>suddenly media turns on her
>wonder why

Other urls found in this thread:


the illuminati are playing their games with her

sorry can i see ur tits now sweetie

Basically. She's had hit pieces out the ass in these last few months. Who knows what she did to start it, but she was an avid democrat spokesman for quite awhile.

Now all of a sudden she's being targeted. Maybe elites think her time is up, who knows.

wtf I love katy perry now


It would be alot better if they did more colors than just red.

It would look like a traditional dress then.

More like the (((((((((((((ILLUMINATI))))))))))))

It's Tay-Tays revenge.

Tswift is patient but she always gets her just deserts

She's getting old, she won't sell for much longer so they're torpedoing her career so they can push her teen fans onto the next slut.

Good, let her reap what she has sown.

The media is fucking evil. They just destroy people for no reason at all

What the fuck is this?


She must have done something to displease her overlords. They created her, now it looks like they've begun her destruction

that exactly what I wanted to write.

but does TayTay is safe from (((them)))?

She survived being called the Aryan Princess and queen of the neonazis. There's nothing (((your))) people can do to touch her.

This, she's used up.

She made an Obama joke.
I think she supports Trump

Makes sense. Ah well she deserves it

>shills hardcore for hillary
>does a soft core porno video to get young people to vote democrat
>has a twitter meltdown on election night
You're dumb. Go away

John Galliano who is probably one of the most talented fashion designers ever. He's like the Picasso of fashion.

He said he loves hitler and hopes all Jews are gassed.


>the brand he designed for was Dior who are owned by huge Globalist Jews.

No wonder he hates Jews. He saw FIRST hand.

What a hero

These faggots don't even like Jews. Or is this the Jews themselves? Let them destroy each other, the dumb cocksuckers.

she didn't go full boar F-Trump during superbowl


Dior is now pushing feminism. See stupid tshirt below

John Galliano is based. His clothes literally made fun of fashion and the owners. Then they figured it out and used that video to fire him.


Spot (((their))) influence

Yeah she's too hot in a real sense, not the jew SJW fat and ugly let's pretend she's hot.

I still can't believe they let her get away with so much occult symbolism in her music videos. Unless they are just using it to mock those of us who know enough to understand what is going on but are powerless to act.


Fuck. 10 am? Damn that's too early.

That shit has been going on forever.

I bet those are selling super quick

>needing revenge
how about that slut Ke$ha instead?

She does it ironically and has been doing it for years like College Humor constantly drops "subtle" references to the illuminati and pizzagate


I apologize to bull dyke Eminem.
that's /ourdyke/

Based faggot. He's Rohm tier

one could easily shop "BEAT" onto that shirt.

Ke$ha destroyed herself which is why her career died over night
>wants to get out of contract with Sony
>fake rape allegation
>sony says "we'll let you out if you drop it!"
>Dollar signs in her eyes
>goes to court
>can't break contract, sony won't produce her music, can't get a new contract due to being black listed

>is tay safe from them
Yes, she is untouchable because her daddy owns the record company. Why do you think a mediocre talent like that became world famous

Is katy leaving the Plantation?

>feminist shirt
>size small
is this a fucking joke

>that exactly what I wanted to write
Fuck off oven dodger

look at it's face and eyes, the psychic vampires haves sucked the life force out of this bitch

i take it you haven't seen the pics of her being pimped out to jew owned nogs


Kikes can not take the pressure.

Kek confirms.

Praise kek


If it's between supporting a jew, or supporting a third wave feminist's fake rape claim (which lost in A FEMINIST COURT SYSTEM), I'm going with Team Schlomo for this one

>sings song about living in a bubble
oh cool she gets it
>rapper comes in and says to tear down all the walls
oh she doesnt get it


this woman looks rather unhappy

Fake news
>hurr look at these few pictures of one of the biggest stars in the world with fans who just happen to be black

>people forgetting that she's literally related to the Rothschilds
nice fake outrage you white 'women' loving cucks

The rapper was so unnecessary.

This song is well produced sounds great. Not gonna lie.

what are these hit pieces?

LMAO the (((house))) always wins.

