Hey Sup Forums a supposed friend who was always anti ladyboy just came out as tranny and I don't really know how to...

Hey Sup Forums a supposed friend who was always anti ladyboy just came out as tranny and I don't really know how to react. Should I exorcise him or what?

Typical. Let him be happy.

I was thinking that until I saw the pictures, now I'm not so sure anymore

fuck him. you know you want to.

Disown him, he's already gone full degenerate it's too late

Sup Forums is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thataway

Just sit down and have a chat with him. Ask him stuff, try to be accepting OF HIM, not his condition; he's your friend after all and he's mentally ill, he needs help.

I heard Chechnya is nice this time of year

That's what I thought too but some of my other friends got triggered when I brought up the whole mental condition part.

are they lefties?

Two or three are, the rest want to disown him

can't you talk to him alone?

I was planning on it tomorrow but I don't know wether I should start with what the fuck, or you're mentally ill

Thought that type of shit was illegal in Ireland.
It's probably best to at least be civil, if he's a good friend. You don't want him to kill himself, although he clearly should. Use potato humour to show support.

Ireland is fucked up when it comes to our laws, one minute something's illegal and the next it's not. He's not so much a good friend more of a classmate who happens to be in my friend group.

what i'd say: ''so.. you're transgender huh? look man, i don't agree with that shit, as you know.. i don't think that lifestyle will be healthy for you (or anyone in fact) you have an illness and i don't want you to fuck your body up just because you believe you're female. you're a man.. if you feel a bit more feminine than other guys / like girly shit, that's fine, but don't go down that road''
too gay?

Nah man, I was thinking something along those lines as well. And it turns out Ireland has somehow become one of the queerist fucking places on Earth in the last few years, feels bad.

never knew. portugal seems to be on the way too unfortunately

All it took was one tranny to take down our constitution it seems, we're an embarrassment

Fake news.


cut all ties immediately, why would you hang around a mentally ill person?
People like him are the reason for our downfall, acceptance of it is arguable in itself, but embracing it? No.

tpbp. OP is just looking for excuses to do it.

Fuck the faggot out of him. Show him he will never be able man enough to take a full on hard cock and he should quit while he is ahead.

only way

suck his dick

it's called empathy ahmed. also op said nothing about embracing it.

>why would you hang around a mentally ill person?

I don't know, should we start beating autists and the elderly who have dementia or something?

Have him shave and grow out his hair, then fugg that boi pucci
