What have niggers invented aside from peanut butter

What have niggers invented aside from peanut butter

Niggers didn't even invent peanut butter.

a bunch of weird words and dances

pyramids and white people.

Slave owners

Open heart surgery after he stole the idea from a white guy

the dougie

Are egyptians black?

Fuck off, Yacub.

Live streaming your crimes on the internet like a dumbass. I'll never understand why niggers are stupid enough to do this. How much self-awareness would one have to lack to do such a thing?


Niggers didn't invent peanut butter.

Stop spreading fake news.

Do niggers have peanuts in Africa?

Peanuts come from India.

Indians would make peanut butter and mix it in their Curry.

Niggers didn't invent shit!!

You do realize that a vast majority of American inventors were African Americans, right?

Jazz. Blues. Hip hop. Rock and roll.

Slow clap for your sarcasm sir, well done.

Curing AIDS by fucking babies

Crack, reverse racism, dogfighting

Otis Boykin invented the modern resistor which is pretty significant.

>accurate results
Pick one.

>mfw this is real



have you ever noticed how black people can't be ghosts?

I often wonder if it's because they hate life, and can't be incentivized to haunt the material world, or if they lack the motivation or willpower to actually affect physical things like throwing dishes or flickering lights, of if their souls just aren't compatible with haunting. The only supernatural thing they do is spiritually squat in bodies via voodoo like they do in abandoned buildings in Detroit or Chicago.

In any case, fuck you nigger. Enjoy your diminished role in the cosmos.

I cleared my history and this shit still came up. It's just a coincidence goyim, now tell your 3 year-old child to choose xir gender

thanks jews

Google only accesses your browsing history for ads, and that's if you use Chrome. Install Firefox and set it to never keep history, then install the self-destructing cookies extension. That will help to mitigate some of the data collection but ideally you should install a free and open source operating system. Stay away from Windows (sends data to every alphabet soup agency imaginable), Ubuntu (sends data to Amazon), and RHEL (sends data to the NSA). Look into Debian (or Devuan if you don't want systemd as an init system).

Super tinfoil mode: use a computer that doesn't have Intel/Broadcomm wireless cards or a management engine in the CPU. Install a super small and obscure OS like Haiku or Kolibri.