>be 2050
>entire world is now Muslim dominated
Describe such world
Be 2050
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Why are their head split in half?
No. In the next 20 years China will be the most Christian nation on Earth. Mudslimes lost the religious war.
Better than the current state of the Western World. No more degeneracy.
Can't wait to be the jihad suicide-bomber to take out these fuckers. Fuck Merkel.
>Describe such world
half Muslim half terrorist
It's the shadow of Allah forever looming over them.
take your fantasies elsewhere
Ever seen the movie Elysium? Theres a reason Trump wants us on Mars before the end of his term.
As soon as they have no external forces with wich to fight they start fighting against each other,they are fucking animals
No more degeneracy
Also, no more technological progress
We will carbon date every sand particle to know muhammed's exact position, correct to 1mm for his entire life
I will be a slave :(
Sounds like Hell on Earth.
>implying Muslims are not degenerate
Lol I straight male nothing really changes for me
your post has been submitted to die Polizei
Selfflaggelation is archaic but not degenerate.
Fucking boys under the table because Allah cant see it at night is degenerate.
A living hell. Perhaps it would be nice to give those fucks some of their own medicine though.
how about u stop drinking with ur lads every fucking weekend Nigel, maybe then u faggots will be able to think and be less degenerate
Ripe for the picking.
Day of the ropera starts now.
Actually, it's the light of lucifer forever shining over them.
I don't want to give the article clicks.
>implying Islam isn't being corrupted the same way Christianity was as we speak right now
They won't be relevant by then.
>we are good
>blah blah blah
>Not all Muslims
>blah blah blah
>We don't want to take over USA
>blah blah blah
you get the point
left is the white race transitioning into shitskins on the right
there's going to be a world war before that happens.
>Selfflaggelation is archaic but not degenerate
really spooked my nook
It's the same and there are still terrorists because they don't think we're doing Islam right
having to write such an article kind of defeats the point
Entire world is now shithole like Middle East, but now there is no first world to migrate to and no first world to receive aid from.
Africa syndrome comenses and the global population is cut in half by 2100 due to lack of aid and medical care thanks to technological regression despite everyone breeding like rats.
only westerncucks get muslim invasion,the east is rapidly changing to Christianity.
>implying it hasnt been corrupted for a few hundred years now and the radical religion u have now is the corrupted version
War between different heresies.
>implying muhammed wasnt a violent warmonger designing his religion to perpetuate his quest for dominance
it's been shit since day 1
Arabs are snakish and have a sense of superiorty.
thats exactly what i am implying but i wouldnt expect most people to understand because of their superficial knowledge of the subject
Depends heavily on the demographics and new religious trends.
If it all concentrates on Subsaharan Africa which will only take off truly after the next 100 years as this century will be an asian one, then not much will change as long as the human masses get contained there-african muslims are either brutally dogmatic or weirdass syncretists who are much more lenient so not really impactful to the world at large.
North africa is interesting, you have theocrats like in Lybia and more secular currents like in Tunesia and Egypt duking it out with each other. The region will remain youthful so to whatever side they turn will be relevant to the world and much more to europe in particular.
The levant and Iran will start getting overaged in 50 years but without pensions. Maybe this is why the people there are so eager to fight for something as you dont wanna grow old.
Iran hasnt gotten as desperate yet, they will do something tho-either sperg out or loose trust in faith maybe.
Shias will shrink and more so small liberal sects that will be on the brink of extinction-burying tradition and exotic strains of theologic thought.
Central asia is irrelevant and happy that way.
Europe will get the balkan experience.
Malaysia, Pakistan and Bangladesh will be strained by challenges but virile and numerous, maybe paving the way to decide the direction of Islam at large.
They have functioning societies, but very dogmatic ones where you apparently leave your opinions in the closet. As they live together with all other big religions (uncucked and powerful) neighbooring them they arent as isolated in their thought as the arabs.
you said its been corrupted when it's been the same shit from the very start.
A world where I will live in the northern-most regions of the world along with other white refugees.
Hopefully one where ever body of value has fled to Mars.
the understanding of it has been corrupted, yes the content is the same
It will be a world where we will finally live in a diverse, multicultural society free of hate.
>jew influence free world
my dick can only take so much
>not teaching your kids arabic
>not teaching your kids to love kebap
>not converting to islam.
your kids and grandkids will not have an easy life. think about them famanons
How is the youth in Pakistan?
You are a very pious society but the fact that you have atheist china as an investor and ally, Hindu India as a rival and Afghanistan as an anti-rolemodel and warning to what deobandi shit leads, all surely has an impact how you see the various kinds of infidels?
Is there a consensus on the matter you could articulate?
Roach is absolutely correct.
Converting to Islam now already gibs you massive advantages over regular goyim.
Smart thing to do.
>pious society
lel no, people here are mostly scum
>Europe will get the balkan experience
Bulgarians already love kebab. I do, too. Shit's fucking delicious.
Fuck americans and their burgers, kebabs is where its' at. Layers and layers of tastes.
