Is this lad retarded or just a paranoid drug user?
>Hurr durr everybody who talks about jewish subversion is a shill
>hurr durr western demographic war isnt real
Why do faggots like this think they are intellectuals?
Oh, hello CTR shill. Sage.
Found the reddit twat.
Anyone watching that faggot sperg out on YouTube about legacy media is an idiot.
Styx is a faggot. Nothing of value. If I had my way, he would be executed just for annoying me. I'm not joking.
oh hello kike shill
>third Styx hate thread in the catalogue
Fuck off character-assassination shill
thats because he keeps getting more retarded
his latest video is fucking stupid he just keeps saying everyone who disagrees with his cuck beliefs is a shill
You've been shilling dozens of right wingers for months with your moronic crap. It isn't working, niggerlover.
>Fuck off character-assassination shill
You fucking faggot, he got YouTube famous (hahahaha LOL!!!) because he was least threatening in the election news he's basically reading the news that come up, reads the headlines, and after that, after 15 seconds of that, he goes into sperg.
First sperg is his opinion on the topic which is rather moronic because after 5 of his videos you know exactly what he'll say next.
But that's when we get to the 2-3 minute mark....and we still have 10+ minutes to go. 10 minutes of ramblings about absolutely nothing.
Legacy media this, legacy media that.....................utter fag.
Also, literal fag and degenerate.
>David Seaman
>why am I losing subscribers
>shills are already in the chat
>lost 200 subscribers
>paid shills in the comments
>losing subscribers
grats styx you must have made it to the bigtime for the shills to be after you
bullshit I've only been making threads about styxjudenhammer because there is a lot to hate about him
Haaaahaahahahaha triggered fucking shariahblue niggerlover.
Never once watched a single video by this faggot and never will.
Looks like a rat and can't be trusted.
Uhhhhhh is that real?
Yeah limeybud, we know, we know that you shitpost about him every day because you're an obsessed leftist. You aren't even smart enough to change your location occasionally to make it less obvious.
Does Brock at least spit on it before he rams it in?
>I'm not joking
But you are shilling.
I find his civic nationalism attitude amusing, doesn't he live in like second whitest state in the US? It's easy to love all races and Jews because they're not your fucking problem
>Dude, let's call out Saudi Arabia and China for being power hungry but let's just ignore Israel because that would be antisemitic
spotted the JIDF shill the jews must have paid styx big money
Yeah I just saw that.
I think he's right that there is subversion going on with YT figures, but obviously the Jewish Question is real.
And Varg linked to him, lol
I just wonder what kind of dogshit he has to eat most days since he's enjoying crackers and coffee from MREs so much.
>Hurr durr everybody who talks about jewish subversion is a shill
Many factually are.
>hurr durr western demographic war isnt real
He has literally never said that.
The guy is a fucking idiot, doesn't even do his research. In a recent video he said Romania was de facto ruled by a muslim woman for a while. He was probably talking about someone who was proposed as prime minster but rejected.
Jesus christ you're a faggot.
Vermont 98% white
i was raised in a multiracial hellhole
so i don't need a satanic bisexual minecraft lets player telling me I'm a shill
I enjoy camping even though it is objectively lower standard of living than my home life.
>Many factually are.
Bahahahahaahahahaha. Oh look the styx fanboys are out.
He said anyone bringing up these kind of topics is a shill now go bathe yourself in goats blood you faggot.
You are a delusional Utopian just like the Leftists if you think goose stepping 1488s will ever get what they want if they don't rebrand.
If anything they would be better off just infiltrating and subverting Moromism.
>i was raised in a multiracial hellhole
It took me like 22 years to see first non-Finn on my lifetime. Now I live in apartment complex that happens to have couple mudslimes and they're loud as shit, one early morning they played call for prayer. This video actually made me mad
Thats why we have rebranding you dumb mouth breather. What do you think this is NSM88??
>ADL starts anti-Semitic website
>Reports on increase anti-Semitic activity and store IP addresses of users
>Demands more money to combat it
>Hires more paid shills
it's not rocket surgery.
Styx is kind of retarded, but I enjoy his content and, most importantly, it's HIS amateur, personal YouTube channel and he gets to say whatever stupid bullshit he wants on it, so chill the fuck out and go masturbate your tiny little penis to hentai instead if what he says bothers you so much.
You may have rebranded but there are too many hold overs.
>Hurrrrp a durrrrp anyone calling out the jews is a shill
>All opposition to the jews are controlled
>Nobody actually calls out the jews its actually just jews
Go smoke some more meth you delusional twat.
>styx calls out shills
>they come out in full force
like clockwork
I let you know when I need pointers from some reddit twat like you like I said this isn't stormfront or NSM88 you are dealing with.
I take it I triggered you because you are part of the australian white nationalist mormon subversion movement. Similar things are happening elsewhere using mormonism. Just saying.
Who is this pretty lady? (:
Mohammed was a does that statement make you feel?
Not an argument. I'd love to see you substantiate the claims you make and answer yes or no in regards to this question is everyone that calls out the jews a shill?
is this thread where we self advertise?
>australian white nationalist mormon subversion movement.
Jesus christ what am I dealing with here? Are you of a sound mind?
I don't claim everyone is. I am just saying that there is no way of knowing who is or isn't so following anyone publicly doing so is foolish. Keep that shit in the tabernacle Brigham.
>calls out faggot sperg
>posts faggot sperg
srs why all these clowns on jewboob wear all black and look on the spectrum as fuck
maybe I should start viewjewbing ranting about the jews and make some dosh on the side
I would legit fuck a feminine Styx.
stop shilling your shity youtube channel
you rusty bollocked no talent try hard faggot
Yeah you sound like a shill yourself.
