Why didn't Trump serve?

Why didn't Trump serve?

>war in 'nam was bad! Fuck our troops! Fuck our vets!
>haha trump didn't go to 'Nam? What a pussy bitch

Because his foot was sore.
Jesus op!

No one cares. Did $hillary serve? no? didn't think so.

Of course not, our government isn't politically correct enough to draft women.

Audie Fucking Murphy

That's the customary way that you greet Mr. Murphy, btw.

Because his's rich. Bitch. One man.
why didn't the majority of the Jewish population of men, not get the draft letter? Or not go to ww2?

Are his feet too small like his hands, perhaps?

>his foot was sore
Fuck you, bone spurs are serious fucking business.

Not that he had them, but still

There were actually people with bone spurs sent into war.

>a woman being drafted for Vietnam

There would've been bigger riots from cranky old men than the entire anti-Vietnam brigade.

daddy's money. rich boiz don't go to war hon

He also joined Epstein on lolita express to pedo island, just like the Clintons

>but no, muh candidate is a special snowflake
>Trump come from establishment
>papal Jew Rothchilds and Rockefellers bailed out his failed Casino's, they literally own Trump's ass

He is a fraudulent business man, really all he's doing is carrying out the next phase of Global Governance, ie the IMF SDR which China wants

The people that say the war was bad aren't the same that say fuck the vets. The only people that ever say fuck the vets are hardcore republicans that don't like taxes and realize they can get away with it.

He was a fortunate son .

Why didn't Clinton serve?

Obama was a pussy, so I'll not ask that.

Learn to read.

Did any notable rich people serve in Nam?

I always assumed the draft was only for poor people/99.99%



Some folks are born silver spoon in hand

>avoiding a draft to fight a pointless shitshow of a war

I don't blame him.

no you don't do you op, u smackhead

>using abbreviated words on an imageboard

This isn't Twitter.


He didn't serve in Vietnam because it was hell on earth.

>drafted into an unwinnable war against guerilla ideologues

god they are butthurt

Yeah, they keep him off the golf course all the time.

Vietnam was a stupid war escalated by two Democrats and finished by a Republican. You fight to win or you don't fight at all. The US wasn't fighting to win and anyone smart would have seen that.

Cassius clay same the same thing.

Can't blame him for not wanting to put his life on the line when someone else could take his place. If I were him I'd do the same tbqh

Vietnam wouldn't have happened if Kennedy hadn't been killed.

The military had lost Kennedy's trust with the Bay of Pigs, he wouldn't have made the mistake of listening to them again. If it weren't for Kennedy, we would have been in WW3 after the missile crisis.

Based leaf. Redpill the trumplets!

because he was a coward with a rich father

Sorry shareblue The raspiest Bill Clinton voided this argument. He was drafted, and just didn't go. You guys said that was ok. Trump gets a deferment, can you hear the crickets?

No, user, you got to whine and shit your pants about Bill, so now I get to shit my pants about Drumpf and you get to be buttmad about it whether you like it or not.

But it's a legit point. You're saying trump is bad but give Clinton a pass which implies double standards and hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is the thing that has damaged the left so badly yet they never seem to learn.

because there hasn't been a war worth fighting for since the revolutionary war

Because Vietnam was for stupid people
33D chess


Because he is rich. Involuntarily fighting for your country is for poor people.

Because he is the "special snowflake" type that Sup Forums hates.

Hail to the Chief

>fighting for the jews is for poor people

so if I dont support trump I have to be a clinton supporter? That's some sound logic there mate