Internet is shut down on grounds of hate speech and wrong think and that it was used by white people.
It won't just be muslim dominated. White people could probably make even islam work. It will be shitskin dominated and progress will halt.
>free of hate
except when you refuse to praise allah and then they cut your head off
Inshallah allahu ackbar, don't you all think it's silly that we need to start and end all sentences with "inshallah allahu ackbar" or the cyanide capsules in our hearts explode instantaneously, inshallah allahu ackbar? [capsule explodes anyway]
go ahead and do it then
How about why are Muslims even a thing?
Why does every outlet keep talking about them?
If I was a muslim, I'd be pissed I'm always in the news for some reason.
justified. bulgarians are turks after all
I would if i were an atheist or a normie desu
>I'd be pissed I'm always in the news for some reason
the irony
do you by any chance understand that you are american?
Checks out
1400 years of Arab inbreeding
>Also, no more technological progress
I find it hard to believe that current tech in Egypt, Syria, Iraq or Iran is the same as 50 years ago
Same here. You get like half a kilo of pure goodness an Euro and a half. Actually slighlt less.
Yes goym convert to Islam, look ''everyone'' else is doing it.
So people just want the good live and pay lipservice to their Imam?
Neighboorhoods with muzz and nonmuzz living besides each other looking inwards for support, so dishomogenous clusters lorded over by states with identities such as the one of kosovo or belgium-not the most stable. People need each other tho to keep welfare going and lack enough young men to directly start shit.
Neverending butthurt and paralysing feuds over the most petty issues, also regional violence from time to time and outside powers dipping their cocks in those.
My own city is already 50/50 foreigner to native. I believe we will arrange ourselves with each other but society will become slobbish and petty and have more criminals preying on those who do not belong to their group.
Do you realize you can't even have a family without being the legal slave of your wife?
Cry me a river if we don't go outside of the solar system before the end of the century, having a normal family kinda comes first in my list of priorities
If it's dominated by Muslims then I must be dead
google how kebab meat is made
Do you really think by the year 2050, Islam will take over practically every religion know to man?
well the society is pretty polarized, many are liberals who dont care about religion and on the other side u have these madrassah mullahs who are pretty radicalised from these institutions
> Capital punishment for gays
> Public flogging for transgenders
> You have eight beautiful wives
> They are incredibly respectful and adhere to your every sexual and domestic whim or you discipline them
> The media is antisemitic
> Israel has been nuked long ago
> Feminism is dead
> Mein Kampf is a best seller
> No bacon or beer, but you're fitter and healthier as a result. You mind is clearer and your cholesterol is down
> You worship a based warlord who enjoyed fucking, fighting, killing jews and killing beta manlets
Muslims are not arab supremacists. They don't care what race you are, as long as you're muslim and not a nigger, you're welcome to join their ranks. There will still be huge numbers of white people. The number of whites might skyrocket now that one white man is allowed to fertilise many women, as nature intends.
Islam was our boy Adolf's favourite religion. He often lamented that Christianity was too soft.
> muh goatfucking
Childish ad-hominem
> muh Aisha was 12
Pedophile rape was completely culturally acceptable in ancient Greece, the father of all Europe. The West is not morally superior.
I don't want the world to be Muslim dominated. I want the 1950s. But if we must be Muslim there are a hell of a lot of positives.
>veiled 6 years old girl
Islam is retard tier, but what does it say about the West if 600AD warlord pedo religion looks appealing in comparison.
I just want off this ride
>raping children
>not degenerate
0 fun
> be me
> be gay
> other gays like Muslims i don't
> show then videos of Muslims on gays
> they are now against them
the more you do
Women finally know their place and are much happier.
>madrassah mullahs
Read about Madrassah schools and they reject "western science" in their curriculum apparently. That can function with creationism as seen in the US, but if it goes further then that and people are taught flat-earth tier bullshit in their early years I could see this blowing up in favour of the liberals when these young people leave their school-bubbles and due to free information flow get hit by doubts.
Those are the same thing tho
lol you're not gay.
The fundos are a necessary evil. I don't even believe in Islam but I'll fight tooth and nail for those inbred niggers to continue doing what they do. At least the degeneracies like faggotry, transfaggotry and all that shit, which still happens all the time, remains a criminal thing. Remove those people and we'll quickly devolve and there will be nothing to combat the "progressive" agenda.
off the rooftop u go
so, is anyone going to post those reasons?
> Muslims are here fellas
>being the most degenerate, murderous, rapeiest people on the face of the earth
>on the news for some reason
I'm not a mozlem but I'd rather see the fucks thrown off rooftops than witnessing our societies slowly lost in spiral of ever increasing degeneracy.
I don't want my fucking kids brainwashed into faggots and sissies and trannies or god forbid molested by these sick fucks
they ate bacon once
> libcucks = all gay people
>implying terrorists aren't the treuest muslims
I will never eat another kebab. EVER.
>thousands of sectarian factions are embroiled in endless religious and/or revenge killings
Sounds shitty