
Nationalists Only Edition.

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Where's the news?

You're behind India economically

you behind Africa intellectually

"You behind"

Sure I am, Einstein.

Einstein was a Jew

Anglos and jews bad news

I was wondering what'd happen if we could get Barrett to meet with the Archbishop. It'd probably fare well among older/rural voters to see his picture splashed everywhere with the Archbishop. Take out ads in a bunch of rural newspapers with the pictures and a column printed out.

Wouldn't cost more than €50 a placement in such newspapers I presume.

We need an endorsement from Iona institute.

Their "all gays are pedophiles" thing isn't exactly great optics.

not gonna get it with their death penalty bollocks.
that's why I keep saying they should drop it.

Such a beautiful picture

that's news to me

>death penalty bollocks
There's wider support among the public for the death penalty than who will be swayed by the fucking (((Iona))) spergs.

NP isn't going to be Fine Gael 2: Slightly less Europhile Boogaloo.

Yeah it's a meme issue. If someone is locked up they might as well be dead ad they don't impact society.

I don't think there is and Catholic organisations are opposed to it.

Thanks for bumping thread shabbos goy.

>I don't think there is
Yes but what you think ultimately doesn't matter in the face of statistics.

>41% No, 2% Don't Know
For a grand total of maybe 43% opposition

>28% Yes, 26% Yes in exceptional circumstances (which is the NP's stance)
For a total of 54% in favour of it.

England is a rape baby genetic mixture of every person that conquered them. First the Celts, then the Germans, and now the Muslims. Also, your women look like fucking pugs.

are you o-gay

Ireland is a degenerate inbred shithole teeming with low IQ morons who drink themselves to an early grave (thank god)

Also these threads always come on during the early hours of the morning confirming the majority of you are parasitic layabouts

>b-but you're on here too

Nightshifts you paddy twat, something you've never heard of.

you look like a pug

Really enjoying the diversification of Ireland. The darkies here are talking about settling in Limerick and surrounding areas, enjoy them.

And Anglos are crypto jews. You're irrelevent in the modern world, and the only reason we speak your ugly language is because of convenience.

He will attract rabid catholics with his purist views on abortion.
He will then push them away with his stance on the death penalty and they'll go for more FG or whatever.

There is no hunger for it and a poll on thejournal is bollocks.
It just polls their readership.

You're irrelevent

>Implying I give a fuck about your failed social experiment of a country.

>Irish nationalism

Literal meme.

Good, let them have Limerick. Nothing but fucking gypsies and white trash anyways.

you're still replying?

>Irish nationalism

Irish nationalism is a joke nowadays, but if England werent so autistic about the UK, we couldve had an actual union. You give angloniggers a finger, and they will take your whole hand.

You really are the most autistic nation the world has ever known.

I'm anti-abortion but support the death penalty for terrorists/rapists. I personally know several people who hold that stance also, more people are arguably in favour of the death penalty for a guilty rapist than they are abortion of an innocent unborn.

>There is no hunger for it and a poll on thejournal is bollocks.

>"I don't think"
>given proof
>"this are not real proofs you believe western jew media ? give me real proofs"

How's about you find something that supports your statement that the support for the death penalty isn't widespread?

you're a autistic nation


You permanently fucked up our country. We couldve developed and had a union, but instead all of our intellectuals leave because you left us with a shithole. Ireland would probably be on par with Iceland or Denmark if it werent for faggots like you.

Your replies are so shit. You're a moron and you're unironically proud of it.

they are eye-rish

if i am shit then what are you

oh, hey there

Going to Limerick, lads. Hope the locals don't throw a spear at me

they'll bite your ankles off

argentina pls


To be sure

How's it going?

Literally Black Irish.

How cucked is Ireland on a scale of 1 to 10?

1 being a country like Serbia, esteemed kebab removers. 10 being Sweden, a nation so cucked that, if the Tuatha De Danann and fairies turned out to be real and wanted their land back, the Irish government would shrug and fucking hand it to them.

I'd think the Irish would be pretty based considering how hard they had to fight to win back their country and preserve their culture, but I wanted to hear the answer from the mouths of some real Irish on the ground.

Ireland and Poland are pretty much the last hope Europe has. You shouldnt shoot yourself in the foot britcuck, because one day when were living in a white socialist utopia, you will be paying 60% taxes for unemployed shitskins.

(((Ireland))) is rightful British clay, faggots.

Ireland is around a 6 or 7. Not to many immigrants at the moment so nobody is really racist yet. Look at the most progressive states in America like Vermont where they always vote left because they have never actually seen a nigger.

Shut the fuck up abo. Austrailia is Irish clay because most of your people are of Irish decent. Youre so cucked you even keep your conquerers flag, in your own flag kek

Think you've been out in the sun too long bogan. You're not thinking straight.

I'm calling the police on you little trolls

This thread got derailed into a full on smackdown on brit niggers.

Thanks mate.

You know is right.

why are the Catholic parts of Northern Ireland still part of the UK?

