Can somebody red pill me on the Sandy Hook shooting?

Can somebody red pill me on the Sandy Hook shooting?

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dind ;abben joos :DDDD am egberd

i was hoping something more rigorous. but okay

How about you go fuck your mother.

there's a million jewtube videos debunking it as a false flag

already did m8. yours is next.

I've only heard that "the official story" was reached within a very short amount of time.

Knowing our media, that is, of course, suspect.

Watch the news broadcast from the day of. Kids in the scene do not recall hearing any gun shots. I live in the fucking ghetto, I hear gun shots half a mile away. Imagine being in a school and not hearing a single shot.

The "victims" performed at the next superb owl





strong chance no kids actually died
completely confirmed it was used to further gun control
you can do the math


. .

note how it says "victims of ritual abuse"? shit screams pizzagate to me. was probably a ritual sacrifice


>Congress passes 0 gun laws, no AWB, still to this day

holy fuck none of those kids look ANYTHING alike. and you seriously think they would put crisis actors IN A FUCKING SUPER BOWL CHORUS??? ON NATIONAL TV????? jesus fucking christ



>being this autistic to think these two children look anything alike

google it yourself you fucking stupid niggercunt


Sure. Sandy Hook was planned for demolition, and host to many drills for various emergencies. They faked a school shooting there, and couldn't even be bothered to to have the coroner get the details right. The time of deaths weren't done by the proper authority. The gun that was supposedly found was found in lanzas trunk, and also by his body and also wasn't the same gun that supposedly shot the kids. Then they demolished the building and Lanza's house because... idunno

I mean I could, but Google censors content.

>Face blindness is a brain disorder characterized by the inability to recognize faces. Face blindness is thought to be the result of abnormalities, damage, or impairment in the right fusiform gyrus, a fold in the brain that appears to coordinate the neural systems that control facial perception and memory.

States did pass laws after the incident though, cunt.
Boiling frog.

I see fine you stupid fuck

I got convinced pretty easily. Initially I thought Sandy Hook was real for a long time. When pizzagate came out I became a big believer of that, and by extent recognize Podesta as a confirmed crook whose likely never told a truth in his life. When I learned Podesta used Sandy Hook to personally campaign against gun ownership (true purpose of Sandy Hook, if faked, is a mystery) then I came to the realization that Sandy Hook might be just another lie. And all of this unrelated to any actual evidence the autistic conspiracy theorists put out.

Adam Lanza was a severe autist.

Prosopagnosia does not effect visual acuity. It is a brain disorder not a visual disorder. You probably do see just fine. That is beside the point.

adam killed a bunch of kids to save them from becoming normies. if you look up his radio interview on youtube it will make semse. he called in to an anarchist radion station before the shooting. that call is crucial to understanding his mind and why he killed those kids. he was also redpilled on women and pedophila being normal

Ok doctor Goldberg. I guess these arent the kids after all and it was a legit shooting

Good. Glad we agree on something. That will be 100 shekels.

checked, also do you mean this recording?

I started really looking to this last year.
The life of Adam is a good documentary, creep me the fuck out.
I don't know if it happen or not but here is some interesting thing.

1. The sandy hook elementary school didn't have internet from 2009 to the year of the shooting. Suggesting that the school was closed. Go to the way back machine and look it up yourself.
2. A lot of house in newtown had their mortgage paid off on dec 25 a year before the shooting.
3. Their is footage of camouflage men running thru the woods behind the school towards a mason lodge.
4. Originally adams death was listed the day before the shooting. ( this was later corrected)

These are just some of the weird things I have found but are the most damning in my opinion, I still don't know what really happen.

And he was a fucking wizard at DDR.

Why the fuck would anyone think this is Adam Lanza? He says his name's Greg. What other recording of him did you compare this to?

Google it, you stupid fuck
If you can sit through his annoying voice, this guy has a ton of videos on the subject including the internet thing. I also recall reading the guys were hunters in the area who panicked, but I don't have sauce for that as it has been a while since I researched the subject.

Good. That old bitch needs some dick.

Gene Rosen, a dude who "huddled the kids to safety" after the shooting has jewtube clips floating around of him practicing the day before the shooting what he will say to the press

a 2nd jewtube video shows one of the dead kid's father laughing, then 'getting into actor mode by fake-hyperventilating' then pretends to fake cry.

adam lanza had 96% kill rate accuracy...despite being 120 lbs and wearing full armor

>Kyle (((Kromberg)))

Fucking die you rotten kike

You're retarded.

You guys can pretend all you want but back in 2012 I used to live in Connecticut and I know a few of these families that had their children brutally slain. How can you call this a hoax when I PERSONALLY went to 3 of those funerals and saw those children lying there in the coffins. Shame on you.

Family names?


The Masonic Lodge in Sandy Hook worked with ICMEC and pushed those creepy masonichips they used to track kids.

Jeff Koons met with Philippa Rothschild on November 28th, then met with Skull & Bones on November 30th at the Freer Sackler Museum to celebrate their 50 year anniversary in power of the United States.
