You may only post in this thread if your country has a well organized national-socialistic group growing like crazy! Hell seger!

Other urls found in this thread:


>all these skinheads

Full retard, the ones with hair are doing it right.

>unironically saluting hitler

i really don't understand why people cling to old shit, they will never succed this way

Agreed. Hitler was a failure they need to move on.
im not Nat Soc I am Conservative so maybe I dont get the apeal of a 5'8" manlet art school failure.

I get that they think fascism is a great idea, but why Hitler? Even if you think killing 6 gazilions was something good, he fucked up everything else.

Wow 3 swedes and one leaf im waiting for a burger to come in and start insulting our countries.

If only that faggot didn't shoot him, my country could be beautiful. He was even more accepting of blacks than dems and republicans at the time. He recognized that we don't choose our race but we should be proud of it and recognize the implications that come along with it.

No more wars between friends to please (((them)))

ayo kurwa we wuz fashists and shit

We'll never move forward in any meaningful direction as long as their lies prevail.


just got home from todays demo in falun,
it was great!

I personally don't like Hitler but I do enjoy the movement. He personally was interesting but I certainly despise his drug use and many other things about him. But this isn't a Hitler hate thread so I will keep it to this. It isn't about Hitler.


the live stream had sucky quality, how many participated? I hear very very different numbers

I don't know about natsoc bullshit, but our 4th largest political force (soon to be 3d or even 2nd) is the National Alliance consisting of right wing and far right groups.


I peaked at 7.3k mmr, dropped to 6.2k. haven't touched Dota in 3 months. The urge to start playing again is creeping.

500-1000 a few people were saying 700 so I would say around that why didin't you join?


They should team up with our guys and organize common march some day.

"I said black pants!"

Ours was banned for some reason I think for a joke about an MPs death, doesn't sweden have anti 'hate group' laws

Your country organizes communist marches now :^)

Is it really growing that much`? I would think finnish news papers would have said something if there's a big national movement in Sweden.


Damn straight.

Misanthropic divisions dude, can't best them


Made me google this stuff.

Fucking awesome boys...
Ave Christus Rex

Got some shivers right here.
Also, claiming this blonde angel as my waifu. Back off boys.

Polish women for polish men, Patrick. Irish ladies are top tier too, why would you prefer polish girl over irish?

Does Mexico have any good nationalist movements? I know of a few but they aren't exactly that great in my opinion. I would like to see some good ones though

I'm an NMR activist and participated in todays march. Ask me anything.

Why are Swedes allowed to go on the internet and especially Sup Forums?
Isn't this racist? Shouldn't you be in prison?
Or maybe you're Ahmed and obviously then you get special treatment.

Do you know how the organization was started?

I am curious to learn more about it as there isn't really a movement where I live in Maine and I want to attempt to organize with others in my area.

only after to be rape by a muslim.


It was started by our founder Klas Lund about 20 years ago. Only street activism can get a movement such as ours forward in todays society. Our most important objective is to expose our ideas to our people.

卍Alt Right on the Rise Brothers卍

Anything is possible in Sweden, I'm just asking questions...

Sweden has some of the best internet infrastructure in the world. The internet is almost a human right here. It actually already is in Finland.

how many was there?

None AFAIK, not even basic bitch right-wing parties. Politics here is the worst of first world leftist poz like queer rights combined with the worst 3rd world corruption.

I think I would certainly have to go the GLR route and use the constitution, American values and the importance of certain aspects of American culture to start it off but I doubt I could find enough people

Got to crack any leftist skulls? Heard it was pretty chill.

550-600 official count by NMR

Jeez. That is sad to hear. I have been before but I didn't see anything related to politics so I was curious. I hope that your country sees a better day just as I hope mine continues to grow. Who knows. Maybe some day we will finally see change.

It was very chill. I saw no fights at all today. The left are too scared to do shit. They keep themselves safe behind the fences

Fan asså. Well, did we outnumber them atleast?

It's important to have a steady base and an ideology forbthe movement. Otherwise there will just be internal differences and the movement will get nowhere. Since we are strictly natsoc we have few problems regarding that

>left are too scared
HA! We don't have to do anything to you. You are in hundreds.


Was all members of NMR on place?
What does Vera Oredsson think about NMR?

No. But we dont need to. They are loved and protected by the (((state))). Its very easy to stand on their side and shout marxist propaganda. To be on pur side and get ostraziced by family and friends, maybe lose your work and so on takes courage. To gather almost 600 of us is very good in the current political climatebof sweden

No, not all of us, but many were ofc. Vera likes us :) she marched with us today! She is very lively for her age.

here's the natsoc leader
the natsoc lieutenant slapping a commie on national tv
and one elected member vandalising merchants with no papers (has zero authority to ask for papers) at the local farmer's market

One of us is worth dussins of you. Pathetic reds :) ELÄKÖÖN VOITTO


I think I could probably get way more people to rally behind ideas such as those that George Lincoln Rockwell had since they are very American in nature.

Näste 1 reporting in :^)

She cute.

I sincerely wish you the best of luck comrade! However there is already the Traditional Workers Party. I think they are natsoc and seems to be a good force. Try to get in contact and see if they are active in your area.

Näste 4 här :) Tack för idag kamrat!

It doesn't seem like they have a branch in Maine. It is the whitest state but there is a lack of nationalist groups that aren't mainly republican or libertarian. Maybe I could get some tips for groups at least near me. Thanks, and I hope that our movement can continue to spread globally.

SvP dismissed because of bad results in the election, will you do the same or keep on fighting?

Tack själv. Hell Saxlind vår befriare!

we have all the races in our corner. You have old white men. LMAO YOU ARE DONE. It's our country now.

We will keep on fighting. We are very different from SvP. We know that we will get no major influence doing regular democratic politics. We only use it as a platform to reach out to our people.

Time to sleep now. If thread is still up tommorrow i will keep answering. Until then, Hail Victory comrades!

reach out for what? the revolution?

To get them to understand that we are being wiped out as a people. That we need to stop the negative trend that is going on against whites. When we can get our people to understand the dangers we are facing, then we have won. A revolution cant be done without a major part of the peoples support. However, the active "revolutionists" doesnt need to be many. The important thing is to have the silent majoritys support. They dont necessarily have to march with us

So you're okay with people that vote SD as long as they know the dangers we're facing?

Will Poland redeem itself and be the saviour of Western Civilisation? Its starting to look like it lads.

Kill yourself you childlike thinking faggot.