Cause there isnt a way to unify Ireland without taking in all the scots and loyalists aswell.

we got a stand up comedian here!

We're both drowning in a sea of shitskins but we will live just long enough to see Ireland go under first...and that makes me very happy

Don't forget to get a life and bin that knife!

I don't carry knives Guinness

Ireland is importing shitskins?

Why would they do that to themselves? They fought so hard for their identity, have such a small population, and they just want to start diluting what they have?



Cause they are somewhat separate from mainland European open-border policies and most Irish people have never even seen a black person. When I visited Belfast, didnt see a single dindu.

Theres a good lad

Because Irish people don't want that piece of shit country. Just look at the quality difference between a Celt(master race) run country, and an anglo country like Ulster. The difference is astounding.

why not go back to Scotland?
why occupy another's land?

I'm running circles around you low IQ low energy Irish boys, try and keep up


Irish Canadian here.

>tfw British citizen
>eligible for Irish citizen
>voted for Brexit, now acquiring Irish citizenship because I might lose all the EU benefits

feels good guys, I get to fuck over all of the English retards while supporting my own heritage.

I just wish the boers could have their country back and expell the niggers from their fairly conquered land.

basically what Ireland has always looked like.

it was never even conquered, there were no humans when the Dutch first settled near the coast, eventually they met the Zulu but they were the only actual natives

>low IQ

Thats how I know that youre probably a Turk baby larping as British. Irish people have done more good for the world than Britcucks, its just that our people of value all live in America, Stroya, and your shithole of a country.

That sounds glorious.
God fucking damn I hate niggers.
A pal of mine, hardline commie, went to work at walmart for a year. Had to deal with nogs every day. He came out a nazi.
Never, ever, import shitskins. It never ends well.

Let's watch some new Irish comedy. This Irish girl LOVES it


>Ireland is importing shitskins?
Far too many. They've even fudged the statistics recently, allowing like 100,000+ people to not even put down their ethnicity (so, shitskin).

It's fucking retarded. The country is barely 80% Irish at this stage, a little over 90% white (but you can still spot the fucking niggers).

The only good thing is that they don't have the right to vote, only Irish and British citizens do (don't think they even bother voting though).

Once the National Party gets in, those fuckers will be stripped of their citizenship and sent back to Nigeria.

>. The country is barely 80% Irish at this stage,

Don't forget the Parasites abandoning ship after Brexit and heading over to you,

Britain is the gift that keeps on giving.

>Blacks not understanding the value of coastal settlements

Jesus fuck.

>barely 80% Irish at this stage
Woah. Back the fun bus the fuck up for a moment. You're kidding me.
I would have thought it would be 95% at least. Holy shit. I pray that you manage to stop this shit before it's too late.
Please tell me the National Party isn't a long shot like a lot of the "hard line" conservative groups in Europe.
>they get let in but they don't get to vote
At least one thing was done right.

They're a very long shot. It'll be 10 years before they have a chance of even being the main opposition party

this is my fucking land

why dont you go back to where you are from and give your house to a native?

good,as long as they stay on their side of the border and stop trying to steal our land out of spite we have no problem

we are british not irish

God damnit. It always is.
Maybe if you're lucky, they'll chimp out soon, and give you an excuse to start getting rid of them.
We can only hope that they don't go after too many historical landmarks.

Do Irish people hate US tourists?


The Spaniard Mauls

Keep telling yourself that your British, but British people don't give a shit about you.

Hate is a strong word. We disparage them.

It's difficult to explain to Irish-Americans. You are Irish blood, one of us, one of yours... yet not so.You have pledged allegiance to another country and while we recognise that 150 years ago that this was out of necessity, it is still incredibly difficult to get over. You have pledged to a foreign lover.

Irish now leave Ireland (like me) and will return at a date later in time and place and history. I know I will be buried in Irish clay in Irish oak. The thought of not being buried in Irish soil - in Irish wood - is inconsolable. Yet these emigrants that left Ireland, that had no place left in the world to survive... we all understand why they went, yet it is difficult to reconcile with that fact. Irish-Americans don't think like this. They are American and will be buried in foreign lands. They have no yearn for the homeland. Irish-Americans are to us what a lost family are - lost - but existing. And we can't bear to see their ways lost to a mindless, un-homogenous culture.

This post will die off into the night.

I just want to visit once before I die.

You were on the same Sabrina the Teenage Witch HNNNNNGGGGG thread I was on last night.

I like you.

Living and breathing are different. You fight for your country - the great cultural mixing pot that is America. To think otherwise now is far-fetched treachery for most Americans and I can't fault them.

My grandfather lived for 60 years in England. He left Ireland in his early twenties due to the lack of opportunities in Ireland at the time. He married an Irish girl in similiar grace and had a family there, in England. Three years ago, we shipped over an oak coffin, packed with Irish soil so as to bury him with his family in England. It means that much to us.

To what we would give to see Irish-Americans value the homeland more than anything else. Irish nationalism is NOT white nationalism. You are white by default of being Irish. There is but one allegiance and that is to the Irish nation - borne by the Irish people.