This is what Styx actually believes:
Styx is claims to visit Sup Forums. How can he be so naive?
Is it true? Are true racists and antisemites virtually nonexistent?
This is what Styx actually believes:
Styx is claims to visit Sup Forums. How can he be so naive?
Is it true? Are true racists and antisemites virtually nonexistent?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Are true racists and antisemites virtually nonexistent?
in real life? yes. LIterally no one at Berkeley I talked to was truly antisimetic despite the ironic oy vey when bagles were thrown.
The only JQ person in real life is Richard Spencer... a man who purposely and repatedly goes on liberal shows where his message is edited and makes no qualms about it.... so take that as you want
Hidden power levels in "real life"
who gives a runny shit what that fucking youtuber sez?
Death to false metal and ziocucks.
Bombard his video with 1488/white power posts.
He's right in a sense. The nazis he's talking about are the image that Israel has created for them for a long time.
The crazy over the top gas all degenerates are what the media and Jewish superpowers want people to think Hitler and the Nazis were, which they really weren't.
If you come across a self proclaimed Nazi that says to gas anyone who slightly disagrees with them, then yeah they are probably a shill trying to build the image that the ideals of Hitler were truly crazy and over the top.
Jews want Hitler to be this incredibly scary bogey man that can "scare the soccer moms" as he said.
I side much more with the true Hitler than the Hitler that the media has built up over the past half century.
hes right though
who believes what talking about who?
Everyone has gotten really paranoid lately, especially on Sup Forums with all the accusations of shill and controlled opposition.
It's being done. Almost every comment on his video is calling him out on this.
I think he would be massively downvoted too, if it weren't for the fact that people seem to like Styx
>crazy over the top gas all degenerates
>self proclaimed Nazi that says to gas anyone who slightly disagrees with them
what are memes
As a Britbong do you also think the south is full of Klansmen? And the cities, aside from some violence are bastions of civility and forward thinking?
Attaching your name in a public manner to such labels is social suicide. Such views cannot exist in an environment of ridicule and alienation, you won't have a livelihood if you're openly "racist" nowadays. The Jews are in a position of immunity, everything deflects off them despite ample evidence of factional conspiracies among their group. If people want to pretend the communist revolutions weren't characterized heavily by Jewish leadership, that's willful ignorance, nothing else. If they want to ignore the smut peddling Hollywood and porn companies ran disproportionately by the aforementioned, the same applies. Lest we even discuss the behavior of dual-citizens within the halls of American governance and their complimentary interest groups, the ADL and AIPAC of course and the ever peculiar relationship with Israel. There's plenty to talk about in regard to America or the West as a whole's relationship with the Jewish people, proclaiming it a "shill" topic is at minimum, anti-intellectual.
Read the above and figure out whether or not you're being played. Embarrassing this cuntrag lives in the same state as me, then again, they're all fucked in the head up here.
Styx? Like Mr Roboto Styx ?
Watch the video. He's talking about the people who watch and comment on his videos. He's talking about all the NatSoc posters on Sup Forums and the Pepe avatars on youtube. He just called at least 50% of Sup Forums a controlled shill. I think he is just naive.
The alt-lite knows they would be targeted and destroyed if they talked about the JQ
So for the most part they don't talk about it. They have only the worst to gain by it.
Thats how its set up. There is no real "free speech" but for what anonymous people on boards like this can post whatever they want.
And I don't count on this being the case for much longer....
Jews nevah did nuffin.
What is poes law.
Some people will do it as a meme, some people will take it seriously
>nobodys actually a nazi
>adl and CTR are trolled by shills using OK sign, when OK sign"is a hate symbold" shilling was likely done by them in the first place
>nobodys actually a goosestepping nazi thats the shills
>become more general conservative
>fight the left, theyre the real enemy, not the jews!
>white nationalists worry about jews, not me
I never listened to a word this obvious agent said before, and sure as shit will not now.
Make up your mind user - if they are not real Nazis, are they shilling, or just memeing.
I listened to it. I think you are missing a bit. He said that there are more trolls/shitposters/and controlled opposition shills than there are REAL nazis. And he is right.
