Dear white people, Opinions:

Is it a good series?
Is it a good commentary?

I saw like 14 minutes of it before i turned it of. It's
a pretty half-assed movie, and you can feel the
white hate oozing out from your screen.

If you actually have to ask this question, then I have a fresh-squeezed glass of bleach with your name on it, cheers!

Why would you bother giving it a view on netflix? It's just some virtue signaling trash.

>white people are bad
>black people are good
>white people bad stuff
>black people suffered

Fuck off, cunt.

Muh reparations!!

Dear black people:

Fuck off back to Africa

But who's actually seen it though

Go watch your propaganda you fucking GOY!

None of is we all canceled our subscriptions when they announced it

>watching tv

anyone who does it more than half an hour per day, should consider hanging themselves

its a tv show now

netflix isnt tv

Then how can you write it off, yet also claim it's trash.


Hope you all die because when we take over its over for you

Seriously, fuck (((Netflix originals)))

Try harder champ ;)

I liked Narcos. Their Escobar was well cast, imo

I heard it actually makes fun of black people too and how they play the victim a lot of the times.

Ironically the movie it's basing it on made fun of the exact message this one is trying to convey

The Netflix Escobar was great there's no denying that here

Which movie is that

stay tuned for our next show goym, Dear Gentiles

>Is it a good series?


Well if theres three nice things to say about them, they know how to get funding, appeal to a niche market and consistently do so.

>Good comentary?
Hell no, its mostly sjw bullshit anyways and alot of caricature stuff that has nothing to do with white people whatsoever. Case and point is the second ep of the series with the gay guy. Basically uses white girl as a disguise so people dont think hes gay and he can hit on other guys. Its a douchey move on his part and has nothing to do with white people or even straight people for that matter. It just appeals to a liberal market with each episode having a different label attached to it whether gay black man, or biracial black identified woman. No substance, all angst, and very cliche situations that add no substance to the trope aside from the niche labels.

The leddit and tumblr crowd make it out like its a minority breakfast club movie with an added netflix series but it'll be forgotten about in time.

At some points it actually does, and honestly one of the white characters (university president's son) is one of the most logical and calls out the niggers on a lot of their BS. Even the white cuck who dates the main black chick gets tired of their racial BS at some points and almost calls them out (but is too afraid). Some of the black characters even question the main black chick call her out on her BS too.

But overall the show has your typical leftist messages and anti-white BS. There's an actual cuck couple, illegals who only speak Spanish and at one point said they wish they could vote as a joke, evil cops, self-hating whites, psycho gays, psycho trannies, etc. And the main villains of the show end up being some evil rich white couple who donate to the university.

All in all, fine Jewish entertainment that's not biased in any way.