people away
Nothing wrong with this

No, I mean mentally and physically they are scary people.

Because niggers should never reproduce

I could post my sources but frankly...

It's inevitable because it's linked with the amount of vitamin D your skin produces with the Sun. The higher you are and further you are from the equator, the whiter your skin is going to be, along with the inverse. That's why Mediterraneans have olive skin and why it gets darker to the equator. It's also why Norwegians and the Scottish are paler. Natural selection/evolution.

To beat it, take vitamin D supplements and I guarantee you will be sexier.

Because you it is genetic suicide

One more point, the same is true in the southern hemisphere, which means eventually, South Africa will be white. In like a few hundred to a 1000 years.

No you don't have prrof for this.

Inb4 IQ map of world as if that was actual proof. Cringe.

Agreed with OP, people against race mixing are retarded. With that said, it doesn't mean I think everyone should mix and let there be "one race", because that would need an artificial push, which would affect cultures, which is the bad part.

Who gives a shit about Ötzi, lol?
He's dead.

"This is single celled organism, his relatives are now dead"

you have 0.5 seconds to tell me how it isn't.

wtf im with (((them))) now


It destroys diversity.

I have a map to prrof my point tho.

What it also says is that we will be overrun my Mexicans at some point. God help us.

swedes don't even have culture wtf are you talking about


whoops forgot the map

No, you don't.

There's nothing with race mixing if both races aren't fugly and both are redpilled. Otherwise its disgusting and should be shunned.

races are not redpilled/bluepilled

Not sure what point you think you're making.

Haha yeah, that's what our politicians say.
But our culture has big weakneses however, that's why it can be broken down and overtaken in the first place. If the culture isn't strengthened and improved quickly, we WILL be overtaken by a "stronger" culture (Islam). Same goes for Germany.

I thought i was obvious i was talking about the individual. Staying within your own race should be encourage but exceptions should be made for people with ambition.

Because neither race really ends up wanting it. I'll give the example of pretty much every mixed black/white mudbaby I've known. We'll call it an Oreo.

I watched quite a few Oreos grow up. It was easy to tell most of them were mixed just at a glance. Most of them had at least one absentee parent (surprise surprise, it was always the nig) so they're already fucked. Next, most of the families on both sides don't like it. One side saw it as black, the other as white. Strike one. Same thing with the kids at school, especially once high school rolls around. The blacks don't want to hang out with "dat white ass mufugga" and the white kids assume (typically correctly) that it's stupid. There's strike two. Because they feel rejected, the Oreo will attempt to prove itself to a tribe of its choosing. Since it's easier to act like a fucking degenerate chimpanzee than be half decent, they almost always tried to be one of the hood niggaz. The Oreos always chimped the fuck out way worse than the average niggers because they were TRYING to be niggers. Strike 3, race mixing is out.

Maybe it's annecdotal, but I've seen it happen to at least 15-20 people. I only know 2 successful mixed people, and they entirely pass and act as whites.

>that text

please don't spread deliberate falsehoods they hurt the white cause

"I knew 5 people that people said were mixed-race. For some people that I knew, including one of the 5 people, they had an absentee parent. I made the rest up."

Butthurt Volvo detected.

I know you're all pissed off about being a cuck, watching your native women get fucked by the shitskins, but don't try to project your angst on us.

I don't get it. Korea is literally the same ethnicity all over but north is paler?

Boy this is some serious ol' bullshit.
No evidence whatsoever. AAPI Fact Sheet.pdf,8599,1993074,00.html
this is why


Only guy sounding angsty is you my nigga.
"He defended racemixing, therefore I have to call him a cuck and say Swedish women are getting raped!" You're almost crying.

>Stronger immune systems

>Skin cancer resistance towards the equator
>More Vitamin D absorbance towards poles
>Less inbreeding/genetic defects caused by small population sizes

I'm mixed and I was a sickly child
I guess I don't really get sick a lot these days, but at least as often as normal people do

Your children will be literal shit.

Nice try, Schlomo. Tell the Elders you failed.

Stupid shill...

Race mixing is absolutely, totally wrong.
Slavs should never interbreed with Celts, or Iberians with Germans.
Italians should never interbreed with French.
It's horrifying how much of this goes on in America these days.

virgins say its wrong

Who are some good thick pornstars.

Love OPs image bodytype.

That's KANGZ level of retarded.

Genuinely curious, how does this work for mixed race people?
Can they accept marrow from either race or do they need to find mutt donor.

>mfw purebred italianburger

KYS you fucking UC faggot!

