Yuros trash American cusine

I understand there is alot of snobbery across the seas in regards to US Foods and the general American dining scene. Yuros and others are politically incorrect when it comes to their disdain for American success and as such, American dining establishments usually don't get the recognition they deserve. But that's complete crap.

It's time to recognize Waffle House and Chick-Fil-A globally for all they have achieved. Take Waffle House for example:
>Family of four sits down orders breakfast >served an incredible meal, quickly and with appropriate technique out of there
>for less than $30.00

Frankly I'm astounded and the level of bullshit Americans have to put up with abroad.

Please respect our restaurants and the hard work that goes into producing a warm and affordable meal.

Other urls found in this thread:


dude when i visited spain, KFC had a line out of the building for that shit.'

Euros are just salty, they fucking LOVE fast food like the niggers they are.


respect our restaurants but fuck the waffle house and most chains in general. The only good thing about most chain restaurants is they're consistently shitty, or mediocre.

but I agree with you. they all pretend they don't have shitty cheap food in their countries. the only difference is our shitty cheap food is more likely processed frozen shit most of the time.

>TFW live in Wyoming and don't have a Chick-fil-a

I can only say this :

The best meat-pie i have ever tasted, was made by an American cook here in Chapala Lake. Pretty cool guy by the way.

Its cause Yuros and other pawns actually think that fast food is American "Cuisine." Its not, its highly efficient food for the 'on the go.'

American cuisine is just as good as any other place especially Southern American dishes.

Fuck the euro

Pretty much. It's just typical Euro arrogance. Trashy American food is great and cheap and everyone likes it but they can't admit it.

cuisine is such a faggy word


This is just fucking lads being obnoxius cunts who can flavor a nice bucket of KFC. I like fast food, but i eat it seldomly, cuz diabetes and shiieet.

Also, i hear this Chick-A-Fill is good stuff, but never seeing it outside of the US. They are not as big as KFC, i suppose?

>go to russia
>Mcdonalds is a five star establishment

I mean compared to fucking ruskie apetite and robins dobins, I can see why lol, step your shit up euros.

Sorry, cant.

>go abroad
>eat trashy fast food

>tfw i got a chick fil a, whataburger, and five guys all within short driving distance
>tfw i can buy blue bell ice cream
>tfw in a short drive i can cross the border for authentic mexican food and produce




I grew up in Texas senpai and I miss that feeling. Nothing comes close to Blue bell.

user, unfornately the McDonalds here is kind of shitty, Burger King actually has better meat (which i heard is the opposite in the US) Plus, here i can order a burger and get home delivery, pretty cool desu (this was implemented WAY before the Uber delivery services and shit like that).

Burger circle jerk over burgers.

KFCs in europe are usually filled with muzzies

avant garde


I don't even know what to think anymore

All of your food is GMO poison, it's not even food. Same in Canada, that's main reason I'm moving to France come fall.

If you ever get the chance skip the tendies and go straight for the nugs

Problem yuropoor?

You're delusional. The reason why "American cuisine" is despised and critizised worldwide is because it's unhealthy and leads to obesity and various health problems. Your food is genetically modified, your drinking water contains excess fluoride, do I need to go on?

There is no "snobbery" or "individual americans" being shat on taking place. American food culture is the worlds worst and that's an irreputable fact.

Waffle House has decent food but it's a pretty fucking trashy place that attracts the worst of the low class bunch. I go in every now and then and get a double order of hashbrowns with cheese, ham, jalepenos, and onions but I always get it to go. The place is always full of stoners, meth heads, and people that look homeless.

Most Euros on here are poverty stricken orphans like Oliver Twist who have never even been to America.

we have the best cheap food and the best expensive food. Plus any region of cuisine you want. The rest of the world truly cannot compete. Whereas French food may have been the creme de la creme 100 years ago, they have been surpassed.

True innovation in cooking is happening every day in America. Europeans are lazy and don't innovate unless they are filthy rich and lavished as "artistes". Regular American chefs at mom and pop restaurants regularly create mouth watering dishes and things that have never been tried before.

We have been fusing food cultures since our ancestors started barbecuing hundreds of years ago. And like a good BBQ smoke, it takes time, but when it is ready, nothing can top it.

Depends what time you go in, if you go during the day it's mostly just truckers and elderly people and isn't bad. 3 am and it's pimps, hookers, serial killers, junkies and drunks.

You havent been to Europe otherwise you would realize what you are eating is not food. It's food-like products

It's sure better than eating dog dick every night like your average Canadian.

the best thing about this post is that it isn't ironic

Tell us about U.S. cuisine.

We do have the best world class food. Tops chefs from around the world open restaurants here. We probably have more world class European dining in L.A than Europe has in total because rich Europeans love to come and invest in America. Can't blame them, everybody wants to hang out with Chad the country.

