Sup Forums's altright redpilled Youtube tradwaifu claims she's just "LARPing a derpy idiot" and holds no views espoused...

Sup Forums's altright redpilled Youtube tradwaifu claims she's just "LARPing a derpy idiot" and holds no views espoused in any of her videos:


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just because a few virgins obsess over every "right wing" girl doesnt mean everyone here does

Every woman online is:
>1.) lying to get views
>2.) an attention whore who just wants more views
Any idiot who fantasizes about women online, especially cam whores, is a gullible moron who likes being lied to and abused for shekels.

Hi RooshV.

There are rare exceptions to that but most autists on here cant tell the difference.

fuck shes ugly

Literally who faggot
Stop calling people "Sup Forums's x"
It's fucking cringeworthy

Never trust a bitch like this. Looks like a damn bird. Also fake redhead.
BTW who the fuck watches these idiotic videos. Online opinions are like assholes and elbows

This. Also if I was going public with my views I'd consider using the satire out given the unhinged nature of today's partisans who are increasingly effective at fucking with your employment.

who the fuck is that?

No idea who this whore is, nor do I care. Sage.



All movements come with people just making money off them. Trump is no exception. We can only hope spreading redpills is just barely financially viable, but not enough for the jews to subvert it.

Fucking this, i dont even know who this goblin is.

He's not wrong.

There is no "/our girl". They're all shills. They're all doing it for attention.

Where were all these girls before gamergate? Seriously, where the fuck were they? What about before the election?

They've all jumped on the "muh alt right" bandwagon and see dollar signs. Notice they all have little youtube channels and a patreon? All they have to do is act like a qt and attract a nice little following of gullible saps and they have a nice tidy income.

Have some discipline and some awareness and stop validating these charlatans.

roosh is the same. he's a shitskin that travels to eastern europe to pay for sex, post about being a man, and then have a bunch of virgin miscreants post on his site.

anyone listening to a female is a fucking jew.

Roosh has had a change of heart since then. He now says he's done with being a player and seems to be indicating a desire to settle down.

Of course this has nothing to do with the fact that he's 37, graying and his testosterone will have taken a dip in recent years.

it really is the 16 year squeaker crowd with mom's credit card

nobody cares

She is.

This. You all need to stop cumming buckets when a qt agrees with your political views

Her nose is like 90% of her face. It's very distracting.

Who is this kike?
Literally don't follow these people.

I always wondered who would ever donate to anyone's Patreon, male or female, what's the point?

37? Holy shit, he looks late 40s to me.

Awww, did you sad little fuckos get played. Again....

Guess she wasn't /yourgirl/ eh?

Nvm, you can always go back to circlejerking about Dickyboy.
>that's totally not gay m80s ;-]

>37? Holy shit, he looks late 40s to me.
Too much roasting takes its toll.

She did make it clear many times now that she does not represent the Alt-Right and/or NatSoc or even ethnonationalism.
She is simply a kid who makes quirky videos, and happens to NOT oppose our views.
But now there is a rapidly growing number of extremists projecting their views unto her, so natually she freaked out.
Over time, a large chunk of us will turn into the next SJW's if we cannot keep a clear head, and think for ourselves,
and as you can see, it is happening already.

Anybody who's stupid enough to believe a woman holds views deserves to be duped.

>"Hey guys, here's how to get an alt-right girlfriend, like me!"

>" I'm not alt-right, natsoc or an ethnonationalist! Why would people even think that? You guys are nuts and I'm just larping!"

Never trust the female jew.

This desu. There's already pressure from a lot of the dumb ass 1488 crowd to "get with the 14 words", like that's a good idea when you're a public figure and have to deal with all the flak that comes with.

It's easy for an autist in his mums basement to say that, but these people are already on thin fucking ice just going against the SJW narrative in the first place.

1488ers, like SJW's, don't use their heads.

>Never trust the female jew.
Oooorrrr... Don't hitch your wagon to every attention seeking millennial youtuber that comes along and utters buzzwords to get their hits up...

The fuck is wrong with this bitches face

She looks like a rodent



no idea who this is but she seems to have a pretty good head on her shoulders at least from the 5 minute of this video... whats the issue?

this is to get retarded horny "alt righters" to give her patreon shekels. stop fawning over it.

