4d chess eh?
4d chess eh?
Other urls found in this thread:
>legit tweet
An opinion is sometimes just an opinion.
he's right you know
>Trump makes an anti-Banking comment
>later that day he implies the Civil War was caused by (((someone)))
>Now he's making positive comments about Andrew Jackson
I'm liking where this is going...
He's not wrong.
Also, it's obvious that Trump has been reading a book about Andrew Jackson in his free time lately, which I think is cute.
fucking everyone knew a war was coming
He must be doing something right now much bigger, he's simply doing this to distract the normies from something bigger...
>Check the White House schedule
>That moment when the president of the USA predicts a civil war 16 years later then declares that he would never let it happen despite being almost as incompetent as Obama.
Looks like you guys have an exciting future. Just try not to burn half the country like last time.
Civil War 2 incoming
Everyone post your Warface!
It's a fun ride.
Oh God, he doubling down
>The sheer number of stupid cocksuckers who think the Civil War just up and happened overnight and hadn't been brewing for decades
The following info regards non-nude teen model websites and its suspicious content hosted on completely unrelated websites. It also confirms these people without a shadow of a doubt use food related code words and hide their content UNDERCOVER on sites that front as something else. The following models are from a wider parent company called teenbeautyfitness.com and youngfitnessmodels.com.
They have single websites that feature a specific models such as ximenamodel.com sofiasweety.com kellykutie.com
To subscribe to these websites, you must use bitcoin. At this time, no more subscriptions are being accepted as they rebuild their pay methods to only use bitcoin. Their former sites have been shut down. It has reappeared under a different name. The old company is called TrueTeenLatinas.
Now to the juicy details....
Go to this link sofiasweety.com
It says "
All of Sofia’s downloads are a free extra by having an active subscription to “Salad Recipes” on www.therecipe.club."
Follow the link to therecipe.club. It fronts as a website dedicated to giving recipes to foods, drinks, and other things of this nature - but as we can see, underage teen model content is available by having a subscription to a recipe website?!
There is more - go to sophiasweety.com....drag your cursor over the contact tab at the top of the website. click on "Member Support Tickets".... It will take you to therecipe.club
Again. A teen model website links you to a recipe website that at first glance looks completely normal and offers actual recipes to website viewers. Look lower at the Support Ticket page and you see a variety of "recipe" categories.
Now go to ximenamodel.com
You will see that download sections to all these models correlate with a food related codeword.
now go to www.therecipe.club and go to the bottom of their page where they list their instagram, Facebook, twitter, youtube, ect.
Click on their instagram and it will take you to BUZZFEED'S instagram. Connection? Or just another front to make the recipe website appear more legit. It bring big questions considering buzzfeeds absolute opposition to Trump. It would not surprise me if Buzzfeed is actively participating in this behavior. One of their other other social media links takes you to the food network. Not surprising considering hollywoods connection to pedophilia.
More proof these websites inconspicuously host content at "front" websites is kellykutie.com
At the bottom of the page it refers you to "nutrition lessons" at bellezafitnes.net (a website that appears to sell workout equipment and offer nutrition advice).
he's such a fucking retard.
member when our president used to google dates and history before he made a public statement?
I wasn't able to keep up with the news today. What was his anti-banking comment and his comment about the Civil War being caused?
I want off Mr. Trump's Wild Ride :(
Jackson stopped the Civil War from starting early. Jackson was best President.
>After serving two terms as president, Jackson retired to his Hermitage plantation in 1837. and immediately began putting it in order as it had been poorly managed in his absence by his adopted son, Andrew Jr. Although he suffered ill health, Jackson remained influential in both national and state politics. ***He was a firm advocate of the federal union of the states and rejected any talk of secession, insisting, "I will die with the Union."*** Blamed for causing the Panic of 1837, he was unpopular in his early retirement. Jackson continued to denounce the "perfidy and treachery" of banks and urged his successor, Van Buren, to repudiate the Specie Circular as president.
This is fucking bullshit, how does he keep getting away with it?
Jackson was the best President simply by being a badass.
No... he knows exactly what he's doing
There is a video of him showing someone around in the oval office and he talks about the andrew jackson book. I think it was a gift from someone when he got inaugurated
found the common core student
>think is cute
how kind of you, you double nigger faggot shit sucker
I think his team has picked up on the relationship between his supporters and Andrew jackson (didn't David Duke, a character that would form the other half of a civil war situation go out to try and save the statue? Very public, would be known to all) and using that to try and quell a counter action by what would be seen as "his supporters" after the Attack on white males at UT.