Bio ethics is above puritanism and hedonism

Mutt donor, BUT it's got to be an exact match. The chances of that are slim to none. IIRC, there was some mutt girl in the UK that couldn't find a donor because of this.

only need two

Time Magazine of all people actually did an article on it in 2010 (granted, that's dated for science but it hasn't really changed since) but pretty much yeah they need a mutt of similar ancestries on both sides along with all the other requirements for the transplant.

I imagine that will be alleviated once they start figuring out how to synthesize the shit but it seems like another chink in the armor of the "race is just skin deep" argument.

Here you have separate playdough cups of different colors
Pretty right?
That's separatism
Here you have one color, all the other ones in the trash because you're boring and self centered
That's racism
Here you have a jumbled mass, a gross gray green blob of all the colors
That's homogenity, and multiculturalism
You can't just blend things together because in the process you lose the original ingredients

Here is just one on tons of articles "pleading" for donors.

>“We just need someone, anyone, who is a 100 per cent match to save my little boy’s life. Winning the lottery wouldn’t come close.”

100% match
100% match
100% match

It isn't wrong. Only stormweiners would hate it

That's a level of unlogic so bold it hurts.

It's like 4d wrongthink.


If you don't accept the fact that races are something akin to different subspecies with different genetic predispositions there's no point in having this debate.

Race mixing has been going on for thousands of years. Whether you like it or not YOU CAN'T STOP IT!!! No one can.

Because mixing because of fetishes (white men are better just because, yellow fever etc) are wrong because the relationship is based on this false superiority.

However race mixing with true love and affection with Christianity as the bedrock is fine.

Race mixing is like genetic drunk driving except that it brings back human progress tens of thousands of years

All you need is a single generation of race mixers for the white race to be wiped out. It's dangerous behavior and should be severely discouraged.

you can always trust @N1K0LAK1

It creates physically and mentally weaker offspring with lower intelligence. This is a fact.

sucks to be you


that's called inbreeding

Anything wrong with racemixing with a Hapa if you're white?

They'll come out 3/4 white, right?

Read the article you Hebrew fuck

Bump for this

Are you fucking retarded? This is wonderful! Why?

>males under the highest pressures for survival and reproduction
>males adapt quicker, become smarter, larger and superior to females
>these pressures have made males superior to women allowing us to outlive the sloths called females

In a few generations all of these lazy feminist whores will be bred out of our blood lines, too bad technocracy will wipe them out in under a century instead of letting nature take its course

Race mixing???????? pfftttt

IT'S ALL ABOUT THE PUSSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, inbreeding is a survival mechanism as long as it doesn't occur over many generations. You can marry a relative closer than a cousin and the risk of complications in offspring is the same as with any other girl.


I'd rather not have to deal with packs of roaming gorillas in my nice white neighbourhood, jamal.

>Nothing wrong with mongrelizing America only stormweenies would hate it

Brazil and Cental America are living proof mixing doesn't work. Do your part and have white children.

ok if you say so

source on this?

If you round up all mixed people in this country and genocided them and cut off the dicks of people who are into it. Yes you could stop it, Mongrels are an evolution like they once were. Every mixed person I've ever seen was ugly or just plain messed up.

It's actually the other way around cletus

They still look Asian, do your part and have white children with women or surrogacy.

Idk. I will say this. I'm mixed with Cherokee and quit a bit of it, but I'm very white. You can not tell that my grandmother is a Cherokee woman. My father and uncles are very white and healthy and apparently I'm very healthy and very intelligent as well. So I don't know? I would marry a hapa, but only is she was qt Alyssa.

>race mixing is good because sexy women
>muh sexy woman
>i gets da pussy eeeeee
Can you fucking stop being an animal for five seconds and realize that there's more to life than just sex and whatever hedonistic escapism you do?

sure that'll happen, hitler, jr.

I don't care if you're Cherokee, do your fucking part. This country has enough garbage as is. Do you really need to make more useless dumb Asians? Because they won't look white for at least five generations.

>muh muh Cletus

Not an argument

ugly mulatto babies

also a regression towards the mean, if one race is superior in athletic abilities (negros) or intellect (asians/whites) then race mixing destroys these unique traits and regresses everyone to be average at everything rather than have unique physical/mental characteristics, this is why newton, heisenburg, hawking, etc. are white and barry bonds, usain bolt, etc. are colored

No, that's what genetics say about it. The survival mechanism part is a theory regarding the data from the scientists themselves.

Offspring have no souls

Hitler was a better leader then all of our presidents combined if you really look into it.