I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Seriously. Only seven years left and this is all we got...

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Seriously. Only seven years left and this is all we got. I would like to say more but I guess it's better for you to figure it out by yourselves.

PS. I'm working for a MEP and you'll hear about me soon enough (I'm Austrian, don't mind the Finnish flag, this is my "safe space")

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The house of cards is falling. It's about damn time.

fuck that mysterious bullshit



Your roleplaying sucks.

you don't need insider info to know that EU is done for. the beady eyed rats already abandoned the sinking ship, I don't need any more proofs

dont be so vague asshole, tell us.

dont be a cunt, share a story or two

Have you ever seen two gay dogs doing it and they get stuck and you have to kick one off the other? I've seen that.

There is more going on right now. There will be war and I cannot do anything about it. Friesland is our only hope.

You won't believe it but Libya will start a war and that will be the end of the EU. I used to be pro-EU until I found out that the US government controls everything. Merkel will flee to the U.S. tomorrow

So tell us some stories, user.

>Merkel will flee to the U.S. tomorrow

did your MEP shittalk our nige about his legendary rants?

>Merkel will flee to the US

You suck at this.

I don't know what you're on about but you have no hope, believe me - and it's worse than that.

good bye i have a flight

Your flight will disappear over the Baltic sea. A consortium of nations will spend hundreds of millions "searching" for the lost plane. After 5 years of futile "searching" they will give up.

do we smash the AYRIAN MENACE! once and for all user?

>Merkel will flee to the U.S.

Wrong bucko
