People who fall for Libertarianism today are the same who fell for communism 150 years ago

People who fall for Libertarianism today are the same who fell for communism 150 years ago

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Not really, they're two completely different ends of a spectrum. You don't think one could possibly be less worse than the other?

Given that no one has lived 150 I don't see how the same people could have fallen for both.

Checkmake kraut

You're probably pretty close in your analysis, considering that commies basically view their ideology as science and infallible without the criteria of falsification, etc. and libertarians basically discard established data-based economic narratives, etc. entirely outside of the realm of falsification, the two really are similar.

Libertarianism is fundamentally left-wing or perhaps some other word or concept I'm looking for IMO in that it's focused more on the individual as the component of a society as opposed to the family, clan, etc.

>Fallacy of association

Do I need to bring all the jews that criticized libertarianism? Cause I'll be here all day.

Instead of using these shit arguments why don't you try to argue why jews benefit from the removal of central banking, the right of discrimination, the right of free association and dissociation, and the end of democracy?

Libertarianism is based on property rights and the NAP, and fully compatible with socially conservative views such as viewing the family as the most simple component of a society

>libertarian society
>end up with early usa, a cuntry with freedoms never before seen, wonderful and prosperous

>communist society
>do you want the bullet in your back or your face comrade

I'm a Bastiat Libertarian

and Rothbard for example was a Holocaust Revisionist type of jew

vid related
national socialism is an even worse meme to fall for, especially if you're ancestors already fell for it once and destroyed their people and country doing so. Pretty embarrassing. We need something completely different.

Lolbertarians will get the rope too

>those who fall for small government are the same who fell for big government
How are you this retarded?

Oy vey, send in the helicopters.

And he supported Charles Murray's Bell Curve.

That jew was much more of a friend to the truth than most whites.

People who still feel the need to categorize fucking everything are the source of the problem. People who still feel the need to belong to a certain group to feel like they matter are the source we're not going forward.

This party-based, partisan, dividing, boxing bullshit is what needs to stop. Of all people I would expect that readers on this board would see that. We should be able to see passed that. All I see today is -isms being more split up in to deeper -isms and people desperately trying to find a place to fit in.

When it is so fucking obvious what to do. You just free yourself from those chains. Your view will open up, your tolerance will rise. You see who is really holding us back. It is not other groups, it is not the Jews, it is your protector, your saviour. The Government.

Vote freedom. Vote liberty.


In various stages of growth the organism discards temporary items such as teeth, skin, hair etc.
These correspond to surplus population needing some plausible excuse for their parasitic existence.
They couldn't build a doghouse yet style themselves masters of the universe.

Communism is based on workers' emancipation and the ownership of labor and capital by those who utilize them and is fully compatible with socially conservative views as well. Stalin was extremely socially conservative, enforced traditional family values, made homosexuality a crime, and banned abortion.

Libertarianism is backdoor communism.

Libertarianism isn't based on science and falsifiability, it's based in a value system that says that the initiation of violence and aggression is morally wrong.

Communism REQUIRES the initiation of violence as a core tenant, that it's morally justified.

>Libertarianism is fundamentally left-wing
No it's not, it's not focused on any component of society, what it says is that people get to pick how they want to live their lives and that you all accept responsibility for your actions. So individualism is perfectly plausible, and so are family units, the only incompatible world views are ones in which the initiation of aggression is allowed.

At least research what libertarians believe before trying to create arguments.

Libertarianism is a multi-faceted spectrum.