>Ever engaging in the Faustian trade of your soul for fame and fortune

except she was sitting on the nogs lap you fuckwit

if michelle obama wore said outfit it'd be outfit of the year

I would if anybody gave a shit about katy perry. Seriously, have you heard a hit song from katy perry after 2014?

Rappers only drag down her songs and make them shitty with senseless jungle music. To this day I have never heard ET or any of her other songs played with the rapper on the radio

Entertainer schism when? The music trends are starting to outpace their Jewish overlords, so expect a "reset" soon.
The kikes are going to start a new trend in order to take the music back. It will be concentrated around (another) "rap revolution", and will then fail worse than the current "rap". This will complete the abandonment of the niggers, and then they will resist.

>Image search sauce is all 4chin threads


Man, (((they))) really are turning on her.

Sorry white girl. You've overstayed your welcome.

Well I, for one, think it is a beautiful dress.


fuck off KIKE

I've never considered this.

The advent of YouTube and now people can make #1 hits on a MacBook have totally altered music. There is no central control anymore. The radios don't work ask YouTube Spotify et al provide a bevy of sound.

Watch Rihanna's umbrella video.

Hershlag wore it better desu

>Be young girl
>Have self-esteem issues because daddy was never around
>Dream of being a model so you can finally get people to love you and tell you you're beautiful
>Sign up for an agency
>Wait for 10 hours for an interview
>They look at me for 10 seconds then tell me I'm too fat
>Go home crying
>Starve myself for 6 months
>Come back
>Get a contract with the same guy who called me fat
>Get locked into a room for 20 hours without anything to eat
>Get naked in front of the male director who looks me over like a piece of meat
>He turns to his associate and talks as if I'm not even there
>I think we should go with a pro-woman message
>Try to ask for something to eat
>He slaps me
>Put on a T-shirt with something about feminism on it
>Go on a stage
>So tired and hungry I can barely stand
>In the photos I look like a hideous zombie
>I-I just wanted people to like me ;_;

>gaunt soulless eyes sunken into face, look of a long term smoker but shes never had a smoke
>walking billboard for feminism

yep, seems about right

>watch rihanna


when you realize Jews will use our woman to corrupt ayy lmao, just so they get their shekels and technology..

Maybe the lyrics were a cry for help....

"Are we crazy?
Living our lives through a lens
Trapped in our white-picket fence
Like ornaments
So comfortable, we live in a bubble, a bubble
So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, the trouble
Aren't you lonely
Up there in utopia
Where nothing will ever be enough?
Happily numb
So comfortable, we live in a bubble, a bubble
So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, the trouble
Ah, so good
Your rose-colored glasses on
And party on
Turn it up, it's your favorite song
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
Turn it up, keep it on repeat
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie
Yeah, we think we're free
Drink, this one is on me
We're all chained to the rhythm
To the rhythm to the rhythm"


Reddit is down the hall and to the left. Take your shitty memes back there

Fuck off retard.

Kek oh ya

Not a kike; I just want to jerk my circumcised dick to nigger whores with big tits.

Is she even allowed to choose what she wears?

Literally anybody can make a hit now a days- the beauty /nightmare of the internet.

Chained to the Rythym

calling the bogdaoffs right now

Felt like it was quickly added into the song in order to appeal the democrat voters.

Oh sweet, sweet child

Come on, who is she?

my feelings on this


I apologize to the female Macaulay Culkin.


I feel bad for that girl now...

>cherry pie
Sex with period blood, right~?

>hates jews
>criticizes them through designing a nihilistic deconstruction of an attire

>13 parentheses on the left
>12 parentheses on the right

No, she is virtue signaling and trying to indoctrinate the next generation of children to think we need open borders and how "we're all in it together".

This dude gets it.

This fuckin girl just sprinted into the darkness, didn't she?

>virtue signaling
I think it's beyond that now, man. Her new album cover is her head on a plate with three 40 year old pimp hands reaching for her.

>>wonder why

Simple. John Galliano needs to be shut down. To that end, no star can wear his designs, and if they dare to, *they* will be shut down.

This really has nothing to do with Katy Perry, as such. It has to do with JG, and shutting him the fuck down.

True, Kesha completely disappeared after the rape scandal.

Or, you know, with us..


3 inches between eyes. mfw interpupilary distance of cattle but would still fuck