Even he admitted trolling this way. I do to. As much as people want to think, there simply arent underground american nazi-skinhead armies awaiting the racewar call.
Both, there are shills/ maymay warriors.
It's not just one person m8.
Some are real nazis, some are shilling, some are memeing.
I'm just saying that there are absolutely shills who are trying to shape what people think of Hitler so that the media can call anyone who they disagree with a Nazi.
If people realize what Hitler actually stood for they wouldn't be able to use him as a bogey man anymore, and there are shills trying to keep up the image of evil "gas all degenerates" nazis
i'm not even NatSoc but to have the fucking audacity to say that there aren't tens of thousands of unironic young NatSocs / Fascists on Sup Forums and around the web is pure retardation. Tired of this eceleb bullshit tho tbqh
>there simply arent underground american nazi-skinhead armies awaiting the racewar call.
no, there aren't this strawman that you created but there are definitely a lot of people who don't fall for the narrative that Hitler was literally Hitler and that to even BRING UP the JQ is tantamount to being a pants on head retarded Alex Jones tier conspirator.
How he can't see the shit jews have a tendency of doing is beyond me
>using antisemitic** unironically
>brown eyes
>fake looking tits
>belly piercing
>retarded neck choker thing
>ugly monster claws
user you couldn't find any attractive women to post?
I made thread about this earlier and the only people who posted in it were sucking on Styx's cock. I was hoping Styx would see it and explain why he has to lie about the reason he's avoiding certain topics.
He's an admitted shitposter on Sup Forums, fully aware of the dominant political beliefs on here, and is well aware that large portion of his audience comes from this board, yet he claims that people in his comments mentioning zionism or white nationalism are just leftist shills or CTR. I wouldn't be bothered about him ignoring certain topics if he didn't dedicate full videos to lying about why he avoids them.
>don't forget those eyebrows
>How he can't see the shit jews have a tendency of doing is beyond me
yet he claims to be /one of us/
and HE IS USING THE PAID SHILL ARGUMENT. He's fucking saying if you are a white nationalist you are a paid shill. fuck that
>s strawman that you created but there are definitely a lot of people who don't fall for the narrative that Hitler was literally Hitler and that to even BRING UP the JQ is tantamount to being a pants on head retarded Alex Jones tier conspirator.
You imply that I fall for the meme? The difference is I only ironically think gas is the answer. I want to defeat social marxism, communism and the largely jewish globalist movelent. But hate to break it to you, I dont think we can gas them all any more than you could the 6 million.
>nipples pointing upwards
>retarded neck choker thing
Those are hot. It's a slut symbol
>I do to. As much as people want to think, there simply arent underground american nazi-skinhead armies awaiting the racewar call.
Thanks FBI.
Face it. We've attracted large numbers who are of the follower mindset. That's just the way she goes. They are all bound by cognitive dissonance. Once trained, you can't easily redpill these people.
Unironically, something a shill would post.
This is what they envision we like.
>to have the fucking audacity to say that there aren't tens of thousands of unironic young NatSocs / Fascists on Sup Forums and around the web is pure retardation.
This. Daily Stormer gets 150,000+ unique views per day. I think the Daily Shoah podcast got similar numbers before Peinovich's wife was exposed as a jew (maybe they still do). Those people are coming from Sup Forums, and a shill would not (for example) download a podcast.
The only true form of Nationalism is CIVIC!
>what they envision we like
>not sick of seeing women turned into trash
Tell me more about how shills want to make women modest and beautiful again. I'm so sick of these lost girls with metal jammed through their faces who have somehow become the majority.
I honestly don't know how I made it through those 3 years
>Implying Sup Forums isn't 95% LARPing jews and gays laughing at the unironic 5%
whats your point, why would the FBI be trying to promote the idea that there arent skinhead armies laying in wait? What would be their motive for that? I would imagine the FBI would and does love to promote their own usefulness by imagining there are massive evil secret armies.
You're projecting.
>that juxtaposition.
I can't believe I fell for the "Argentinians are White" meme.
Go away Styx. Go away or we'll sic Sam H'Ayid on your scrawny little ass.
beware when mocking a grand warlock sir
It's fucking evalion though. Evalion is not a good example because she's just one opportunistic thot.