Im missing something
and education, most likely.
Reminder that yankee (jew loving) educators are the only reason Andrew Jackson isnt seen as an amazing president
Hello Russia.
>FSB makes loli websites related to food to try to legitimize Pizzagate
>FSB links said sites to BuzzFeed to try to falsely implicate them because they released the Steele Dossier
>FSB does this because they know the Steele Dossier is REAL
>FSB tries to re-legitimize FAKE Pizzagate and de-legitimize REAL Steele Dossier intel because it knows FBI Director Comey and the NSA are about to testify tomorrow in secret proceedings to Congress about all of the treason within the Trump campaign directly tying it to the Russian FSB hacker Guccifer 2.0, a.k.a. Pyotr Chayanov.
We see you, Olgino.
Op failed.
Your puppets are going down.
Whats wrong with keeping the Union together? What ruler would want a divided empire?
I know replacing Yellen with Ron Paul would get Trump killed but hes had so much fun, women and money if he were to die in glory he should do it
Trump's always been a huge Jackson fan. I can't blame him, he's one of our greatest Presidents. Fucked up banks, eliminated debt, won battles against great odds, prevented some secession attempts, and was pretty good about keeping his word.
This is actually a historical fact, though.
The only people who would kneejerk at this are young liberal arts majors who learned in High School history class that the Civil War was 100% about slavery and happened overnight because Abe Lincoln freed them (a real viewpoint I've heard from a real liberal arts major going to a real college in the United States).
P.S. How'd you like those massive recent protests in your country against governmental opulence?
I want to suck on those toes
It boggles my mind that Liberals are freaking out about his civil war comments. Their hypothetical conjectures. I have no idea how they interpret them to mean "No civil war == we'd still have slaves" instead of "No civil war == no americans would have had to die"
Trump was entirely correct about Jackson predicting the Secession problem and not liking where it was going.
>No... he knows exactly what he's doing
this statement just proves that you're a bigger retard than he is.
honestly I dont think anyone has ever thought 'why" about the civil war before. Trump is a genius.
Can someone explain to me as to why people are upset about this whole new Civil War controversy?
I literally see nothing wrong unless you're delusional enough to think Trump wants slavery back or some shit.
>see OP's picture
>"oh that's a pretty funny fake"
>check trump's twitter
>it's real
I cannot understand why that tweet is getting so much hate because the opponents are spouting completely unrelated opinions.
>Hey did you know this interesting fact about Andrew Jackson?
A lot of people on here are seriously concerned about Civil War v2. The fact Trump is now all of a sudden speaking about the civil war is turning the spook factor up to 9000
Jackson was fucking badass, he fought in a bunch of duels and in his duel with Charles Dickenson he chose to take a bullet to the chest and risk his own life so he could be certain he could kill Dickenson (the rules of a duel say whoever shoots first has to let the other person shoot if they are alive). The bullet stayed in Jackson's chest for the rest of his life.
does anyone know why he's talking about the civil war in the first place? was he asked about it in an interview or something?
> Can someone explain to me as to why people are upset about this whole new Civil War controversy?
Liberals want to erase the civil war. Liberals want the civil war to be remembered as that racist ol' war where righteous Blacks in the Union army freed their southern brethren from the evil oppressive hand of whitey.
Liberals are scared of history because they can see it repeating itself in many different ways. They want to erase the fuckups of Communism, the downsides of Marxism, and try to re-paint the United States as being an evil racist empire that was built off the backs of the Black Man. They have been trying to paint it this way ever since I was going to high school, and it only gets worse from there.
The sad part is, if the comments to that tweet are to be believed; they are succeeding.
what civil war tho? The opposing side has to have a decent majority behind them to actually launch one, and the violent left, while totally protected by the scum elite and the media don't have enough support by the common man to have enough people to fill boots after the first A-10 run.
Jefferson was the best President. He was the first to fight the banks. Jackson is a very close second. In our lifetimes, Trump will ultimately be second only to Jefferson. Lincoln and McKinley fought the banks unsuccessfully. (((Kennedy))) was an illusion of fighting the banks.
There isn't anything wrong.
Liberals are interpreting Trump's comment (Why was the civil war fought) as being ignorant to the fact that the civil war was fought over slavery.
Not so much an actual war as a long period of civil unrest between the more radical elements of the left and right that will get hotter and hotter. Think of The Troubles to get an idea of what I'm getting at
It has nothing to do with that and everything to do with trying to smear him about how racist he is.
