>Trump is a failu-


Other urls found in this thread:


>Que es: Democrat inherited economies.


Remember ISIS?


Onigger absolutely fucking BTFO for all eternity

>100 days
>2 months
somethin's not right here

Wow, I guess I take back saying I'm unironically moving to North Korea now!!

Libs will just say he's riding Obama's upswing economy after 8 years.

Does anybody care that he's full of shit?

Seems like it's being handled fairly well user
Also > What is MOAB?

Go the fuck back to buzzfeed

he said they'd have 30 days to make a plan to destroy ISIS, not that he'd destroy them in 3 months

First one in the list is already fake news. Sad!

>Implying Obama didn't inherit an economy completely destroyed by a Republican

holy fuck obama crashed the economy lol

Wow 10 days

Nice sources

you may keep your abortionist

Thanks for visiting and competing

you lost

he said he would have a plan in 30 days, not defeat them
fucking newfag get off Sup Forums this is easy researchable stuff
you're list is wrong at the first box, fuck off.

Source? I only ask because libfag friends and family will ask for one when I post it.

um ever heard of obamacare? employers literally laid off millions of workers after obama took over and tried to socialize medicine, the response was economic turmoil. Trillions dissipated from money markets causing an otherwise safe housing market to plummet.

Oh! We bombed them?! Well I'm sure that will be the last we hear of those jackasses, right?

So it was that easy. If only somebody had thought to bomb them sooner.

Thanks user I guess you're right. Trump has this well in hand.

Because it's true?

media is retarded... he said he will tell his generals to come up with a plan to defeat ISIS within 30 days. Meaning, 30 days to come up with the plan, not 30 days to defeat them, lmao

>100 days
>2 months

>Mosul almost entirely back in the hands of the Iraqi army

>Gains being made in Iraq's western front

You're right redditfag, Trump does have the situation well in hand.

Do you idiots really think this means anything?Obama inherited a recession and Trump has not passed anything to create these jobs, it's all inherited from the Obama economy (which was also terrible)

Also if you add the last three months of the Obama presidency, he would have created 450.000 jobs

>100 days was 3 years ago

People are working multiple part time jobs now a days. Full time careers are leaving the market, due in part to globalist policy.

Call that a success though?

I'm sure he'll get around to destroying isis once he builds that wall, bans muslims, repels Obama care and drains the swamp

Um when was obamacare implemented and how does that date correlate to the 2008 crash?

All information available to the media at this point is available to anyone else looking too. You don't need to be fed like a baby bird with your information any more anons. True journalists used to be mobile send investigate to gather information, now they just scour the internet for info like plebs. They then contort the information in such a way to push their mindset into you, and you gobble it all up like hungry little birdies.

He said multiple and conflicting things you dumb cunts. He did say defeat ISIS in 30 days, and then when pressed backed off. One of the stupid things he said was to kill the family of terrorists, which we literally cannot do for obvious reasons.

nice revisionist history. obama caused the recession, he didn't inherit it. Once markets knew mr keyna was taking over capital markets seized up

>fake news
>he tried to do it, coward judges have stopped him - but he'll see them in the supreme court
>he still wants to repeal and replace Obamacare, can't get the votes right now - Ryan's plan was a shit show.
>Mexico will pay for the wall, he's explained this all along
>The AG can investigate Hillary at his leisure, the President shouldn't be forcing his hand
>He has drained the swamp, you can tell by all the tears from the globalist media
>There are no cuts
>He is going to donate his entire Salary to charity
>This one's true.
>Eat a dick cunt

Looks like we're getting a wall. And Mexico's gonna pay for it after all.

Why am I still NEET then


He didn't say kill the family, he said go after the families. That could just as easily mean investigate their families for potential links etc, not just kill them.

You can't just make up facts to suit your narrative nigger.

Keep sipping that cool aid sheep

Oh and, back to club penguin with you and your dickery! Rarrr... Fuck off

Wow look at those job num-
>pumpf gets impeached
Well shit.

Obama had more effect on the economy in a couple months than a republicuck president had in 8 years. Kek

For example

October Job Creation : 161.000
December: 156.000
January: 220.000

So Obama's last 100 days had created a lot more jobs than Trumps first.

But it doesn't matter anyway. Your ((economists)) are looking at this arbitrary number while ignoring that economy is in deep shit

You have only yourself to blame, user.

Look's like we're gonna have a wall. And Mexico's gonna pay for it afterall.

>10 days

u wot m8?

At no time did he ever say kill terrorists families. he said "go after." Morons like you tend to listen more to media Yellow Journalism instead of his actual words. Its the same dishonest reporting when he talks about illegal immigration and people say he's talking about all Mexicans.

the autism speaks logo is a nice touch

Hahahahaha, you have nothing, no sources just a bunch of bull shit. KYS you brainless trump cuck.


Read you dumb cunts. Has he lived up to his own contract?


Keep sipping that semen antifa, your shitty memes and bluepill tactics won't work here.