Sorry Eurotrash.

fake news, only ever seen that on pol

Fuck off with your moon runes foreigner.


Had google not made it to your Village yet Ahmed?

If you can name one norwegian food that doesn't involve sausage, innards, or sausage made from innards I'll believe you

smoked shit and shit in vinegar doesn't count either

This thread is the definition of cringe.

your country is the definition of cringe

If it has to be googled to be seen then clearly I'm not seeing them in real life, which was exactly my point, they exist only in the digital realm.


That’s exactly what I mean. I bet you are jerking off right now into an star-spangxsdbv (?) banner.

This is not Sup Forums anymore.

probably fingering a dead eagle while he does it too.

To extend this thought:

Do you guys think we can fix Sup Forums by disabling country flags?

If we kept IDs, i would think it could be a improvement

>the american is fisting himself with a copy of the bill of rights as we speak

you would think that since you're a moorish heroin addict

>he doesn't blow a load every night into silk handkerchief printed with his country's constitution

why even keep going?

I remember when I was in Germany, they sold the McRib year round.

Sometimes they have it better than we do.

Foreign niggers don't know shit about cuisine.

Waffle House BEC sammich is delish yo, large order, well done, scattered and covered muh dude

Ah, forget about it. I just take a break from this shit. Don’t really know why I ever came back.

Jesus, I can almost feel my arteries clogging already. I'll pass on Chad: The Burger, thank you very much.


You know when someone on here is a black American civic nationalist when they use the terms "Europoor" or "Eurotrash" to describe white Europeans and the homeland of the white race.

That, and the fact that you can bet your house that the merryfat who wrote it has never travelled abroad.

food preferences are a social construct

See you tomorrow.

Same, you don't even realize that not everyone can get Blue Bell when you're that age.

This is the cringiest thread I've seen in a while. Why are Americans so insecure? Why do care about what we lowly "yuropoors" think about your cuisine? You seem to constantly seek our approval and validation. Eat/go/do whatever the fuck you want. We Europeans honestly couldn't give a single iota of a shit, how you people live your lives.

Literally who cares? Only poor people, fat people, and suburban and rural retards eat fast food with any regularity

Let's see........ass cancer-inducing red meat, plus fat, trans fats, salt, sugar and refined carbs.

Yup, that's textbook merryfat swill and the very reason your country is the most bloated on the planet.

Sadly it's common for Europeans to insult the United States when they come here. They do it more than everyone else combined.

When you travel abroad you behave as a guest in someone's house, but many Europeans of all people don't realize this.

Do the pyramids exist in the digital realm just because you personally haven't seen them?

Eating one right now. Stay jelly dundee

Average swede/German is just that

We have a taco made out of chicken

This is now an amerilard hate thread

le 56% faces better STFU

americans spend 300.000 $ to get degrees in pic related

You've clearly never gone to the Waffle House shitfaced at 3:00am. There is no better drunk food on the face of the earth. My dick is getting hard thinking about a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich with a double hashbrown scattered, smothered, covered, junked and topped.

americans are stupid subpar humanoids - some may look nordic or english or arab or asian or mediterranean, but deep down they're all niggers

Also check these protein stats, and you will know why we are the smartest and strongest

America is the best in the world. Europe deserves to burn


oh my my sides

Are you the greek that was showing her snatch last night

best in
2)race mixing
3)prisoners per capita
4)a wild nigger population
6)most jews in the world

etc etc
aka ur shit

speak english goy



I'm never leaving this country, but paco is

jokes on you white thrash acne faced limp dicked redditor

We also have the biggest cocks, with an AVERAGE of 9 GIRTHY inches

Americans think their Jew Run colony is some sort of a saviour of the world, meanwhile in real life they are pic related.
The sarcasm is, the stormcuck larpers who admire fuhrer so much are oblivious to the facts!MANY SUCH CASES! SAD

"Gaaavvee proof through the night, that our flag was still there!!!!!!"

Indeed you do, they seed the whitey women while you're out working 0800-2000 for 8-15$ an hour haha


Europeans are all manlets too

>More than half of the calories in his "meal" from fat
>Almost his entire daily intake of saturated fat
>More than half his daily intake of salt and cholesterol
>Vitamins and fibre in trace quantities

f-focus on the protein, ok? It meks me shmart.

Pay denbts

Its cause Yuros and other pawns actually think that shitting your pants is American "Hygiene." Its not, its a highly efficient habit for the 'on the go.'

a little stank is a small price to pay for upward mobility

waffle house is where drunks go to get a cheeseburger at 6am

waffle house = a warning sign alerting the outsider to the presence of niggers

He is, you just aren't well versed in our native tongue.

Can confirm the same shit happened in Tokyo when they opened a Taco Bell.

get on my level Yuros.

No one's going to bring up Q?
This is the best American food

that too.