Revisionist History

You ready to play as strong females who don't need no man in a WWII shooter?

You know it'll happen eventually. It's a matter of when, not if

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They're already having a female French resistance fighter in the campaign aren't they?

You could just not play it. Or buy it.

I don't mind, so long as they don't mind when I hunt the female avatars down in particular for humiliation kills.

But lets be real, that will piss them off more.

>call of duty is known for it's realism

MOH had a French female resistance fighter skin. It's multiplayer.

Just remember the 6 million goyim and spend the 60$ that you could use to be a better man goy, it's only right. Don't u remember playing call of doodoo as a kid? Just buy it goy

To be fair I don't really see the issue here if there's any kind of customization and you're not perpetually forced into playing women. Games don't have that many players either, so potentially having a women-only squad wouldn't seem too crazy.

It is not like CoD is known for it's realism. I fully expect Black SS officers in Purple uniforms shooting a lime green M1 Garand.

Play Red Orchestra 2 instead. It's so much better than cod.

women did fight with partisan forces, and the french resistance for example.
and of course the soviets had female soldiers.

Archive link:

>Should developers take a less historically accurate approach to games set in the early 1900s for the sake of including women in roles they traditionally wouldn't fill?

>Of course they should, who the fuck cares it's a video game.

Funny (not really) how "who the fuck cares it's a video game" only works one way

and dropped
not like i was really dragged by the trailer anyway

No because I'm not going to buy games from the franschise. I don't care about female characters, I just think CoDs have terrible gameplay. Changing era won't change that.

ww2 games are made on d-day
problem is, saving private ryan was released like 20 years ago

Sex sells

For example

Tomb Raider

Even in low res having a female figure actually listen a man's commands is intoxicating.

Already been done. Originality is dead.

I remember playing that
considering you only ever saw the players hands it was no different from the first
nostalgia woooo

>Even in low res having a female figure actually listen a man's commands is intoxicating.

Why can't we turn the narrative into that?

ok niggers
how about
a squad of women that follow your commands
simultaneously fulfilling both gender quotas along with the need for men to feel superior
also they get blown into chunks and have large tits

would that satisfy?

It's not historically accurate so no.

Yeah I should have distinguished that I am talking generally here, not games that are meant to be historically accurate

I rather play with girls than niggers. I'll buy this CoD and not the Cottonfield 1

>be female in soviet army
>get raped and murdered
Womyn power!

RO2 is dead though