Brit/pol/ - Strong and Stable Edition

>Brexit talks could collapse - Juncker walks out on May

>Theresa May hiding from public, no TV debates, lists public rally as "child's birthday"

>MPs ramp up anti-"fake news" campaign = war on free speech

>SNP election victory would mandate INDYREF2 in Scotland

>Farron softens 'hard-Bremain' policy to woo Brexiters

>'Brink of Bankruptcy' is election hyperbole

>Live GE2017 odds : Coalition of Chaos (CoC) @ 10/1

Other urls found in this thread:

go 2 bed

Vote Labour.

you said
>Go To Bread.

And what has the white race done to deserve to be saved?

And just who the fuck might you be?


Have sweet dreams lads, we irish will be invading you as you sleep tonight.

That's not strong or stable, lad. Time to put aside the rhetoric.

Does that mean that you're ready for the negotiation table?


>Eddy baby moo moo labour ledership gone bye bye your brother Milibilly Davey go cry cry.

Yeah, we need to be tuss enough

Start buying guns

The annual Tunnock’s Tea Cake Eating Contest will be held at MacGochan’s, Tobermory, at 21:45 hrs. on Thursday 8th. October 2017

The entry list is now open and applications for teams of two (one eater and one un-wrapper) should be sent to [email protected] stating that both members are over eighteen years of age, and giving a mobile telephone number and the connection with the rally (Competitor, service team, marshal, etc.). Entries will be dealt with on a first come, first accepted basis.

Lads I'm guaranteed a good job but it's in an extremely black part of London.

I really don't want to live around blacks. It's not even about fear of crime or anything I just hate their culture.


To the user writing Political slash fiction.
>Please carry on.

You are an idiot if you don't take the job.




>wanting to stay away from niggers
pick 1

Why not?

Assuming it's a very well-paying job then you won't really have to interact with them will you - just peer down from your crumbling ivory tower at the rampaging scum below.

Does Mummy pay for your Snacks?

Don't start me mates.

Your Tunnock has been lovingly caressed by an elderly Scottish woman.

I wish Anglos would go back to their cunning, ruthless ways and genocide all shitskins.

i'm cutting atm my man, no snacks for me, but usually yes she does

i miss millipede and his awkwardness

Too late now lad:

>Let's get this shitposting fiction party started.

Ed lad, why don't you join the New Labour inner ring?

Scottish Porn

We got a bit tired of it all.
Cow blood is a cheaper, if less delicious, replacement.

Good for you lad.
Good for you.

My days are past my friend.
I'm retired, let me rest.

Hoepefully one day Anglos thirst for shitskin blood once more.

Ah yes.



Aren't they really expensive

>unironically voting for a commie who wants to wipe you out

But Ed, I'm back now.
Don't you want to embrace me?
>I called you Brains.

>You don't know what the difference is.
>You deserve to taken to the coalface, lad.

Corbyn is a pro-white NazBol, m8

Communists on Strike

but i want an english rose who is pure like mummy i don't want a girl who speaks patois who has been with loads of black boys!


Corbyn doesn't give a fuck about white people, just look at his shag list for a start

Why is Mummy's Rumpy Lumpy?

With a shotgun certificate you could pick up 2nd hand shotguns for like £50-100

>Now, hang on Jeremy

>4 nogs behind him

Here's a view from the front

>Earn money.
>Good job.

This gets you the ability to enjoy London and find and choose from the buffet of bodies and minds on offer.

>English Roses aplenty.

i really wanna try a tunnock teacake or whatever they're called lads

someone describe the taste of one for me

Did he say inbred or in-bread?

He did that so you wouldn't have to.
>Takes one for the team.
>Has always been anti-EU.

Try a diet first lad.

its not a six figure salary its a 35k managerial position which is a good job for a runt like me



That is good.
Don't be a safe-space snowflake, get in there, earn your money, move-up with London Level links in your field and find your Mrs.

You should be grateful you're getting a good salary and a job.


>has always been anti-EU
Funny how he stood on the Remain side then.

>inb4 "h-he was just doing it to keep voters on-side"
Wow, a proper principled and honest bloke eh?

Mediocre chocolate, weak marshmallowy shit then a rather grim crumbly biscuit base. A true Scottish delicacy.

Eddy Lad, Look at me.
Right in me one eye.
don't listen to the him, the Murdoch's wife-shagging, neo-liberal Cunt.
>He tried to take you away from Meh.

>tfw the shadow chancellor speaks at a stalinist rally under soviet and assad regime flags

imagine the reaction if theresa may appeared at a nazi rally

Will you join me Gordon?
Should we fight together once more?

>muh based Corbyn

Fuck off newfags

>syria flag

Good lads

Cheeky Fuck. Don't you know your own history? For Fucks Sake even our Queen is Black!

>tfw downloading 20gb of literature
>tfw it's gonna take 3 hours but i want to go to sleep

>Funny how he stood on the Remain side then.

I know. So you'd want him to pave the way for the Blairites to elect a semi-charismatic leader?

Think about it, you granny-farthing.

if you were anti-EU all your life, had seen your party being BTFO by Neo-Liberals who controlled everything and had managed to disrupt things a little bit, but your party was pro-EU and you'd only just removed the Blairites but they clung onto the machine of the party, and the new membership had voted you as leader,

what would you do lad?

A vote against Corbyn is a vote for the Establishment.
You know this lad.

Nah fuck you and all ya mingy twathead oldfag,



You're going to get Diana'd for this

Ello elllo ello, what's goin on here?
Eddy are you conspiring with Browny against our St. Tony ?

I love how he keeps promising a million of everything.

>need a home?
Have a million.

>need a job?
Have a million.

>need a refugee?
Have a million.

Fuck you, commie no neck man.
>I am the original Neckless fat bastard.

We already had 2 rounds of QE that went to:
>The bankers
>Buy-To-Let shysters and the Housing bubble.

So any QE for investment is fine as long as it goes to Tory donors.


which torrent ?

any decent DHT scrapers since BTdigg shut?


I-I-I-I'm not doing anything sir.

Not torrent mate, just popped in to a "anyone got red pilled literature" thread and some based white Brazillion lad dropped some MEGA links. You want the links?


Yes please.

Grab your Balls and fight this Terrifying Tony and mucky Mandy.
Also, make sure you fuck the Daily Mail.

You're honestly deluded mate, there are no more attempts at reasoning to be had

Voting for corbyn cuz I can't vote for DUP

Uses a Theresa May picture saying "Growing Stronger"
Second headline caption is
>Theresa May hiding from public

Things that should never be combined; Old Women and Politics.

Good lecture talk. Cheers for the link.

You haven't once told me what he should have done?

Yes sir, you can trust me!
It'll be a-okay.

I know, it's hilarious. You can just tell he plucks those figures fresh out of his arse crack.

What do you guys think of this picture