You are all mythical creatures, there is no White Nationalist Movement. Disagree with me and I'll call you a shill!

You are all mythical creatures, there is no White Nationalist Movement. Disagree with me and I'll call you a shill!

He's gone crazy. He has to do one of this gay videos every week, at least.
>No white nationalist exist; only civic nationalist.

All youtubers are shills unless their name is American Renaissance


He is right and wrong at the same time. Yeah that might not exist in his circle but there are a lot of us out here. Get up walk out side and meet people.

Stop posting this ugly cunt, he wouldn't be a satanist if he wasn't ugly as fuck

t. kike

still not buying it
still not watching (((CNN)))

styx is based and you suck

Literally laughed out loud ruined keyboard you owe me a beer.

He's gone crazier. Israel must have sent him another email.

this. anyone who wont name the jew is being paid by the jew.

Hello shariahblue. Nobody is fooled. We're going to force your finances to the very brink of exhaustion by forcing you to shill this dude day in and out. Fuck your own mothers.

you must be a styx shill. styx is just a friend of the alt-lite who forget to invite him to anything.

But that's not what he said?
People who constantly harp on the Jews are either one-dimensional morons whose opinions are uninteresting, or shills. NatSoc policies range widely beyond "muh joos." Any normal, sincere individual would actually spend time speaking about government structure, economic ideas, technological progress's interplay with the ideology, etc.


>alright everyone
>alright everyone
>alright everyone
>alright everyone
>alright everyone

David Duke for trap waifu?



hello twink boy

still posting your videos to Sup Forums to beef up your view count i see

he must sleep under space blankets.
>muh alien, muh nazi shills

>Guys I know the difference between shilling and trolling, I've been browsing since 2013!

He has never experienced actual shitposters, his idea of 'shitposter' is someone who just banters like .

I've been called a shill before and I just shitposting, I shitposter constantly for months on end, every single day on MLPG about drugs and alcohol.

>shills are THIS threatened by a pagan gardener who uploads cat videos
you niggers are so pathetic, I heard you losers are even called nerd virgins by your own fucking managers. Sad! What else, do you get paid in store credit or something hahahah, you're all such worthless idiots


After the Syria strike he lost me.


Get in here faggots!!!


Get in here faggots!!!


Get in here faggots!!!

does he have a heeb name? Cohn, Katz, Ezra, Gold___,Shapiro, _____stein, etc.

Tarl Warwick


That's not Jewish. Was he adopted?

why don't you ask him?

>Satanist pendant
Who is this edgelord and why should I care about him?

I just did.

Delusions of grandeur
He literally has no evidence for any of this

>Any normal, sincere individual would actually spend time speaking about government structure, economic ideas, technological progress's interplay with the ideology, etc.

You can't make any progress on the ideal tax system or whatever the else fuck you want to talk about, until you deal with the Jewish problem. Anything else can only be theoretical until that happens.

The next Nostradamus who assumes he's a kek-tier meme lord

>y-you can't prove it goy!
>shut up and watch tv!

He's not a jew lol

People need to calibrate their Jewdar, you shouldn't need to know the name to know whether someone is Jewish or not. He looks like someone who played way too much Magic: The Gathering, but there's nothing Jewish about his appearance or mannerisms at all

Prove there is a massive campaign of fake Nazis shills that post on Twitter and Youtube, you can't because there isn't. It's an extreme claim to make without evidence.

He's right you know.
Richard Spencer is a jew.

Pick any famous """White nationalist"""" and they're probably a jew who's out there just to fuck the stupid goyim over--just like Hitler.

>it's real in my mind

Anyone remember when this crack-baby did videos on psychedelic drugs?

I remember watching them in middle school

You know it makes perfect sense. Get a Jewish guy to pretend he's German. Give him a fake geneology with Good goyim to back up his story. Then procede to lose a war, leading to the timeline which fucks over Europe, while pretending to be against the jews, all just to get white people to kill eachother, make billions in profits, and make fascism look bad.

he's that old?

>perfect sense
>the most ridiculously convoluted and risky conspiracy theory in history

How is it any different from how politics work today? The jews get who they want in power. Use them to start shit with eachother, then all the goy get fucked.

>That's about all
>Peace out

I'm 20
his old channel was called Botany101
he's been making videos for over a decade

Jews are not risk takers or complicated people. Their behaviour is entirely predictable; they try to shut down anything outside of what they deem acceptable.

Why would they destroy Weimar, which they owned lock, stock and barrel, and which was absolutely riddled from top to bottom with Jews, to replace it with an explicitly anti-semitic system, where only one Jew was in a position of authority. What happens if Hitlerstein had a heart attack? They're fucked now...

Jews did whatever it takes to carry out their plans. The Weimar republic was just one step in the long term plan.

Besides, Hitlerberg was genetically engineered to be a fearless jew.

>genetically engineered
>before the discovery of DNA
Ok, I'm going to stop talking to you now.

If you cite black crime statistics you're a shill.

>To the exclusion of all other topics

So you're saying it's normal for WNs to only talk about one subject, constantly? Only jews or niggers, never anything else?

Styx is right. And you're either dumb or shilling yourself.

Either way, you all still watch his videos.That's about all, peace out.

>Ignore Huge Jewish IQ gap
>Believing ((((((history))))))
You just aint woke enough

He's just a native Vermonter. They all look like that, it's the French genes. Damn nice people though, and actually pretty smart.

>being this bluepilled
I miss old Sup Forums

Oh look! White Nationalist are trying to take a page from the SJW media game. xD

Meanwhile in Sup Forums...

>So you're saying it's normal for WNs to only talk about one subject, constantly? Only jews or niggers, never anything else?
Nice generalization, one could say the same about Civic Nationalists constant claims of shilling on obscure Youtube channels and websites while providing no evidence that it is taking place.
>muh shilling
>muh globalists
>muh msm
>please donate to my patreon

Regardless of his faults, he still owns politics on youtube. Should I start a channel where I browse Sup Forums and drivel on cam for 10-20 minutes?