>markets at an all time high
>economy in deep shit

pick one

This might be a reasonable argument if Democrat economies ever had a track record of being good...
>Clinton (before Republican congress)

But Obama was different!


Anybody who believes this faux news post is clearly mentally challenged and knows nothing about politics or the economy.

Not shilling for Obama but he did inherit an economic crisis that took some time to "correct" (aka kick the can down the road). If you don't think we're heading towards some hard times during Donnie's presidency you aren't paying attention.

>Obama inherited a recession

And instead of helping, he took that plane, pointed it nose down and gunned the engine. The country came dangerously close co collapsing multiple times. The shutdowns and the defaults......
Do you not remember this?

Trump deserves praise for what he's done but comparing him to Obama in this sense isn't fair. Obama had to deal with the 08 crash. I do not like Obama.

All you see are shadows as the circle jerk of Trumpets grows smaller and smaller. I'm none of those things but go ahead and show your fear.

No, you blue haired faggot, all I see is Trump making America great again.

markets were at an all time high before every crash silly, it's called pump and dump

Try again user, you know better

>>This one's true.
Nope, he's going to use the steel we already have and once he's out of it he's going to use American steel. No point in dumping what we already got into the ocean.

>you know shit about economy
Obama has been dropped on a republican pile of shit.
Trump has been dropped on a fixed economy on the rise.
Dumbo will still manage to mess it up with his billionaire buddies, wait for it.

>it's called pump and dump


Does being the victim of a crime pardon all your own wrongdoings?
If I rob a store, can I avoid responsibility if I happen to get mugged at a later date?

>swimsuit riding up her snatch
>visible trail
I don't know if it's all the redpills i've been taking but this actually makes me angry.

Wow, you've convinced me, Trump is just another globalist shill #Spencer/Duke2020

he is though

he LITERALLY said himself that he is a globalist and that israel & the jewish people are his #1 priority

kys kike

Look at them. Look at them and laugh. They came into the lion's den trying to convince us that shilling for Trump is bad and uncool and we are all retarded for supporting him. But in the end, they are all just sad puppets, dancing for our enjoyment. The moment they stop trying, everybody is going to forget about them. Yet they persist. They come to place they hate, to convince us that we should hate this thread too. They are so obsessed with hating Trump that they come here and torture themselves like some masochistic slave.

>record high unemployment during Obama's administration as nobody wants to start a business and just be taxed massively later on
>Trump is elected, suddenly people want to start small businesses and invest because taxes will be lower
>You: "Obama did it, not Trump"

No logic whatsoever, just a skull full of 'gibsmedat'.

I'm sure this is a copypasta but it's just so goddamn perfect.

This is true. Obama BTFO by Bush. Also, Obama's dumb ass bailed out the banks that caused this. He also created stupid programs like cash for clunkers.

Well Obama was too, and most kids who say this shit voted for Hillary and Memie Sanders, so does it real matter?

Then we see what they say if Q1 GDP growth is under 1%. They'll ignore the fact Obama still had one month.

Pick one, and then promptly kill yourself.
Swines like you embracing decadence are the reason that America will collapse like the Roman empire.

Wrong thread. Mb, guys.

No user please elaborate?

>Trump supporter claims seasonal job gains as permanent, worthwhile jobs. also, economic lag factor indicates Trump is BAD FOR BUSINESS
>is dumb faggot
>news at 11

And that he's done nothing in 100 days, but still ruined the US.


It's a fine story you simple faggot, too bad it's just fiction.

>nothing personal, cocksucker

>Mexico going to pay

Thanks you dumb fuck. You dipshits are too public in your dumb faggotry

>>Mexico pays for the wall
>>aka prices rise for US consumers to 'pay for the wall'
>>dipshits claim victory

Well now that is intellectually dishonest of course, the real estate shit and bailout started at the end of the Dubya admin. But I guess the point is to trigger all the SJWs monitoring Sup Forums now.


Kinda hard to recover when dealing with two multi-billion dollar wars and a childish congress that became the party of no whe Obama tried to right the sinking ship.


How about we do without products from Mexico? I'm sure other countries would like money. What happened to the claims it's illegals in the US in agriculture?

trump 100 days tracker

I wish he would kill the families of terrorists.

cherry-picked info-graphics are like cherry-picked religion

But without the Republicans, who are the Democrats going to set up to take the fall for their failures?



>Democrats are responsible for the Wall Street fat cats


It's so hilarious hearing Liberals whine about Wall Street, then praise Obama for tripling the DOW.

You do realize Obama's presidency literally started on the eve of the recession?

Hey! One of those jobs was me! Goodbye NEETdom!

Lot of leftists flushed out tonight judging by these comments, good job OP but damn, is there any actual Sup Forums left? Between Shariablue and Cuck U. projects I'm starting to wonder.

Yeah man, don't y'all love those McDonald and Starbuck jobs.

most legit posters left this place 2-3 years ago during the gamergate shitstorm and moot literally shutting down Sup Forums for almost a month. all that remains is newfags and shills.