What if the france stayed a monarchy and the french revolution failed...

what if the france stayed a monarchy and the french revolution failed? how different would history be and what kind of france would we see today?

Would be much much better.

Hard to say Pajeet. Nobody really knows.

France would be a shithole, but the rest of Europe would have probably been better for a longer amount of time.

Would india be a superpower by 2020 if they knew how to poo in the loo?

better how? more prosperous?

no, too much corruption and uneven infrastructure

There would be a 12% flat tax

The city people would have remained in charge instead of rural and suburban retards.

It's already a shithole

You should have let us stayed for longer, Pajeet.

I remember, in the early-2000s, everyone in my world history class thought France was the most cultured and happiest country in the world

The French Revolution did fail.

It probably would be such if it wasn't infested with niggers.

we probably would have if you didn't side with the mudslimes so much

It went down in the early 80 or 70 if I recall correctly, because of the algerian war or some shit like that.

A lot of people think France is a happy country, but when they come over, the illusion is broken.

what is the tax rate today? 50%? i remember reading somewhere that david beckham didn't take any salary from PSG so that he could get it taxfree in the form of image rights revenue

French monarchy was shit and didn't care about anything than short term personal benefits. The country would be a wasteland if they stayed.
Actually it would have been so week that France would probably not exist anymore, it would be cut in pieces for Germany, Italy, the UK and maybe even Belgium

Pretty sure your monarch would need more money than that to build more tacky golden castles.

was there some french equivalent of tony blair who caused this?

not necessarily, what if you had a strong monarch at the top?

Religious crap

Then the son fucks it up.

The French Revolution was the greatest social event in history, after Jesus' resurrection.

A lot of different factors caused it though, like the influence of the American revolution which bankrupted the French economy.
It caused massive fear throughout Europe and probably strengthened the monarchies in places like Britain because British people are a lot thicker than French people.

All in all I don't know. I just know the world would be worse off.

It's sad that monarchies still exist in the 21st century and the peasant class in my own country are so attached to the class system that penalises them.

why would that be bad? isn't a lot of france very religious today also?

i think it is pretty cool to have someone with royal blood at the top as a discretionary guardian than to have a soulless piece of shit democracy like ours where every other corrupt politician tries to mould the country into his image and the president who is supposed to keep the government in check is also installed by that same government or their predecessor as a puppet

also, maybe they like the monarchy because it is the last visible semblance of English culture left on earth?

In my timeline, the Sun King never died.

is he immortal now?

French had the chance to stay a monarchy under Napoleon III, but muh French agenda made them get Kek'd by the Prussians in 1870.

Two year war against a country that had horrendously outdated weaponry.

Not a single French victory in battle.

Le meme
Rochambeau and Lafayette greets you Barrack Hussein Obama ll.