Fuck that retarded piece of shit and her beta farm.



Id unironically suck milk of of ventis tatas.

lol this literally who is diagnosing large swaths of people online, even though I don't see any DSM books around her setup

What a cunt

Now that I looked into this a bit more, is she trying to seduce Millennial Woes? She always comments on his videos, and he often favorites hers.

New alt right power couple perhaps?

FPBP. Never heared of this girl before.

Desperate for heroes. I told you. Most WN and Alt-Righters are retarded. They fall for shill after shill. And this isn't even a proper shill, just an attention whore comedian.
They are waaay too easy to dupe. Then they wonder why their movement goes nowhere. It is a doomed movement, controlled, totally. Zionist controlled. Where's that high IQ? It's masturbatory garbage that doesn't prove itself when tested. Why do you constantly fall for fake messiahs? The 'left' does the same. You are just as dumb as them.

>Over time, a large chunk of us will turn into the next SJW's if we cannot keep a clear head, and think for ourselves,

What the fuck do you mean 'eventually' turn. You are so small-minded, you cannot even fathom how this alt-right vs sjw shit was born. Racism that went too far created SJW-ism, which went too far, and created reactionary alt-rightism. It's a pendulum.

The bulk of people just follow whatever's popular. You don't just lose your deeply-ingrained beliefs at the drop of a hat. You really think most Whites are that weak? One day Alt-Right, the next, they're SJWs? haha. No, the majority of people never cared in the first place! They say whatever is in.

When this fake alt right movement takes things too far, watch how many people will claim to have always been against it or how they were alt right, but something happened and they converted to some New Left ideology. This will happen, but only when being alt-right or conservative loses public favor.

People are followers and there's nothing you can do to stop it. It's like trying to stop a tidal wave with your arms. You didn't lose them. You simply never really had them.

what an ugly fuck

Anyone who goes public should expect to get shit on. Especially if you make political content. She makes a long video crying over how people didn't agree with her as if her content is just so illuminating. And likes to say it's because she was just such a vanguard that it hurt the fragility of others. The lack of self awareness in that statement is mind boggling. What the fuck did she expect to happen? And this retarded "I don't take a stance I'm just so above the fray" is disingenuous nonsense. Then what is the point of her content? Fuck that idiot bitch

>Racism that went too far created SJW-ism
[citation needed]

>And likes to say it's because she was just such a vanguard that it hurt the fragility of others
I think the PROTIP: to take away here is - if you need to tell people you are the vanguard/leader/self appointed whosiwhatsit then you probably aren't.

She'll be tomorrows chip wrapper soon enough.

Why does it matter? The left will never excuse her and it spreads the red pill, so who cares if she makes money of pretending, as long as the desired effect is there. If you could pay Obama to say blacks are killing blacks on tv once or Hillary to say Bill Clinton is a rapist, then who cares what he/she personally believes or says afterwards.

Hi feminazi scum.

>girl is just pretending for attention
Shocking OP. Just shocking.
Also this

>1488ers, like SJW's, don't use their heads.
we are unironically not going to have a future if we don't just make the 14 words a socially acceptable tenet. Period.

Leave her alone your Croat subhuman

Rational and sound

Spot on.

Some of these fuckwits are just too dumb to realise that the girl basically agrees with them in all important points, but is reluctant to face the backlash for being explicit.

>Over time, a large chunk of us will turn into the next SJW's if we cannot keep a clear head, and think for ourselves,
>and as you can see, it is happening already.
bullshit, it's growing more than ever. The fact that derpy little girls are even entertaining this shit, and adult women like Tara McCarthy and others are completely and unironic 14ers is a huge boon. I'm not a eceleb cuntworshipper sp to say that hitler frogs on some cunt's webzone are going to "discreddit muh movement" is retarded.
It's going to be fine, or it's not and we become disposessed.

this. her beta hive is pathetic.

What makes you so certain? Do you think white people won't partner with white people unless some autist is screeching the 14 words at them? White people had kids with white people long before the 14 words became such a big deal.

As for demographics, you're fighting math. You simply won't out breed the other races when white people are a minority in the world.

And then there's a matter of getting people to breed, most people aren't because the economy sucks and the way it's set up you have to work longer and harder before you can get a foot on the ladder, and then once you're there you have to save up a lot.

