New healthcare bill on the verge of failure. Le negotiator in Chief strikes again! Why does Trump keep failing when Republicans control everything?

feely sleepy tonight, anyone else?

It turns out that it isn't a good strategy to shit on half the people in your own party for 18 months straight.

Do they even have a date for the vote yet? Average (((CNN)))

he's too centralist for the party. If you weren't a retard paid shill you'd realize liberals are squandering a chance to get things they want done with no actual power.

you people are more retarded than I thought.

It was supposed to be last Friday but they didn't have the votes

why would liberals want to give trump any accomplishments to brag about?

we already killed the democrats hopefully we can mop up the last of the old guard GOP

What the hell makes you think Liberals aren't taking advantage of this right now?

Because even libshits can get tired of losing.

Also can anyone explain what this fear of losing a vote is?

This is how congress works, it goes back and forth and voted on and shot down and resubmitted until a bill makes it through.

this is how legislating works.

So sleepy, good thing nothing is going on

That's not how this works. Trump will be blamed for this not neocons.

>literally haven't even unveiled a 2nd new healthcare bill yet

>there's disagreement on what direction to take like virtually every other piece of legislation so they must be losing

How are people so fucking stupid that they buy into this garbage? All the media is now a days is manipulated speculation to create an illusion.

The more failures Ryan and McConnell rack up, the sooner it really starts happening. Trump does not like to be told "nah" on ANYTHING.

rand saved our asses thank god.

Post yfw OP actually pays tuition to shitpost

Could someone give me the broad strokes of his healthcare bill? Is it any good?

Looks bad. They even have special Congress men called whips who check on/convince other Congress ppl to vote their way and if they can't win they don't vote

it was written by a jew with two white first names.

the jew then argued it was trumps bill when it failed miserably.

only looks bad to simple voters.

Another reason only males and/or land owners should vote.

>turns the tax credits from income based to age based
>guts pre-existing conditions
>guts high risk pools
>stops medicaid expansions

If you are rich or young you will be better off. If you are poorer or older you will be worse off.

It does nothing to increase competition, bring costs down etc.

Because Trump is a democrat, or establishmentarian, in disguise.

You do realize that legislation is the job of the legislature, right?

Put down the communist manifesto and pick up a copy of the constitution if you wish to understand how our government works.

It's actually worse than Obama care. I love that Trump hasn't even read the bill. He keeps telling interviewers that it keeps the pre existing condition protections when in reality it is up to the states.

Ryan and McConnell were recently re-elected easily

Why do you love Trump's incompetence?