Britain, your savior is back

Britain, your savior is back.

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Macron is said to be his heir

better version

>ywn be Blair's babe

Quads for truth.

fuck off

The fucking Goblin is back, where's Spiderman when you need him?

>It's been 20 years




Oh for fuck sake


well look at that video
>I'm so awesome I show you my handwriting LMAO

why is this still allowed



>Most hated politician returns to show the alternative to the second most disliked politician.

How can Labour survive? I think a duck running head to head against Blair would win by a landslide.

i wonder if this is a subtle tactic to make you feel like you know someone better

He's the most hated person in Britain, he has no fucking chance. If anything his intervention is going to help solidify Brexit and turn people toward it because that is how disgusted people are by him and what he's done to this country.

Miliband is a pajeet disguised as a refugee pole, i have not a clue how they managed to make up his backstory but he is definitely not who they say he is.

I can't wait for the livestream of his death when some nutter whacks him at an event.

And your era of Tony Blair style devastation is just about to begin.

If you think France is fucked now, you haven't seen anything yet baguette.

oh god, invasion of iran confirmd.

This desu.

Also, this. It's fair to compare Macron to Hillary, but he's actually much closer to Blair. Almost a spitting image.

If it wasn't for Blair, Britain wouldn't have much of a presence on Sup Forums.

Also miliband is an ethnic jew and his dad was a marxist, i don't even fucking care anymore, the jewing is too much for me.

>lurk on a place like Sup Forums and see all the tactics created by american and british liberals becoming out of fashion
>tfw you finally see them implemented in France and normies are unironically amazed by them

isn't this dude a literal kiddy fucker
I heard this guy kills children and laps up their blood while jerking off

Blair is a genuine no-meming sociopath, yay or nay?

I vote yes

Watch the killing$ of Tony Blair. It's made by an old Labour socialist but it paints a pretty accurate picture of what he is and what he has done.

He was the first major globalist of the UK and set the groundwork for a lot of the current multiculturalism we now experience. He did a few good things but his entire career as pm has proven to be entirely self serving. If you could be a kike without being Jewish you would be a blairite.

all top politicians are sociopaths/demons.

Yeah, I'm thinkin he's back

>>lurk on a place like Sup Forums and see all the tactics created by american and british liberals becoming out of fashion

Out of fashion is an understatement if there ever is one. I don't think you can comprehend what Macron will do to your nation if he's anything like Tony Blair. I would call Tony Blair a cunt but that would struggle to even sum up the smallest decimal point of him.

I want this useless goblin OUT of my country.

Such a simpler time...

Blueberry scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam for whoever assassinates Blair in the face.

Daily reminder that Blair kills every cause he touches.

I hope he touches himself.

How does he not know how utterly and completely hated he is? Why does he think anyone is interested in seeing him return to politics?

Just call him what he is. A shabbos goyim dedicated to the destruction of his country and his race for the benefit of the chosen people.

Quads and that's what I saw

He knows, he doesn't care if anyone is interested, he's being paid. That's why he does anything he does. He embezzled billions during the Iraq War. Oops it just went missing!

Laws just don't apply to the establishment, you can steal, fuck kids, kill people and as long as you stay on the team you will never be reprimanded. I mean fuck the Chilcot report was damning but of course nothing went to court afterwards

Fuck this shit, hang them all

>Not realising how utterly devastating to labour this will be

The party is stuck between corbyn supporters and blairites. This will just divide them even more.


poast corbyn purge memes lads


There is no torture painful enough to atone for Blair's crimes. Just shoot him in the head and be done with it.

My favourite war criminal.
That cunt is hated so much. He can't travel without massive security. Malaysia has charged him with war crimes, lol.
He is a complete cunt. He has a face that I would never get tired of kicking. I could last months sorting out that smug grin.
My kicking foot is ready. I just need to get past the army of bodyguards that he needs, because he is hated so much.

Not exactly worse than who they got now


Not again...
>ftw your son is going to die in another Blair war

Don't shatter my MILF fantasy, bogbro.


wasted quads

Acknowledged, filed, registered, celebrated.

Blair just doesn't seem to get that a lot of voters are repulsed by him. His ugly face turning up to lecture people for being dumb voting Brexit will drive even more voters off labour.

This man criticises Brexit for being 'undemocratic', yet used a bullshit report to take this country to war despite millions protesting in the streets. He doesn't know what it means to listen to the people, he just knows he's right and everyone else is stupid and wrong, and that to get the right result referenda should be ignored and the people lied to, as appropriate.

Who is this Blair person?


>His ugly face turning up to lecture people for being dumb voting Brexit will drive even more voters off labour.

Good. Labour needs to die.

The destroyer of worlds, the forsaker of britain, the reckoning of her majesty's realm

Excellent. This will turn this landslide into a crashing avalanche with Labour a bloodied, desecrated corpse.

Yes to all of this. I would love it if Le Pen, by some miracle, won, and rendered moot Blair's 'return', his attempts to reverse Brexit, the currently wrangling between Juncker and May.

*current wrangling

I can't wait for Labour to be like the broken body of an '80s miner up against the warriors of the Iron Lady, spitting out teeth, coughing up blood and cradling its broken knee.

Is he out of prison already?