Calm down. I was agreeing with you. The progressives like the ugly shitbird un-effemenate woman. They assume we like this plastic robot woman. I would become a furry before I would lust after ole magnetic north tits.
The following info regards non-nude teen model websites and its suspicious content hosted on completely unrelated websites. It also confirms these people without a shadow of a doubt use food related code words and hide their content UNDERCOVER on sites that front as something else. The following models are from a wider parent company called and
They have single websites that feature a specific models such as
To subscribe to these websites, you must use bitcoin. At this time, no more subscriptions are being accepted as they rebuild their pay methods to only use bitcoin. Their former sites have been shut down. It has reappeared under a different name. The old company is called TrueTeenLatinas.
Now to the juicy details....
Go to this link
It says "
All of Sofia’s downloads are a free extra by having an active subscription to “Salad Recipes” on"
Follow the link to It fronts as a website dedicated to giving recipes to foods, drinks, and other things of this nature - but as we can see, underage teen model content is available by having a subscription to a recipe website?!
There is more - go to your cursor over the contact tab at the top of the website. click on "Member Support Tickets".... It will take you to
Again. A teen model website links you to a recipe website that at first glance looks completely normal and offers actual recipes to website viewers. Look lower at the Support Ticket page and you see a variety of "recipe" categories.
Now go to
You will see that download sections to all these models correlate with a food related codeword.
now go to and go to the bottom of their page where they list their instagram, Facebook, twitter, youtube, ect.
Click on their instagram and it will take you to BUZZFEED'S instagram. Connection? Or just another front to make the recipe website appear more legit. It bring big questions considering buzzfeeds absolute opposition to Trump. It would not surprise me if Buzzfeed is actively participating in this behavior. One of their other other social media links takes you to the food network. Not surprising considering hollywoods connection to pedophilia.
More proof these websites inconspicuously host content at "front" websites is
At the bottom of the page it refers you to "nutrition lessons" at (a website that appears to sell workout equipment and offer nutrition advice).
He's absolutely spot on, but there are genuine 1488'ers who LARP all the time on youtube.
It is the case in Britain that we have research groups such as Hope Not Hate and Searchlight (our version of SPLC) which are mandated by the Intelligence Agencies to publish information and create a network of spies who set up as well as infiltrate all the right-wing groups, act as personalities to gain support from unsuspecting people and basically sabotage the group and message while getting media attention by doing stupid shit. It's possible that this operation extends onto youtube, with commenters pushing certain agendas, and maybe even content creators themselves being involved.
The Intelligence Community believes that having an extreme radical right-wing that talks about genocide all the time, and getting into fights with antifa and whoever, is the best way to scare normies away from adopting their general anti-globalist message. This way the far-right remains as useless and retarded as it has been throughout the post-war era. It will keep them away from real politics and electioneering, and if they did that anyway, no one would vote for them because they are far too extreme and scary.
>I side much more with the true Hitler than the Hitler that ...
le real HItler has never been tried meme
>Not a katana
Fucking casual
katanas are objectively worse than european swords
sam watches styx you stupid fuck
*Muhammed Sayam H'Ayid
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
>posting name
muh dickus maximus
>post since
muh dick
>do you stand with israel?
kill whitey
>what did hitler do?
who that
While in general I agree, this article brings home some benefits of a Katana style weapon
lack of foreskin making you all grumpy today, senpai?
oh hey I found the self service advertising thread awesome check out this totally awesome bass guitar solo dudes
>thinks he knows anything about white nationalism
>totally unfamiliar with its history and the policies advocated throughout its history
He needs to listen to GLR and Dr. Pierce.
Styx should be used as kindling to fire the ovens.
>post image
>post a hundred links
he has some interesting insight about international politics and corporate culture but he's always been kind of a fag. He's a skinny douchebag from vermont that used to be a I mean I never really put much stock into what he says in the first place.
that nipple placement is a hallmark of a shitty boob job by a second-rate surgeon
omg lol If someone tries to tell you race isn't real just show them this. The beautiful dutch people then hard cut to the dirty south american mud people.