You are the one not of sound mind. Even having images like that on your hard drive means you are already on someone's list even if the person who made the original image didn't intend that. The internet is a fucking retarded place to spread anything like that because while it will reach more people it can be traced back to you effortlessly by anyone who wants to know who to shoot when SHTF.
If Styx was really trolling ADL he would've finally answered the JQ while making the ok sign.
kek 22 subs i know more people than that
whats the matter namefag couldn't get any pity subs
You are literally either a shill or a Utopian which is quite frankly just as bad.
Pretty sure he is bait.
I don't care about the lists you faggot coward. There is nothing illegal about that image nor am I advocating violence. you sound like a jew desu which would make sense since you seem to think those that call the tribe out are shills. Welcome to Sup Forums now fuck off back to plebbit or godlikeproductions whichever kosher website you came from.
>Everyone who doesnt agree with me is a shill
>I'd love to see you substantiate the claims you make and answer yes or no in regards to this question is everyone that calls out the jews a shill?
It isn't everyone, but there is definitely a certain level of controlled opposition. I'll see if I can find that picture of Richard Spencer with Laura Bush.
Said the shill. It doesn't matter if everything in that video is true. Anyone who thinks they will get the outcome they want by posting that shit is either a shill, a utopian or just too stupid to actually subvert society. I can tell you in no uncertain terms the most successful white nationalists are not posting anything online and are people who have infiltrated mormonism and have respectable but low key jobs like car dealers and accountants.
>I'll see if I can find that picture of Richard Spencer with Laura Bush.
>Taking a picture with someone makes you on their payroll
I've seen the picture. I'm talking about something that doesn't involve spencer nor does Spencer bring up or espouse any of the jewish influence.
Socialist are the real Nazis.
>Anyone who shows proof of the jews subversion of the west is a shill
>hurrr durrr mormons
Just kill yourself already moshe.
this album really really pisses off shills
you've already shill here cock jockey
You clearly do not want to win. To beat them you have to do the exact same shit they are doing. It is a proven model. I am going to give you one serious protip because I know you are to stupid to do it: Start a new sect of Islam, recruit exclusively from other Whites. Build your own mosque in an area that isn't full of brown Muslims. Encourage welfare motherdom and throw out any ideas of being above doing any of this.
so did you you stupid idiot
>I am going to give you one serious protip because I know you are to stupid to do it: Start a new sect of Islam, recruit exclusively from other Whites. Build your own mosque in an area that isn't full of brown Muslims.
Yeah, how about you go jump off a bridge. I don't need any pointers from you.
Why do you keep refusing to address the Utopian commet, I didn't say everyone posting it is a shill, I said everyone posting it is ONE OF THREE THINGS ONLY ONE OF WHICH IS A SHILL.
Your emotional reaction is telling me that you are a combination of the second two: A utopian and not smart enough to win.
What a faggot. Reminder all ecelebs are cancer.
>he thinks a guy who overdosed on spice and spiraled into depression and suicide ideation is stable
You think he's into butt stuff?
You think his sex junk is so uh-uh-uh?
kek no new subs for you hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahah
You just cannot grasp that you win by forming secret societies that present themselves as something other than what they are, can you? Enjoy losing.
I guess I'm a nazi shill then.
Fuck cuckenhammer living in his ivory white state espousing civic nationalism like some kind of young boomer.
You obviously think you're smart, which you aren't. You're hitting levels of delusion which are hysterical. I don't believe in utopianism but reality and that reality is raising the European consciousness. Nothing should be left off the table if Europeans want to survive.
You are absolutely retarded.
If by butt stuff you mean stuffing his butt with fists, then yes.
>Nothing should be left off the table if Europeans want to survive.
He said before being shot while childless.
You are the delusional one if you think normies will every join you. The only way you get what you want is to raise children you can brainwash.
I don't know. I'm so sick of these Alt Lite fags. They're absolutely useless.
Piss off kike.
I'd rather have no subs and no pay and no content than ever be on the side of history you are on. we're both here at the end of it all and I have my dignity and my soul and all you have is your laughter
Stop giving them attention unless they engage in redpilling material.
Talking about redpill I think that mra/feminism documentary by that feminist is out now despite the attempts to kill it.
You should support feminism and watch it OP.
Can you guys stop being butthurt for once? It's his choice how he wishes to present himself. He let's you express yourself how you want that should be enough. What he isn't conforming to your way of thinking enough? Cookie cutters are boring.
>Mein Gott look at that Judenwurst
I read this in kanes voice
We're mainly talking about how anyone who wants him to talk about Jews is a paid crypto-liberal shill and there's no one who actually believes it's a problem.
>calls us shills
>we respond
>hurr durr you're butt hurt
wow.....just wow that was like... so deep my dude
you must be some kind of poetic philosopher
as well as a failed youtuber
Afterthought: it's /ptg/ levels of delusion, like how any criticism of Trump makes you a shill
I don't mean everone of course. They know who they are.
Thats exactly what it's like.
Styxx is too pussy to go on any shows right of molyneux. Many people want him on but its clear he is afraid to debate them.
Whatever, the guy has peaked he is frankly weird and overrated. If he stopped being shilled here he would die out.
you're so shit at what you do you make my own youtube channel look like modern day Mozart
He's turning into Harmful Opinions.
He'd probably get destroyed. I love Styx, but he has his flaws. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think he's said that he wouldn't want to waste time ever debating people. All of his discussions with others are just the two agreeing with each other
Nobody is buying what you're selling. Fuck off shill.