That's why people are having kids later.

Everything is economics. So yeah whilst I get the concern, it's stupid until you address the underlying economic problems.

>Everything is economics
no it's not, the key issue is demographics and the spiritual willingness for a people to continue existing. No amount of economic or political clout will make people breed if they don't want to.

And we don't need to be the majority in the world lad, we need to be the majority in our own homelands. Period.

88 has to go though.
Larping as 1930s germans is retarded.

Fucking this. I saw two videos of hers, realised she's just retarded and never displays anything of worth, then forgot all about her. She's cute, she's not a feminist, but that's about it.

>le 14 words
>not cringe-tier and lost on der normie Whites

I love the reason for the wording, but even back in '14 to now, it's fucking cringey as fuck, lad. Stop. There are old fashioned ways of doing the 14 rather than saying them while being a poorfag on a computer.

>get a house
>get a grill from being an actual chad normie with political leanings
>continue to red pill her

And go on from there, no need to be full on autiste.

>when a qt agrees with your political views.

I like it when they tell me I'm a disgusting person and should be ashamed of myself, I like the fighting I like the manuvering I like the dialogue

>I'm super fucking lonely :L

>and the spiritual willingness for a people to continue existing
Most people are realists, not idealists. People are incentive motivated.

How can people have kids when they can't afford it, or can't even partner up in the first place?

There is such thing as economic infertility, it is actually a term that has begun floating around.

If the economy was doing well and people weren't so burdened by such an advanced economy then yeah we'd have more kids, but it isn't happening any time soon, in fact it's going to get worse.

Unless people are willing to pull a Varg and dramatically lower their living standards in order to have children, I don't see a population boom any time soon.

Finally I can say it, most of your "new finds" are old news to anyone spending any time on the tube.

>literally who

>Opens video "male fragility blah blah"
>looks at comments, oodles of beta orbiters

She is human garbage, never post about this twat again.

all these E-celebs are fucking larpers but really just flaming leftists. Sucks since we've been infested with useful idiot normies who shill these e idiots non stop because they're even more retarded than the bandwagon jumping youtube personas

We don't need a population boom. We just need to control the borders we have and we can flatten out demographically and be just fine, like Japan.

Also, re legislation. THE most powerful man in the world couldn't get Romans to breed when he saw their downfall

>I love the reason for the wording, but even back in '14 to now, it's fucking cringey as fuck, lad. Stop. There are old fashioned ways of doing the 14 rather than saying them while being a poorfag on a computer.
Fuck that, it's not about the exact phrasing of the 14 that's important it's the content. The very concept that we have to morally justify our own existence is bullshit, and the Overton Window is absolutely shifting in that regard.

True, but also acknowledging the truth about WWII is key to understanding why we are the way we are today. Every nationalist movement needs to be homegrown though, and to larp as the german workers party from the 30s is retarded.

Oh look another thread about e-celebrity drama

literally who?
never seen or heard of this cunt prior to now
also she is ugly so she looks like she would be a demented r-selecting left hand path traveling virtue signaling tard, and nor would i have ever idolized her for supposed things that there's no proof of her doing that i even have the time to verify for myself
this is like some richard spencer of supposed tradfu girls, nice try anyways hymie she looks like a czech yid, show ne this bitch's babushka so i can know how many motza balls i have to make to be enough to feed her fat ass

or rather it's you who's not using your head because then you would see that getting with the 1488 is the only option or we will hit the degeneracy snowcrash
shill wisely

>unless people are willing to pull a Varg

Most middle class families in the west could easily have more children without pulling a Varg. Instead their whole lifestyle seems to revolve around restaurants and weekend breaks. Their one child is raised on the principle of giving them every opportunity in life, which it turns out actually means spoiling them rotten and denying them the most important opportunity: having lots of siblings.

What the fuck does 88 have to do with 1930s germans?

>or rather it's you who's not using your head
You don't have to say you're 1488 to get with the 1488. As I already said, these people tread on thin ice. If they were to publicly hold that position they would get flattened.

That is why 1488ers are idiots. They don't understand that it's a marathon, not a sprint and they lose all the influence they have just for a brief moment of pleasure.

I agree with this. The first world lifestyle fucks kids up.