Literally everything is a dogwhistle to liberals.
Andrew Jackson was upset at the globalist bank.
The civil war could have been avoided by paying for the slaves as Europe did and letting them go. There was a deal to do it, but the banks influenced by August Belmont who worked for the Roshchilds put an interest on the money so high that Lincoln couldn't do it. Yes there were other issues that the Civil War was about, but without the issue of slavery it would not have been a full out war.
Does Trump know this, the only connection between Jackson and the Civil war was the globalist bankers that Jackson fought against.
Damn what a shame she turned to crack. Or heroin. Or meth. Or whatever the fuck it was
>Civil War v2
Doesn't even remotely concern me. The entire military is behind Trump and lefties banned guns in their states.
I'd embrace a new civil war tbqh. It'd be nice and easy to purge all the niggers, spics, and lefties making America white again.
Isn't this how you get assassinated?
1 post by this ID
we will see when Flynn, Stone, Paige, et. al. all get indicted, and one of them sings to avoid life in prison.
If that's the case then no worries. Moderate liberals, the majority, are splintering away from the left and becoming apolitical. Their entire platform runs off these three phrases
>We need you to give us money to give you more free stuff
>the opposition is literally Hitler
People are catching on.
In simple terms, yes.
Kennedy was completely controlled by the kikes. A shame too, because his father was redpilled and he seemed to have inklings of that familial wisdom in his youth.
Jesus all the replies are so fucking stupid
>are you forgetting all the hundreds of slaves he had!
>trail of tears
>he genocided thousands
Missing a lot read bro read
Louise? Or Scott? That you?
Pretty rare
that's why they killed jfk
Whay is so wrong about this tweet? Jackson was furious at south Carolina's constant calls for secession
>What is Nullification Crisis of 1832-1837
Among other things, christ. Even the Mexican-American war was fought to prevent the Civil War.
I wonder who (((owned))) the ships who transported the Slaves to North America in the first place.
I hope there's a Civil War. Trump has the entire US military on his side, they literally started putting up God Emperor meme pictures of him and took down Obama pictures the day week he was elected. All liberals have are the elite and the media, who will gladly toss them aside to not be caught in the crossfire. It'd be the shortest war ever.
What dimension chess is this?
lurk more
Nullification crisis, do you retards know any history?
Is this his way of syaing, why cant we all get along ? If there is a civil war is on you, liberals?
I love Andrew Jackson.
People think Im joking when I say this, but I am not.
He IS the BEST president we have ever had.
The dumber the shit he says, the higher the dimension of chess he's playing. This time it's 19D chess.
Is this your OC?
He can shut entire media down at any moment he decides, the war is over the second it begins.
>Executive Order 10995 — Allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
I think these were most of the slave ships into NC, or maybe it was Virginia, I'm not sure.
Most are trickle down Dutch Jews who got kicked out of Portugal/Spain long prior.
>He IS the BEST president we have ever had.
this goy gets it
They killed him because he was going to reveal that the US had made contact with aliens and was going to have a joint mission with the USSR to their space capital on mars.
source: ancient aliens, unsealed: alien files
The left? Failure to learn or understand the significance of history. Gen Lee thought that the civil war (succession) was folly. He was brilliant he stuck with his state and in the end he chose not to fuck his country.
The actual civil war was a slow boil though. Took generations of muh economics and das raciss before it got here. They were literally fighting over the addition of new States as part of manifest destiny wether or not they were free soil or slave states in the scheme of balance of power and it took Kansas to finally shit the bed. Free soil vs slave state economies were based off what's best for my state and operated literally like political parties. Around that time there was an anti-mason party also. History a fun.
I'll give him one thing, he most certainly knows how to make the world interesting.Obama was boring as fuck.
Best episode ever was when they're talking about founding fathers and pilgrims alien ties and they use the belt buckle on their hat as proof of aliens. I sometimes wonder if I died suffocating from laughter that day and this is all a nightmare as my brain dies.
aren't the CIA pedo niggers that can't into field and other such man activities basically bronie fags?
is this some kind of a compensation?
isn't the coincidence tha most of the pedos are weak numale manlets that are cringe uggly outcast from the society.
is that the reason why most of the pedos are kikes like
wiener, podesta, polanski, epstein, sandusky, saville etc...
>publicly embarrass yourself
>double down
I love how he had to put in a specific number to make it look like he knew all along Jackson was dead. Surprised he didn't last the specific time of death.